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Happy Friday!


Re: Happy Friday!

  • @minskat30 - Good luck at the mall. It's probably gonna be a shit show. ;) How has Rajah been doing staying home?

    @beachyone15 - I'm so happy you saw the show! I think anyone who gets offended at that show doesn't know how to have any fun. They made it THAT over the top for a reason.. Going to that show was actually the first time my BF met my parents, haha! I'm going to see it for the second time next month, with coworkers.

    @MissKittyDanger - I'm sorry Angel isn't doing well! I hope the vet has some insight for you.

    @wink0erin - I can't wait to see your outfit!


    If anyone here likes documentaries, we watched two really good ones last night. "Meru" is footage of the same group of guys trying to climb the same mountain 3 years apart. It is a crazy story and the footage is incredible, but I had to rent the DVD. Then we watched "Best of Enemies", which is on Netflix instant, and it was pretty great seeing footage of a televised political debate from the 60s.

    Tomorrow night we are going with my coworker and her husband to an Christmas-themed improv show called "Twist Your Dickens". It had better be funny, because the tickets were damn expensive! I hope BF doesn't have to work tomorrow.

    Questions for the day...Would you rather?

      Go skiing or snowshoeing? Snowshoeing. I'm not great at going fast, especially on snow.

      Enjoy a houseboat or speed boat? Houseboat, for the same reason above.

        Go on a cruise to a bunch of islands or pick one island?  If the latter, which one? I'll just chill on Fiji, TYVM

          Go to a comedy club or dance club? Comedy, probably. With the right group of girls, my answer would probably change.

              Win the lottery or find your perfect job? Find my perfect job, for sure! Hopefully something to do with dogs.

                Swim in a pool or the ocean?  The ocean! But a warm one.

                  Would you rather know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried? Be amazing at activities. I feel like I'm smart enough for now, haha. Although understanding quantum physics could be interesting.

                    Would you rather live a short life and be rich or have a long life and be poor? I have no idea. I guess with money I'd be able to have more fun in my short life. But still. That's depressing either way.

                      Would you rather never be able to eat warm food or never be able to eat cold food? Omg, this is so hard. I am going to be the weirdo that gives up warm food. I eat too many things that are cold too regularly.

                      Would you rather have 1 wish granted today or 3 wishes granted 5 years from now? One wish today. Just because I have a wish, haha.

                    1. minskat30 said:
                      @beanbot2002 - Le sigh.  I guess I can live with a small basket.  Do you like it otherwise?  
                      Yeah, we rarely use it. If we go out, we usually wear Noah or H will carry him. But occasionally we will bust it out. And I love the recline on it, you can adjust it to any angle possible and its super easy to snap the infant car seat in place.
                      "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
                       "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

                    2. I agree with @GoldenPenguin on the air popper. Best thing ever! We've had the same one since I was in high school and the effer is still going strong! The popcorn is SO GOOD. A thousand times better than microwave, and you can add all sorts of delicious flavor. 
                      "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
                       "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

                    3. @AlPacina - My H loves documentaries so I'll keep those in mind. Also, you know you have to tell us your wish now, right?!

                      @wink0erin - I love that sweater! Awesome!

                      I know I'm late and didn't get to chime in on the other threads, but I did read them -

                      @KeptinStitches - I'm so sorry to hear about kitty. My dog was put down a few years ago and it was so hard, still is. Take all the time you need to grieve.

                      @speakeasy14 - Congrats on finishing Grad School!!!

                      Daisypath Anniversary tickers

                    4. @alpacina - He's doing ok surprisingly.  He is NOT happy with his cone and knocked over his water dish recently but the stitches come off on Monday so hopefully the vet will give him approval to be cone-less after that.

                      @wink0erin - Oh my goodness!  You are adorable!  

                      @beanbott2002 - Thanks for the feedback.  :)
                    5. @alpacina no need to look for your dream job, when I open my own dog training school I'll hire you ;)
                    6. Man, it's quiet here today!

                      Here's an article making it's way around the internet on what were the most popular Google searches in each state for 2015. Thoughts? If you scroll down it will show you the top few, not just the number one result:


                      I like that Oregon is obviously very concerned with the Middle East...... as well as Shakira.

                      Washington loves Star Trek and Katy Perry's left shark, apparently.

                    7. @wink0erin YES him!! That's awesome, that gun one sounds so cool! And your gift bag today looks awesome haha



                    8. wink0erinwink0erin member
                      Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
                      edited December 2015
                      I didn't win the work party because Admin was in charge and they had a crap way of doing it. They had "each division" nominate a person and then drew a name at random, however they didn't check that each division had a nominee, so my division wasn't even represented. Fail!! The other accountants, the engineers, and some of the lawyers and I were all laughing about it saying that's what happens when you let Admin run things. The winner even offered me her "trophy" haha.  Here are a couple AWs

                      Edit: Spacing

                    9. AlPacina said:

                      Man, it's quiet here today!

                      Here's an article making it's way around the internet on what were the most popular Google searches in each state for 2015. Thoughts? If you scroll down it will show you the top few, not just the number one result:


                      I like that Oregon is obviously very concerned with the Middle East...... as well as Shakira.

                      Washington loves Star Trek and Katy Perry's left shark, apparently.

                      What DOES bae mean?  Kidding, kidding.  ;)
                    10. @AlPacina yes! My favorite is Massachusetts... "Dad bod"
                    11. minskat30 said:
                      What DOES bae mean?  Kidding, kidding.  ;)

                      @minskat30 - I do not even know, but I refuse to Google it. haha

                      @untouchablets - Thank you for the job! :) I like that they searched Dad Bod too...... But then I Googled it and was not enjoying the image results, haha. A lot of Seth Rogen (who I don't think is even a dad?).

                    12. @AlPacina My state searched for Magic Mike. Not surprised. I think my state was the most interested in 50 Shades of Grey too. We are deprived here. Hahaha

                    13. ******************************************************

                    14. speakeasy14speakeasy14 member
                      2500 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
                      edited December 2015
                      @alpacina that list is so sad. I don't think I've ever googled anything on that list...

                      Never mind there were some intelligent ones.

                      Has anyone seen the movie idiocracy? I feel like it is coming true.
                    15. @alpacina that list is so sad. I don't think I've ever googled anything on that list...

                      @speakeasy14 - Maybe you need to move to @wink0erin 's state..... Learn to use Google to loosen up a little. ;)

                    16. Guys I just had an xmas lunch for work and semi-going away party for one my coworkers who is due Jan 12th {yay!} and now I want to do zero work and take a nap.

                    17. @AlPacina I only saw the map at first, the full list is a little less disappointing

                      So my youngest sister stopped by and asked if I'd watch her dog so she could get the rest of her shopping done. I have both dogs fighting over who can kiss me more hahaha
                    18. True to form, all we care about here in Texas is country stars, border gangs/drug lords, and sports.

                      Daisypath Anniversary tickers

                    19. That list is hilarious. Dad bod is pretty random. The opioid search makes me sad since there is a heroin epidemic in MA. Pretty much me and everyone I know has had someone die from an overdose in the past year.

                    20. For those curious, this is the list of what Canada's top searches were!
                      Doesn't go by province though

                    21. ND's only top result is the NFL draft? Okay then.
                    22. I'm on mobile so no gifs here :(
                    23. @speakeasy14 - Puppy party! You're so lucky!..... And yes, Idiocracy is my favorite comedy movie by far. I was literally just telling someone about it at lunch. That's hilarious.

                      @wink0erin - YES

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