Fi's truck shit the bed, $1500 "repair" made it worse, then he got almost needed surgery, DR still wants him to consider surgery, MY 2ND job starting date got,pushed back a month and the OT at my 1st job dried up. We had a long talk and realized we cannot afford the wedding We planned. I'll have to eat the cost of STD s that were going out next month, we are looking for a new venue and I think I found something great (getting married outdoors is important to do and myself) found out Schlotskys caters for not a whole lot, luckily the Photographer and DJ were booked from the same company and I was able to cancel the DJ and move that deposit to the Photographer. We are losing some money on the venue, but they just couldn't accolade in a way we were comfortable ( private after hours park wedding vs open to the public anyone can mill about strangers everywhere wedding) I'm just hoping the venue I spoke to is open for my date, it's a Thursday so,hopefully.... I just need to vent a bit. Now I need to be on the lookout for inexpensive linens and invites...but I'm saving about $4000