Hi everyone!
So this weekend was my bridal shower. It was so much fun and I am so thankful to all the ladies who hosted it!
I do have a question about thank you cards. All the ladies there gave me a gift which I opened at the shower. I already wrote all my thank you notes for those gifts and they will go in the mail Monday. However, 2 people gave me additional gifts after the shower was wrapping up. They were all wrapped and they gave them to me and said they were "wedding presents". I was shocked and said thank you so much and that they did not have to do that. I mean I had just got done opening their shower gifts. The 2 gifts were given to me for different reasons.
1. The lady will not be able to attend the wedding and wanted to give us the wedding gift since she would not see us again.
2. The lady will be at the wedding but wanted us to have the gift now so we had one less gift to worry about transporting it after the wedding.
The question is when do I write thank you notes for these? I know that we always say that you send it ASAP. Well that means they will get 2 thank you notes from me on the same day. One for the shower gift, one for the wedding gift. My thought was I would write the notes and maybe mail them in a week or 2. Both ladies handed me the gifts so they know I got them. They also both firmly called them "wedding gifts" as they had just given me a shower gift an hour before.
I see my options as the follows
A. Follow my initial idea and send the notes in a week or 2 to both ladies.
B Send the notes this week for the gifts and have them likely arrive the same day their shower thank you notes do.
C. Wait till the week before the wedding and send them then.
D. Do different things for each one because one lady will be at the wedding and one will not.
Thank you for all your thoughts!