Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums


Hello, everyone!
This feels like a Wedding 911 just as much as a hair and beauty thing.

So I'm 33 days out from the wedding (and still have a lot to do yikes).  I'm DIYing my makeup and intended to DIY my hair.

However, something is wrong.
I don't know what it is and I'll be seeing a doctor about it ASAP, but it does me no good for the wedding--my hair is falling out.
(Joyous joyous days--I cried for a while.)
I have 3 known, visible bald spots on the crown/towards the forehead.

Natural hair for the wedding is out.

I'm researching wig options and will likely keep it to a brown color similar to my own, but I was wondering:

1) Have any of you worn a wig for your wedding/will you?
2) Any recommendations for an online shop?  

I've worn wigs a few times but never for something so important as this, and I've never had to style them.

Re: Wigs?

  • hoppytogether I am so sorry for this happening - I have been super stressed and my hair flat out stopped growing - so I ordered clip in hair extensions for the day of. 

    I am sorry I cannot give you advice on wigs - but I do know of some people that have these issues that go to the professionals at the salon - and they put in weaves or extensions of some sort and can totally fill it all in - 

    This may be a better option - if you will be dancing and such - will the wig shift? 
  • Two things: please go visit a doctor right away, a hormonal imbalance can be to blame and the doctor may be able to help

    Visit a hairdresser, they may be able to help with extensions and styles for your wedding without a full-out wig which will be very hot.
  • I agree about a wig being too hot. I had one made of my own hair before my hair started falling out due to chemotherapy. It was expensive and I only ended up wearing a handful of times because of the heat problem. Had my hair not fallen out completely, I would have done hair extensions. In fact, I'm thinking of having them done soon because my hair is now long enough to support them.


  • CMGragainCMGragain member
    10000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited June 2015
    I agree about a wig being too hot. I had one made of my own hair before my hair started falling out due to chemotherapy. It was expensive and I only ended up wearing a handful of times because of the heat problem. Had my hair not fallen out completely, I would have done hair extensions. In fact, I'm thinking of having them done soon because my hair is now long enough to support them.
    Yay!  Glad your hair is coming back in!  Now if I could just get my eyelashes back.  Sigh!  That won't happen.

    OP, I would try to avoid a wig.  I am in the cancer recovery club with Jells, and I grew to hate the damn things.  A professional stylist could style your hair to cover your bald patches.
  • hoppytogether I'm so glad I saw this post, I was considering posting because the same thing happened to me. I finally got into seeing the dermatologist yesterday and he said it's a fairly common condition caused by stress. It's called alopecia areata. He gave me a shot of cortisone in the spot on my head and said that will make the hair grow back but it'll take 6 weeks to start seeing results and when it comes back it will be thin and white. He did say it was fine to dye the thin hair though. Unfortunately this might not help for your wedding since it's so close but it will help long term. He also said that sunlight can help regenerate regrowth so he recommended not covering that area for a few weeks when I'm in the sun.

    Dermatologists tend to have a long wait time but I found that seeing my physician turned the 6 month wait into a 3 week wait. I'm so sorry this won't be in time for your wedding but I really think a stylist will be able to do something so your spots wont be noticed. I've found that mine can be mostly hidden by moving my part a bit, I've been french braiding a lot lately since it actually covers the spot completely. I totally feel what you're going through I was crying when I found my spot too and my fiance just thinks I'm overreacting. The timing just sucks but I guess if it's stress related then the time right before a wedding kind of makes sense. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm a hair stylist as well as a bride to be. I agree with the previous comments but would like to offer a few tips: 1. A quick and easy way to Camoflage your patche's is to apply eye shadow to them in a color that matches your hair. This will make them much easier to disguise. 2. If you still have a fair amount of hair left, you should still be able to work with your stylist to hide them in the style without a wig. I recommend clip in extensions for the big day. More permanent extensions can put stress on the hair roots and may exacerbate the problem and cause you to lose more hair. 3. If you don't feel like you have enough natural hair for the above options, try to find a stylist that specializes in wigs or hair loss. One of my colleagues does this and I am always amazed at the range of options and inventive solutions he provides his clients 4. Out of the box thinking: what about switching up to a juliet style veil that covers the top of the head, or a look with a lot of hair accessories? Hope this helps!
  • Knottie1429913298 thank you so much for the suggestion of eye-shadow, I never thought of that but it totally makes sense! I'm going to try that on a regular basis until my hair starts growing back and hopefully that will make me less self conscious since I wont have to constantly worry about my hair shifting and the bald spot showing. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Instead of a wig, you might look into what's called a "top piece." It's not a full wig, but it sits up at the crown to camouflage thinning. It can be cut by a stylist to blend in with your natural hair. I'm also a hairdresser and I've worked with them quite a bit. In the summertime, they're less heat-generating than wigs are.
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