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Thirsty Thursday

labrolabro member
5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
edited July 2015 in Not Engaged Yet
That's what it was in college anyway. I'm not sure I'm thirsty today, I've had all the wine I could drink over the last few days!!

Wow! I've been catching up on everyone's posts and it sounds like you've all had so much going on!! Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes! It truly was the best birthday I've had so far! H and I slept in a bit, then went for a walk on Seneca Lake and in the town of Geneva. I had the most delicious ice cream call Maine Black Bear - basically vanilla with streaks of raspberry and raspberry jam filled chocolate chunks. It had my name all over it! And then we started hitting up the wineries before I had a delicious dinner at a little local tavern in town.

I wish I was still on vacation. Everything was fun, everything was beautiful. My favorite part was probably the Finger Lakes but the wedding in Alexandria Bay we attended was also gorgeous. On Sunday I got to meet @beanbot2002, @GoldenPenguin, and @Swazzle and they are the best, most beautiful ladies ever!!!! GoldenPenguin made the most amazing pasta salad and her H grilled us burgers and dogs for dinner. I got to get ALL the Violet snuggles and had conversations with her. She is such a sweet and loving golden, GoldenPenguin is so lucky to have her. We also played the most epic game of Telestrations. We had one picture that started as a pearl drop necklace....turned into an actual pearl necklace (if you know what I mean) that then became titty fucking. It was the most fucking hilarious thing ever. I came soooo close to peeing my pants over that one. I hope I get to see all of them again soon! It was so hard to just say goodbye!

What are you thirsty for this morning?

What will you be thirsty for tonight?

How many drinks does it take of wine/beer/hard liquor before you start to feel drunk?

If you could send me all the wine, would you? ;)


Re: Thirsty Thursday

  • @labro I missed you! I'm so jealous of your trip and getting to meet all those ladies! Golden birthdays are the best!

    So we had to cancel our trip to the other day care we planned to see yesterday because my in laws showed up a couple days early. Luckily they aren't staying with us anymore but they brought a bunch of fresh peaches and tomatoes with them from their local farmer's Market so I'm going to noms on some peaches this week. We will probably end up visiting the other day care next week when we get more time.

    We still have company staying with us this weekend so tonight I have to clean the house from the layer of dog hair that's covering it and wash all the bed sheets. Luckily it's only friends of DH that are staying with us so they won't mind if the house isn't completely perfect.

    What are you thirsty for this morning?
    I've been craving juice! I craved juice during my first trimester and now I'm craving it again...especially orange, apple, or grape juice.
    What will you be thirsty for tonight?
    Probably more juice lol.
    How many drinks does it take of wine/beer/hard liquor before you start to feel drunk?
    I would say 3 full glasses of wine gets me started on the tipsy level. Now after not drinking for 7 will probably only take a couple small glasses. Beer could take forever depending on the type of beer and hard liquor...maybe 1-2 drinks.
    If you could send me all the wine, would you?
    Only if I could drink it with you.
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @southernpeach89 Ugh, that's so stressful! Gotta love guests showing up early! I had a dream the other night that we had your shower and I was completely unprepared! I was serving warm beer because it wasn't chilled, I didn't have any food ready, nothing! People were standing around bored and I knew they were thinking about leaving early.

  • @labro LOL! Mom said she had a similar dream earlier last week about the shower she is throwing and I told her that it's good that you have those nightmares because then it means that everything is going to go great!
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @Swazzle I guess I could share with you! But only if you promise I get to meet Lucy someday! Your dinner last night sounds incredible!

    @southernpeach89 I'm glad someone else is having these dreams! They are so stressful and I feel like such a failure!

  • @Swazzle Shrimp risotto sounds perfect!!! I want that! 
  • @LaBro - It sounds like you had a faaaabulous trip.  And I need that ice cream in my belly, NOW.  It sounds delicious.  I love choc + raspberry, so it's right up my alley.

    @southernpeach89 - I'm out of my farmer's market peaches.  We are going again a week from tomorrow to get another zillion pounds of fresh peaches.  All the noms.

    @Swazzle - That mousse sounds really good!!  Your Blue Apron also sounds great except for the curry...  curry makes me puke.  Every time.  EVERY time.

    I am dreading today.  I have my first Mean Project Manager meeting at my new job.  :(  It is in less than 2 hours.  Basically, this dude hasn't done diddly squat on his project in months and we've got a hard external deadline.  It's a big deal because it has to do with the radars that keep the flying public safe in the USA, and our part is a small portion of a larger program, so we can't miss our deadlines.  Dread dread dread this meeting, but my boss said it's gotta happen.  WAH.

    I put lavender on my feet at bed last night and konked out.  It was absolutely glorious.  And  yesterday afternoon I came home from work, made some homemade marinara and plunked in a bag of meatballs and let it simmer for an hour.  Boiled some spinach noodles, and VOILA the best dinner evah.  Then I took a bath, surprised H with some bow-chicka-wow-wow, and went to bed by 8:00 or 8:30.  I love going to bed early.

    What are you thirsty for this morning?
    All the coffee.  And maybe some raspberry ginger ale.  That sounds good.

    What will you be thirsty for tonight?
    After this meeting I'll probably be thirsty for something a little stronger than ginger ale.

    How many drinks does it take of wine/beer/hard liquor before you start to feel drunk?
    Maybe a glass?  There's a reason I don't really drink!  :)

    If you could send me all the wine, would you? ;)
    Of course!
  • @cocobellaf - H does not like curry so I am not telling him there is curry involved in anything. I'm hoping it's so little that he won't smell it while I'm cooking. Good luck with your meeting! 

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @CocoBellaF @Swazzle I will eat your curry/Mr. Swazzle's curry portion for you!!!! I LOVE curry!

  • @
    that vacation sounds glorious! glad you had a good birthday!!

    @southernpeach89 - surprise guests are no fun! But if they bring delicious fruit I guess it's ok.

    @CocoBellaF - I've never heard of putting lavender on your feet. Interesting. I wanted to go to bed early but it didn't happen.

    Last night I went for a run. It is so hot here, I was sweating everywhere. Literally my ears were sweating. After my run I was severely under my calorie goals so I got chipotle delivered and ate it in bed while watching real housewives. If that's not perfection, I don't know what is.

    I started looking into photographers a little. Will try to do more this weekend so we can get something booked soon. Thankfully there are some I really like in our price range!

    I am so ready for this week to be over. I need a weekend at home to relax and recharge and get my life in order. I feel a bit like a chicken with its head cut off. Last weekend we were at the cape but it ended up being less than relaxing. This weekend I have zero plans except a pedicure and a surprise bday party for my aunt on Sunday night. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that FI is off work Saturday so we can get our couples massage that I so badly need and we have been trying to schedule since May!

    What are you thirsty for?
    I am a little dehydrated so right now just water.

    What will you be thirsty for later?
    I really only drink water or coffee these probably just more water. BORING!

    How many drinks to get drunk? It depends. Usually 3-4 bud lights or glasses of wine will give me a buzz. I don't drink hard alcohol that often.

    Will I give @labro all the wine? Of course! Coming back from vacation requires alcohol.
  • @minskat30 DH and I always joke that we could make another small dog out of all the hair that Maddux sheds around the house. It's so awful.
  • @jenna8984 - Yeah....ours is WAY worse than that.  Considering our dog alone eats around $150 a month (he goes through two large bags of dog food (at least) a month, supplements, some treats (minimal) plus lots of chicken).  H and I used to eat out a lot too for a nice its down to maybe 1-2 times a month for a nice dinner but it all adds up. It doesn't help that food is getting more and more expensive.  
  • It's been one of those mornings where I was running late and everything seemed to go to continue to make me late.  It was a bit frustrating.  I hope the day gets better.  I'm trying to get H to plan a mini getaway for a few days for September.  He vetoed Boston, I'm not sure why.  I'm starting to feel better mood wise about studying and keeping motivated.  It's pretty hard though.  I'm ready for the weekend.  I need some time to rest and relax and I'm really looking forward to seeing Book of Mormon on Sunday. 

    What are you thirsty for this morning? I'd love some red wine right about now, or some Prosecco.

    What will you be thirsty for tonight? Water mostly and maybe some sweet tea.

    How many drinks does it take of wine/beer/hard liquor before you start to feel drunk?
    It really depends.  What I'm drinking, how much and in what time period.  I haven't had a drink since the Bahamas in March....
    If you could send me all the wine, would you.  Yes especially since I'm not drinking any right now.


  • @minskat30 holy crap what kind of dog is it? I currently spend about $20 a month on cat food & litter combined. We plan to get a dog soon though (lab). And yes to groceries getting more expensive. I am always bitching "Since when are eggs $3 a dozen?! They used to be $1" and DH laughs at me and says "Well it's not 2005 anymore...". I'm constantly comparing my bills to what they were in college like cable/ internet $150 a month, used to be $90 a month. I hate facing the facts that it will never be that cheap again.



  • cu97tigercu97tiger member
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited July 2015
    @labro - I'm so glad you had a great vacation. I want to hear all about your time in the 1000 Islands!

    I had a great workout this morning, so I'm feeling good today. Though I said 'fuck it' to washing my hair. I hope no one notices that it's a greasy mess.

    Today and tomorrow (and the next few weeks) at work are going to be busy. One of my employees resigned and his last day is tomorrow. I'm covering for some of his shows, so I'll be knee-deep in that, while also interviewing, hiring, and training someone to be his replacement. I am working on feeling energized by these challenges instead of dreading them.

    What are you thirsty for this morning?
    Coke. Coke. Coke. I think about it almost constantly.

    What will you be thirsty for tonight?
    Wine. Or maybe a cider beer.

    How many drinks does it take of wine/beer/hard liquor before you start to feel drunk?
    2 glasses of wine or 3 beers.

    If you could send me all the wine, would you? 
    Hell yeah, you're the
    ETA: I would definitely keep 2-35 bottles for myself, though.
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    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @labro - Your vacation sounds awesome! Also, I love telestrations! It's always hilarious!

    @CocoBellaF - I hope your meeting goes okay, does not sound fun though.

    I'm back at work today, but I'm a lot less miserable about it knowing that I'll be part-time or even quitting altogether soon. My manager is in meetings the rest of the week so talking to him before Monday isn't really an option. As much as I'd like to give him more notice I'm also worried about how my co-worker will react. She can be a real bitch sometimes and she won't be happy about this.

    What are you thirsty for this morning? I wish I had stopped for iced coffee on the way into work this morning. There's this great little coffee shop across the corner and they have this amazing drink (I can never remember what it's called) but I'm sure it's a million calories.

    What will you be thirsty for tonight? 

    How many drinks does it take of wine/beer/hard liquor before you start to feel drunk? Depends on how fast I'm drinking them but I'd say around 6 drinks in is when I start to get tipsy. If I'm PMSing though it really only takes 2 or 3, don't know why.

    If you could send me all the wine, would you? You can have all the white and I'll keep the red :)

  • @minskat30 omg SO cute!!!!!!



  • What are you thirsty for this morning?
    Coffee. All the coffee.

    What will you be thirsty for tonight?
    Probably still coffee lol

    How many drinks does it take of wine/beer/hard liquor before you start to feel drunk?
    Literally like 2 lol I don't drink often and I'm tiny so a little goes a long way

    If you could send me all the wine, would you? ;)
    I'll send you half the wine cause I can't drink it all by myself :)

    I am in kind of a shitty mood today. All my coworkers are having too much fun and it's annoying, and I have a weird shift today that isn't giving me time to do much at all afterwards. I don't have a day off this week because I need money so I can't really relax tomorrow or during the weekend either. I have BF's brothers 30th bday party on Saturday after work and then I'm working early Sunday. So I'm just meh. And there's a little work drama going on that I want no part of and its like seeping into my day so that sucks. Maybe I do need a drink after all :tongue:
  • @swazzle I love Indian food. Especially a spicy curry. I looked at the menu for BA in a couple weeks and it has an Indian dish...can't wait. I'm getting my first delivery on Tuesday and I'm so excited!

    @jenna8984 I hate how expensive cable has gotten. We used to pay $150 but it jumped to $190 and every time I call no one is willing to give me a discount. It may be time to switch to Verizon or something else.

    @jenjen047 I feel like I can't go anywhere with this heat. It makes me so irritated. But you deserve a pat on the back for running in it, that's dedication.

    @labro Glad you had such an awesome vacation and birthday!

    Today I will begin writing my thank you notes since I have no desire to go outside and do anything. It's mostly my car's fault too. The blower only blows lightly, so the ac would hardly help. Thankfully, my H said we can go look at cars this weekend. Anyone here drive a Rav4? I'm looking at 2011 and 2012 models. I currently drive a Jeep and need something more reliable and fuel efficient. 

    Tonight should be fun because I am invited to a Yelp elite event in Providence. Hoping that there's good food and drink samplings; and that the crowd is good too. My H is worried that it will be filled with hipsters and he will want to leave. It's only from 6-8 so I figure that it won't be too bad- even if there are hipsters lol.

    Sorry if my post is all over the place! I have been thinking of so many different things that I feel like I can't focus well haha
  • @500days Exactly! Verizon fios isn't offered in our town and it probably never will be since Charter owns all the poles and cables, etc. So stupid. But we are tv-holics so I could not be one of those people who cancels and just uses netflix. Also I love Rav4's. I love Toyota in general but my friend and my SIL have Rav4's and they are great. Almost better on gas than my little scion tc.



  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @minskat30 I LOVE it when you post Rajah pics. He's such a cutie!

    @cu97tiger We had a blast, although I wish I had had more time. Now that I feel like I know what the area is like I think I could go back and have an even more amazing vacation. We had lunch one day at this little B&B and it was soooooooooooo good. The wedding kept us running around a lot so I didn't get to do as much sight seeing as I would've liked. The reception tour (on a giant party boat) took us along Millionaire's Row. I've definitely picked out some islands for our future (summer) NEY compound.

  • My co-worker just told me my boss wants me to cold-call a bunch of members to cross sell the products today. This might just be the final straw. I'm sorry but I hate it when I get random calls from my bank or gym or whatever company I do business with. I'm happy to answer the phones but calling people at random, no. If this is an expected part of my job now, I absolutely do not want to work here any longer.

  • minskat30minskat30 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited July 2015
    @labro - Thank you...I always worry that people are going to be like "ANOTHER picture of her dog?!?"  I think any human kid H and I eventually have is going to have "second kid" complex because I'll have more pictures of Raj than the kid.  :)

    @bethsmiles - I feel you.  When I gave notice for my last job I was both elated and dreading it because of the attitude I knew was coming my way.  I hope it goes well for you.  

    ETA -

    @eilis1228 - What cake topper did you go with?
  • @eilis1228 - 3 months! OMG that's so exciting!!

  • @500days, @jenna8984 - I have Directv for that and Comcast for internet and I pay $140 a month. I've had Comcast and Fios in the past for cable and absolutely fucking hated both and refused to go back to either of them. I was nervous about Directv because I've never had a dish before but it's been really great! H and I will both also be happy in the fall/winter when we have the NFL Sunday Ticket for free this year so we can both watch our games (different teams) at home. 

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