Not Engaged Yet

Monday Fitness Check-In

minskat30minskat30 member
2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
edited October 2015 in Not Engaged Yet
How did you ladies do this week?  

Monday: I was really sick so no-go for me.

Tuesday: 50 minutes spin, 15 minutes elliptical

Wednesday: 5 mile walk

Thursday: 30 minutes elliptical

Friday: 5 mile walk

Saturday: 3 mile walk

Sunday: Raking leaves and other household chore fun!

This week I'm hoping for...

Monday: 5 mile walk

Tuesday: 50 minutes spin, 10-15 minutes elliptical

Wednesday: not sure...Rajah's vet appointment is on Wednesday so I'm unsure how much time I'll have that day

Thursday: 50 minutes spin

Friday: 5 mile walk hopefully

Saturday: 3 mile walk

Sunday: Getting H ready for India (he leaves on the 31st) and running errands likely.  

Re: Monday Fitness Check-In

  • Last week was a total fail for me as far as fitness goes. But since there's nothing I can do to change that, I'm moving forward. 

    My coworker is out all week so I'm "late" everyday and won't be able to make it to my favorite Monday and Wednesday classes but I might try group cycle on Wednesday. I get home around 6:30 and the class is from 7-8. I just don't know how I feel about eating dinner that late.

    Monday: 45 mins cardio 
    Tuesday: 30DS before work (Devils game)
    Wednesday: Possibly trying out a new class (group cycle) at the gym otherwise 45 mins cardio
    Thursday:45 mins cardio 
    Friday:45 mins cardio 
    Saturday: 60 mins yoga class
    Sunday: Tennis with H if the weather holds out 

  • Last week:
    Monday: Practice 5K
    Tuesday: I don't remember because I didn't label it, but it was an hour of something according to my FitBit.  ;)
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: off
    Friday: off
    Saturday: 5K
    Sunday: PiYo Sweat

    This week:
    Monday: Weight training and walking the dogs
    Tuesday: Either a 2 mi run or PiYo
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: Maybe nothing, we are going to a weeknight wedding an hour and a half away so we will likely be rushing to get there after work.
    Friday: not sure yet

  • Eh, last week wasn't my best. I was so stressed out and tired that I only worked out 4 times instead of the 6-7 I planned to do. Oh well. My eating was also not fantastic yesterday, but I figure 1. I've been dropping a lot of weight very quickly, and I probably needed the extra calories to help balance everything out and 2. My stomach was so upset last night that it's highly unlikely the majority of the stuff I ate stayed in my system long enough to make an impact... That's what I get for having an impromptu cheat day, I suppose.

    I honestly don't remember what days I did and didn't work out last week. It's all such a blur. The plan for this week:
    Today - Arms and cardio (though my butt is still on fire from all the squats and lunges I did Saturday... may have to take it easy on the cardio/leg work).
    Tuesday - Cardio
    Wednesday - Training in the AM and cardio in the PM
    Thursday - Rest
    Friday - Legs and cardio
    Saturday - Arms and Cardio
    Sunday - Rest? Or cardio?

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @eilis1228 - I'm on a total crusade lately to clear ourselves of negative terminology. You 'ONLY' worked out 4 days last week? Four days is good! Lots of people aspire to that! I know it wasn't your goal, but I still think it's a great week ;)

    Last week:
    Monday - CF
    Tuesday - CF
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - CF
    Friday - was supposed to run but didn't
    Saturday - 1/2 mile run + playing with my niece on the jungle gym (I did some negative pullups plus random playing)
    Sunday - 5 mile run (was supposed to be 7)

    This week:
    Monday - rest
    Tuesday - CF
    Wednesday - 2-3 mile run
    Thursday - CF
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - 7 mile run
    Sunday - CF

    It's looking like I'll barely make 20 workouts per month but whatevs... I'm trying to find the right balance of working out + rest days while doing both CF and running. It's a challenge but I'll figure out what works for me.
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    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @cu97tiger Awww thank you for the words of encouragement! I really needed to hear that! It's so hard not to beat myself up over arbitrary goals. You are totally right-- as long as I made the effort 4 time last week, I'm still doing OK. 

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