Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Fees for musician?

Looking for some input. My sister plays the steel drums and will be playing our pre-ceremony music. I've twice asked her fee and twice my question has went unanswered. I'm going to assume this is her way of saying she's not charging me to play. However, I didn't ask her hoping it would be a freebie. What fees have you paid for your ceremony musician? She's only doing pre-ceremony, all other music during ceremony will be on CD. Thanks in advance!

Re: Fees for musician?

  • $150 to $200 would be about right.  I am a retired musician.
  • Thank you for your input! This is in line with what I was considering.
  • It's been my experience that offering cash to people who want to gift their services to you can backfire and make them feel like you consider it a business transaction rather than a gift. Or there's even those friends or family members who get extremely offended when you pay for their meal! I'm not saying they're not crazy, cause they totally are, but it's something to consider. Anybody seen the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry pays for dinner because his dad lost his pants at the doctor? lol!

    I still think you should do something for her and it can even be monetary - but maybe think of a gift card to her favorite store along with a gift or something like that, rather than cash. That might make her feel a little bit better, if she's being weird about accepting payment.

    Our entertainer friend offered to emcee our backyard wedding. He refused to even TALK about payment, like literally kept cutting me off and stopping me from speaking (it was a tad irritating TBH!). We will be gifting him in the $150-200 range, probably an Amazon gift card or a certificate for an expensive steakhouse or a combo of the two... something like that. 
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • It's been my experience that offering cash to people who want to gift their services to you can backfire and make them feel like you consider it a business transaction rather than a gift. Or there's even those friends or family members who get extremely offended when you pay for their meal! I'm not saying they're not crazy, cause they totally are, but it's something to consider. Anybody seen the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry pays for dinner because his dad lost his pants at the doctor? lol!

    I still think you should do something for her and it can even be monetary - but maybe think of a gift card to her favorite store along with a gift or something like that, rather than cash. That might make her feel a little bit better, if she's being weird about accepting payment.

    Our entertainer friend offered to emcee our backyard wedding. He refused to even TALK about payment, like literally kept cutting me off and stopping me from speaking (it was a tad irritating TBH!). We will be gifting him in the $150-200 range, probably an Amazon gift card or a certificate for an expensive steakhouse or a combo of the two... something like that. 
    Agreed! If my sister/FSIL were doing this for me, I'd probably give her a thank you card with a gift certificate for a spa day around that range.
  • Just to throw thus possibility out there, is she fairly new to this or does she not routinely work paying gigs of this nature? If she is, is it possible she just doesn't quite know what industry standard is or what to value get services at? I ask because most people, when asked directly, will say "no, let this be my gift to you," not just avoid the question altogether. But I find people just starting out find it really awkward to put a dollar value on themselves and tend to avoid the question or hedge their answer. I would probably set aside the money just in case or plan to purchase her a gift as a thank you.
  • She has performed at numerous weddings so this is not anything new to her. I do like the suggestions of gift cards as well. As she is a student who is working a full-time job she doesn't have a lot of time for anything fun so I'll put some thought into what would be perfect fit her. I like the spa idea!!
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