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It's Friday


Re: It's Friday

  • @lavenderfields13 omg your pictures are gorgeous!!!!!!!

    @casey1219 I think your gut instinct was right on this one. Better to be safe than sorry, so don't feel bad! I'm glad you are okay!

    1)  What are you wearing today? Nice jeans, a black tank top from Banana Republic, and a teal blazer.

    2)  What are you eating today? Broccoli Cheddar Soup for Lunch. FI and I started Keto last week and I made this the other night, and it is amazeballs. I'm super excited for it. For dinner, I am going out to a local restaurant/brewery with my planning board committee members and will probably order a salad. No beer for me unfortunately :(. But other alcohols are okay in moderation on this diet. 

    3)  Are there any movies out that you want to go see? Minions and I have heard that Inside Out is really good. 

    4)  What's the last concert or show that you went to? FI and I went to see Postmodern Jukebox a few months ago. That was a fun show! We asked our DJ to play some of their music during our cocktail hour.

    5)  If you could go anywhere in the world right this second and the whole trip was paid for, where would you go? Somewhere with a world class spa, an ocean view, and a hot tub where I could sip cocktails. I don't care where it is as long as it is luxurious and relaxing. 

    6)  How do you feel about 'Earth's bigger, older cousin' that was just discovered? I am really excited about the possibility of life on it. I'm really into space, and think this is an amazing discovery. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was younger; it is what motivated me to become an engineer!

    7)  If you could come back as any animal in your next life, what would it be? Probably a wolf or a dolphin. Those are my two favorite animals. 

    8)  What is your dream job? I really don't know. I'm trying to figure that out currently. But I did email the wedding planner I met this past weekend asking to shadow her. Fingers crossed!

    9)  How has the month of July been for you so far? It's been a rollercoaster of emotions. Stressing out over if I was going to get a pink slip the next day, trying to figure out my career, dealing with the possibility of not being able to afford our wedding and/or having to move to a different city, and stressing out over finishing my project at work. But we got free furniture to furnish our guest room and office, so that was a nice surprise.  

    10)  What are you looking forward to in the month of August? Having FH's family come to visit us, and having one of my best friends come to visit as well. Oh, and wedding dress shopping! One of the stores out here is having a trunk show for a designer that I really like when my best friend will be here, so I set up an appointment so I don't have to go alone! :)

  • Swazzle said:
    I am SO bored and I still have 2 hours of work left. 

    only half hr left for me but I walked in the door not wanting to work also.
    {even my boss said "yup, I have zero motivation to do anything today!" soooo there's that}
  • AuroraRose41AuroraRose41 member
    Ninth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited July 2015
    Ugh I just need to vent/rant. I feel I bring the mood of this board down everytime I post lately, and it isn't my intention. It's just that you are all so wonderful and I can't really talk about this anywhere else apart from to FI. 

    One of my coworkers has been driving me crazy lately, and I was in tears over what he said to me this morning.

    He was in charge of putting together a document to send to our supplier. He emailed the team asking us to fill out an Excel sheet with the data he needed. I sent that back to him. He said he had everything he needed from me. I thought all was well. 

    On Wednesday, he blindsided me in a meeting in front of my entire team and our manager. He presents a slideshow with schematics of my specific part of the project. The schematics were wrong. My manager asks why the schematics are wrong, and coworker blames me that they are wrong because I didn't do my job. I retorted back that we communicated that he had what he needed from me. He kept trying to argue about me not doing my job. Our manager even argued with him a bit in my defense, as the thing that was wrong in the schematics was decided on in a meeting with the 3 of us present and in reiterated in multiple email threads with all of us attached, so coworker knew what needed to be done. Our manager resolved it by asking me to email everyone again to confirm the design, and him to fix the schematic. I emailed everyone and we confirmed the design with everyone attached. Again, I thought all was well. 

    Coworker IM's me this morning, again accusing me of not doing my job, saying that it took him 3 hours to do this when I should have done it (despite our manager asking HIM to do it!), told me that I need to "pay more attention" and should have chased him down to figure out what he needed from me, and told me I wasn't being a team player. 

    The icing on the cake of this whole thing is that, even if he had told me that he needed these schematics for this document, guess what? I didn't have them, they weren't in any of our shared folders for the project, and I would have had to email him to send them right back to him!!!!!!!!!! The schematics are the same from a project that he previously was in charge of this particular circuit. He was literally the ONLY PERSON that had them. 

    And, if all of this wasn't enough, the cherry on top of the icing is that he tried to throw me under the bus when blindsiding me in a meeting 10 effing minutes after a huge layoff was announced that will be based on performance reviews in August!!!!!!!!!!

    I want to scream and punch things and have zero motivation to continue working today. The only saving grace I have is that I found a pretty big mistake that he made in a program (that he was entirely responsible for) last night, so that's making me feel better. 

    ETA: TL; DR: Coworker blindsides me in meeting, accuses me of not doing my job because he made a mistake in something I didn't know he needed, he was the only person who had the necessary documents to begin with and I would have had to send them right back to him, and accuses me of not being a team player for not chasing him down to make sure he is doing his job correctly, all right after a massive layoff was announced this week. 

  • @AuroraRose41 Ugh, jerky coworkers are the WORST. I hope things get better. It's difficult to maintain any motivation to work when you have to deal with people like that.
  • @AuroraRose41 - I used to work with a guy like that. Ugh, he was the worst! I'm sorry you have to deal with him. Hopefully your boss can see through his crap.

  • AuroraRose41AuroraRose41 member
    Ninth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited July 2015
    @casey1219 thanks. Unfortunately it looks like things are going to get much, much worse before they get better. There are even some talks of this being the end of the company potentially, and this is only the first round of many layoffs. FI seems to think this coworker is threatened by me and is trying to get me laid off before he gets laid off, so he is purposefully doing things like this. He also would not answer my questions about this when I was first assigned this project despite the fact that he is the only person who knew anything about it. 

    But then he talks about how teamwork is important...

    ETA: Gif to explain my feelings on the "teamwork" thing:

  • speakeasy14speakeasy14 member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited July 2015
    @AuroraRose41 your coworker sounds like a real gem. Try to not let him get to you.

    Eta on mobile and autocorrect is a sneaky devil
  • I'm a zillion days late but have to say @lavenderfields13 I know your photog gave you hell but holy crap these pics are STUNNING!!!
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