I'm a long-time lurker, but have started coming out of the shadows here a little bit. FI and I have an 11 week old yorkie-poo who was taken from a bad situation; she had fleas and worms, and was diagnosed with anorexia due to a parasite she had contracted. However, yesterday she started throwing up, but it was just watery; today it was a huge clump of hair. We have two cats that I'm allergic to (my fiancé got them shortly after we met and before we started dating; I wouldn't ask him to get rid of them) so I vacuum twice a day and wipe everything down. I tried calling the vet but he wasn't in yet, so the receptionist took the information and said she would pass it along. Is there something more that you guys suggest that I do, or have any insight as to why she might be eating the hair?