Wedding Recap and Withdrawal

Marriage Research Study, Earn Money!

The Austin Marriage Project is a series of long-term research studies aimed at understanding how couples grow and change during their early years of marriage at the University of Texas at Austin.

Couples who participate in our new study will be contacted five times over 2 and 1/2 years. Each of these contacts will be about seven months apart. For two of these contacts, couples will simply be asked to fill out a few questionnaires through the mail. For the remaining three contacts, couples will be asked to come to our research labs on campus (we pay for parking!) and be interviewed by our staff. For their time, couples can receive up to $445 for participating!

Are we eligible? 

  1. 1.Were you or are you going to be married between August 2009 and mid July 2010?
  2. 2. Is it both partners' 1st marriage?
  3. 3. Are both partners over 18?
  4. 4. Have both partners completed at least the 10th grade?
  5. 5. Can both partners converse easily in English?
  6. 6. Do you have any children?
  7. 7. Do you have any plans to move out of the greater Austin area anytime soon?

If you answered YES to questions 1-5 and NO to question 6 & 7, then,

YES! You are eligible to participate in our study. Please contact us immediately at 512-475-7504 or at! 

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