My fiance has a close family friend with 2 kids (daughter - 5 years and son - 6 months), who are very much like family to us. Since my fiance asked me to marry him it was always assumed their daughter would be our flower girl.
However, we're now getting into actual wedding planning (wedding's not until next summer), and I've started to consider the logistics and etiquette of this. We are having a kid-free wedding, but it would be an exception for the 5-year old to be there, but I'm not really sure what to do about her brother.
Do we just invite the whole fam and have the baby there as well (he'd be 1.5 years)? But then will other people be insulted their kids weren't invited?
Do we consider having him in our wedding party too?
Is it okay to ask them to only bring one kid (this seems ridiculous and wrong to me, so it's not really under consideration, but thought I'd throw it in here)?
Should we change plans and just not have a flower girl, and stick with no kids, no exceptions?
Need some politically correct advice in this situation, help!