my fiancé and I are on a tight budget. We are looking at possibly eloping in Las Vegas. But I would love to have a reception at home. Especially because my grandmother can travel. I was speaking to my dad about this and I love the idea of having a small DIY reception with cocktails at my dads farm. The problem is my mother hates my dad. My parents are happily divorced but my mom tends to get over dramatic and jealous that we (my siblings and I) like my dad better. Which isn't the case. I am not very close to my dad and step mom but I do have a love of a small country wedding. I was telling this to my parents and my mom was not sure what I could do other than have it at the boring hall in the small town that I grew up in which I am not thrilled about. My dad offered his place and said he would pay for a small reception with a tent at his place which is really what I want. But how do I tell my mom this without hurting her feelings. It has nothing to do with loving one parent more than the other , it has to do with what I pictured as my perfect wedding day. Really afraid she won't see it that way