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Whatever Wednesday


Re: Whatever Wednesday

  • @jenjen047 @twodimes I do still want to say something to him and try to get a refund. I just need to figure out what to say. I usually go to my mom for advice on this stuff lol. I don't want to be a push over about it but I don't want to seem like a total bitch. 

    I tried to attach one photo but I don't think it's working :(

  • Oh, right, about me. 

    Last night I made the fontina & basil grilled cheese sandwiches from Blue Apron, and HOT DAMN. They were so effing delicious. 

    I had a really bad headache all day, no matter how much water I drank, so I pretty much just laid on the couch all night. 

    Tonight, I'll make another BA meal (not sure which one yet), and then my friends from Atlanta will be here!! They're staying with us tonight, and then tomorrow we'll go to dinner with them. I'm so excited - I haven't seen them in a couple years. They're making their bi-annual road trip through the Northeast. 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @GoldenPenguin - Of course OITNB is better as a show! They can make stuff up! I liked that Piper Kerman's memoir reflected more of the actual behaviors in women's prisons. There is a lot of stuff in the show that definitely would not fly in an actual prison (obviously).

    My friend tried to convince me that OITNB was stolen from a British show about a women's prison. He's arguing with me, like "No! The British one came out first!"..... I then told him, "No, there is a memoir, written by an ACTUAL person named Piper Kerman, that came out before the show. Pretty sure that ends this conversation." haha

  • @speakeasy14 - Your outfit looks great! I see what you did there. Thank you! ;) Plus you're just straight up adorable.

  • @cu97tiger - That's exactly how I felt about Amy Poehler's book. I think I even liked it a little more because I listened to the audiobook and it was read by her. And you're, like, really pretty. 

    @lavenderfields13 - Whoa that sucks about the top from SF. I've heard really good things about their customer service so I hope they do something for you. 

  • @goldenpenguin @minskat30 - thank you!

    @goldenpenguin - i typically only read "chick lit" type novels. that book sounds serious....also ive had a headache since sunday morning that WONT go away. i drink 80 oz of water a day and 1 cup of coffee. what's the deal???

    @minskat30 - good for you with spinning! my butt hurts so bad whenever i do it! i heard if you power through and keep going you get used to it.

    soooo Save the Date update....i approved our proof and asked the lady about the addressing service the listing mentioned. i wanted to know if that was recipient, return, or both. she tells me its only for postcards and not the flat card i ordered. shit. so i replied to ask if i can cancel my order because i don't really want to use labels for recipient addresses. hopefully i can cancel and get a refund because shes only made a proof thus far. AND she should really clarify the wording on her listing. here's what it says:

    The double-sided postcard costs an additional $20. Printed addresses require your mailing list and costs an additional $0.79 per print.

    now that i know i can see how it would be referring to postcards, but it wasn't at all clear to me before. 
  • @alpacina - FI does this all the time. claims shows are actually rip offs of British versions. i usually go on wikipdia to prove him right or wrong. usually hes wrong. 
  • @jenjen047 ugh that is frustrating. Can you get a postcard with the same image as the flat card?

  • bethsmilesbethsmiles member
    10000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited July 2015
    @GoldenPenguin - Colorado is the best! I'd love to give you some recommendations for what to see/do :)

    ETA: @jenjen047 - I don't think I would've made the connection that addressing was only for postcards either, that's a bummer.

  • @speakeasy14 - yes but i dont want to send a postcard. 
  • @jenjen047 - Why don't you want to use labels for the STDs?

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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • Morning, ladies!  This is going to be a P&R, because I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything ready.

    Yesterday was an awesome day...I had a hair appointment in the morning and got my hair done with my lady for the last time.  I've only been going to her for a little less than a year, but I'm really sorry to leave, because it's always an incredible experience and it always turns out well (pic below).  Then I met up with @CocoBellaF for mani/pedis and it was awesome.  (And she's right, after this post I'll probably disappear for a few weeks until I'm all settled in my new place!)

    Today is my last free day to prep for things.  Smudge is going to the groomer for her last haircut before we leave, and then I'll run around doing errands like a crazy person.  Tomorrow morning I pick up the truck and go pick up some of my new furniture from the store, then come back to the house and load it up the rest of the way.  Then on Friday morning, we leave!  (We being my BFF and myself and the dog.)

    I'd appreciate some T&P - I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety and panic relating to the move and I just need some good vibes headed my way.  Hopefully soon I'll be thinking of it as exciting instead of panic-inducing.
  • Thank you everyone for the test vibes.  
    @cu97tiger  @goldenpenguin avocado is a good size, her nickname this week has been Baby Guac...
    @speakeasy I just wanted someone to make a pink cake with fudge filling.  Luckily the bakery that made our wedding cake is willing to do it.  They are about an hour away but at least we know the quality will be good.  


  • @jenjen047 - I wouldn't trust myself to argue against that unless I knew for sure. There are many shows I love that started as British shows! I mean, I had a been a loyal fan of The Office for probably 3-4 years before I knew about the British version. And people think House of Cards is Netflix's original idea, even though it was a book AND a British series first.

    Many many great things have come out of Great Britain....... Particularly music, though....... Namely Queen. And Freddie.


  • @AlPacina Young kids get a kick out of it, and I love hearing things about my parents {or grandparents} realizing that they got up to things before they became a parent/grandparent!

    @TwoDimes oh I'm sure it will change! 80's are reasonable, right?

    @jenna8984 I still have a closet that we've decided to tackle after the wedding {since it's mostly HIS paperwork that he's pack ratted away ...}
  • @cu97tiger @twodimes - just a personal preference on the labels.

    also @twodimes - i re-checked TK and Martha Stewart on timing. TK says 4-6 months, Martha says 3-4 months, so i feel less time pressure. i still want to have them out ASAP, but i don't feel like it will be an etiquette breach if people receive them in early August. 
  • @peaseblossom55 that isn't a difficult request at all, I'm surprised they couldn't do it. 

    @jenjen047 I really wouldn't stress over the STD's  If that is the image you love, I would get that and just do the labels. The envelope gets thrown away anyway. 

    @futuremrshistorian lots of T&P.  Moving to a new location is always intimidating, but just focus on how much fun you'll have and the new awesome job! Good luck with the move, and make sure to AW everything once you're settled in!

  • @Swazzle SF already got back to me- they apologized and sent me a return label and they're refunding me for the shirt since they don't have another one in stock. I'm bummed because I really liked it but I'm very happy with my customer service experience. Looks like it's time to order a new fix now since I'm getting my money back from my first one!

    @cu97tiger You're absolutely right. In some situations it's very easy for me to be direct, bitchy, whatever and with some people I'm the total opposite. I don't know what it is. I need to come up with an refund amount that seems reasonable. I was thinking I should ask for at least $500. We paid $2000 total (e-pics included) for 9 hours for 2 people - we thought we were getting him and an assistant but got 2 assistants. He also showed up late when he did our e-pics too which I'm still pissed about so we lost time with those plus about an hour lost on the day of the wedding waiting for him to show up because his assistants wouldn't tell us he actually wasn't coming. Anyone else think $500 is reasonable? 

  • cu97tigercu97tiger member
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited July 2015
    @cu97tiger You're absolutely right. In some situations it's very easy for me to be direct, bitchy, whatever and with some people I'm the total opposite. I don't know what it is. I need to come up with an refund amount that seems reasonable. I was thinking I should ask for at least $500. We paid $2000 total (e-pics included) for 9 hours for 2 people - we thought we were getting him and an assistant but got 2 assistants. He also showed up late when he did our e-pics too which I'm still pissed about so we lost time with those plus about an hour lost on the day of the wedding waiting for him to show up because his assistants wouldn't tell us he actually wasn't coming. Anyone else think $500 is reasonable? 
    If you want $500, I would start by asking for $1,000 back. Is there anywhere in the contract or in your email communication with him that said HE would be the one taking the pictures?
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @lavenderfields13 I think that is a fair refund amount to ask for. Also, that's good that SF is going to refund you. Stinks because you liked it a lot but good customer service!



  • Has anyone ever done the shaved hair thing? The other night there was a girl sitting at the restaurant table in front of me and I was obsessed with her hair, like total lady crush on this girl. It looked kind of like Miley (pic attached) and I have seen that a million times on Miley without any thought but for some reason this girl made it look amazing. I have always had long hair, I think it would be so neat to feel what it's like to just "wash n go". But then I don't think I have the guts to actually do it, I look in the mirror and think it would never look good on me. So has anyone here done it??




  • @jenna8984 - I've never done the side shave thing but last year, over the course of a month, I went from this: 


    To this: 


    To this:


    I was terrified but I loved it SO much and I miss it a lot since my hair's grown out quite a bit since then. 

    I think you should go for it. If you absolutely hate it, there are plenty of accessories out there to cover it up and it'll grow back! 

  • @jenna8984 - Sonya from SYTYCD has my favorite shaved hair of all time. I wish I was gutsy enough to shave one side of it off. She does so many cool and crazy things with it!


    The best I've done is a super duper short 1-2 inch long haircut that I'd style into a faux hawk as it grew out. Getting ready in the morning was AMAZING. A tiny squirt of shampoo, and 30 seconds of blow drying.

  • @jenna8984 I have been wanting to shave my sides for EVER but BF hates that look and even though I am not one to do what ANYONE wants me to do I just can't bring myself to do it if he won't love it. Maybe someday he'll suddenly think "sexy badass" and I'll finally take the plunge lol
  • @lavenderfields13 - i think $500 is more than reasonable. and i agree with you about being able to be bitchy with some people and not with others. 

    @twodimes - i disagree with Martha too. 

    @speakeasy14 - i may end up doing labels when all is said and done. i just want to know all my options first. 
  • also @lavenderfields13 - is this photographer the one you PMed me about? 

    @swazzle - good for you! i always want to try things with my hair but i never do because im too scared. i might cut off a few inches here or there but that's it. boring. i even get nervous to pick non-neutral nail colors for my fingers (toes are no problem) because im afraid of hating it (though right now im sporting this color and proud of myself!) . im weird.
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