I am having issues with the Maid of Honor. She was upset that other girls had to start planning the wedding shower because she was not doing anything to get it done. Since then she has not talked to me. I will mention that I am her sister. Before the other girls started to plan she would throw in my face that she was doing so much for me and had no time for anything. Little did I know that nothing had been done until the other bridesmaids were asking me to give her a little push to start to get things together. I gave her a few months until it started to get too late.
This was 5 months ago. She will not talk to me. At the shower she looked to be forced into being there. No smile, no laughter, or talking to anyone. I have sent the sweetest messages to her, trying to be very loving and saying I miss you and love you hope you're doing well. All I get back is a "Thanks".
It is now less than 2 months before my wedding and she is still the same way. I am freaking out that she will ruin the speech she is supposed to give, and also just be at the wedding and not happy and ruin that day for me. All I can think about from my shower is how she sat there and was so unhappy. Many people have told me to remove her from the party. I feel she will bring down the whole day.
I am in desperate need of other brides input! PLEASE HELP! What would you ladies do!