
Ceremony Balloon Release - City of Cleveland

Was just wondering if anyone had done a balloon release as a ceremony exit. I have seen many beautiful photos of this and just was wondering if anyone had any issues or how many balloons you used. I was anticipating ordering 100, but think that may be too many.

Any insight is appreciated, thanks! 

Re: Ceremony Balloon Release - City of Cleveland

  • Take into consideration how close you are to an airport or in the regular pattern of the airport. The balloon release can cause problems for airplanes. And from an environmental side, Latex balloons don't decompose and can become a hazard for animals.

    But if you are going to do it, you'll need to find a place that will deliver them for you or where you can rent/buy tanks and go early that day to your venue to blow them all up. Also you need to think of where in your venue that you can store them during your ceremony. If you store them in an area where your guests will be passing through, say the entrance of the building. Please post a sign and directions for an alternative entrance for anyone that may have latex sensitivity.

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