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Game of Things

So the Game of Things is traditionally played with everyone giving an answer secretly that matches to the category on the card, and then participants try to guess who gave which answer. I don't want to go through the hassle of keeping answers secret, so instead just answer as if you were playing the game! This is for fun, not honesty.

Another note: The categories start with "THINGS" as a plural, but your answer can be singular. You make it plural by reading off everyone's answers as a list.

THINGS... you wish you didn't know.

THINGS... you shouldn't do when you are naked.

THINGS... you SHOULD do when you are naked.

THINGS... that don't exist but you wish they did.

THINGS... you wish people would stop talking about.

THINGS... you wish worked by remote control.

THINGS... grown-ups with they could still do.

THINGS... that make you uncomfortable.

THINGS... you wouldn't do for a million dollars.

THINGS... people do when no one is looking.


Re: Game of Things

  • THINGS... you wish you didn't know. The sexual escapades of one of my friends. 

    THINGS... you shouldn't do when you are naked. Cook bacon

    THINGS... you SHOULD do when you are naked. Dance around

    THINGS... that don't exist but you wish they did. A prosthetic leg that works just like a regular leg and is waterproof, without being super heavy, making a lot of noise, or costing a much as a house.

    THINGS... you wish people would stop talking about. Trump

    THINGS... you wish worked by remote control. My lamps

    THINGS... grown-ups wish they could still do. Not work to live

    THINGS... that make you uncomfortable. Strangers getting all TMI with me, touching me, or standing too close to me

    THINGS... you wouldn't do for a million dollars. Harm a person or animal

    THINGS... people do when no one is looking. Pick their nose. 


  • I need to add teleporters and muting coworkers to my list of things. 

  • THINGS... you wish you didn't know.  All the things that have to go right to get pregnant.

    THINGS... you shouldn't do when you are naked.  jumping jacks

    THINGS... you SHOULD do when you are naked.  step on the scale

    THINGS... that don't exist but you wish they did.  a live-in fashion stylist that costs less than $5/day

    THINGS... you wish people would stop talking about.  Donald Trump

    THINGS... you wish worked by remote control.  My back door, to let the dogs out.

    THINGS... grown-ups wish they could still do.  Touch their toes ;)

    THINGS... that make you uncomfortable.  Heated discussions

    THINGS... you wouldn't do for a million dollars.  Cheat on my husband

    THINGS... people do when no one is looking.  Pick their nose

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    Still here and still fabulous!

  • FYI: I'll add more of these when I get back from lunch in a little over an hour.

    THINGS... you wish you didn't know. The names of Kimye's children.

    THINGS... you shouldn't do when you are naked. Go to a child's birthday party.

    THINGS... you SHOULD do when you are naked. Put clothes on, you hussy!

    THINGS... that don't exist but you wish they did. Pasta that's good for you. Like, kale level good for you.

    THINGS... you wish people would stop talking about. How healthy their life choices are.

    THINGS... you wish worked by remote control. Just because of this weekend, I'm going to answer fertility/pregnancy.

    THINGS... grown-ups wish they could still do. Eat a ton and not gain weight.

    THINGS... that make you uncomfortable. Holding in farts.

    THINGS... you wouldn't do for a million dollars. Spend two million dollars.

    THINGS... people do when no one is looking. Adjust undergarments.

  • @twodimes 

    @untouchabletsTHINGS... that make you uncomfortable.
    Dudes telling me to smile. ----- X10000000
  • @speakeasy14 - I'm guessing it's an UO, but I just do not get what the big deal is about making guys put down the toilet seat. We don't put the toilet seat UP for them, so why should they put it down for us? The only exception is when you have animals (like our dogs) that will drink toilet water... then both the toilet seat and cover should be put down).

    @labro - Yessssss to money trees! Also, I would 100% have sex in public for $1,000,000. i2i on picking of the noses.

    @jenna8984 - fry bacon haahahahahahaha
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • speakeasy14 said: THINGS... you SHOULD do when you are naked.Admire yourself

    @speakeasy14 - Damn straight.

    labro said:

    THINGS... that don't exist but you wish they did. Unicorns. Money trees.

    @labro - GREAT CHOICES.

  • @cu97tiger I'm with you on the toilet seat thing. We always close the lid. 1. because my cat is an idiot who would fall in/drink it. 2. because of the invisible spray when it flushes (youtube that shit- it's nasty). But if for some reason H forgot I would not care or yell at him.



  • @cu97tiger yup, Miss Callie likes to drink out of the toilet, so it's a constant battle to get my bf to put the seat/lid down or close the bathroom door.   Otherwise I really wouldn't care. 
  • THINGS... you wish you didn't know.
    Uhm .... 

    THINGS... you shouldn't do when you are naked.
    Anything that involves being any sort of part naked by the window. I have gotten cat-called from the firefighters across the street lmao

    THINGS... you SHOULD do when you are naked.
    Shower, sex .... or both ;)

    THINGS... that don't exist but you wish they did.
    Money trees. Human regeneration.

    THINGS... you wish people would stop talking about.
    Negative things.

    THINGS... you wish worked by remote control.
    The day when it's going slow. Just hit that fast forward button

    THINGS... grown-ups with they could still do.
    more vacation time lol

    THINGS... that make you uncomfortable.
    people lmao

    THINGS... you wouldn't do for a million dollars.
    anything involving spiders .... or anything gross.

    THINGS... people do when no one is looking.
    fit undies or pick a wedgie. lol

  • labro said:
    I mean you guys, men CAN and do sit on the seat. They don't HAVE to stand. They aren't incapable of peeing while sitting. Therefore, they should keep the lid down.
    H and I have never even discussed the seat thing to be honest.  I know he doesn't pee on the seat but either he just aims and keeps the seat down or puts it down once he's done.  Now I'm curious and have to ask him.  
  • @minskat30 H sits most of the time. Basically, when he was a kid his dad told him sit or stand, but if he stood, then he was the one who was responsible for cleaning in and around the toilet because that stuff splatters! I appreciate the lack of pee around the toilet for sure.

  • I went home for lunch and grabbed a handful of cards. So here is ROUND TWO if anyone's still bored:

    THINGS... you wish you could erase.

    THINGS... you shouldn't let an amateur do.

    THINGS... you wish you could buy out of vending machines.

    THINGS... you would hate as a punishment.

    THINGS... you shouldn't do with your mouth open.

    THINGS... you shouldn't hold while riding a bike.

    THINGS... you shouldn't collect.

    THINGS... you shouldn't say to a flight attendant.

  • THINGS... you wish you could erase. Anyone's memory of me when I have been crazy drunk

    THINGS... you shouldn't let an amateur do. Surgery

    THINGS... you wish you could buy out of vending machines. Real lattes

    THINGS... you would hate as a punishment. Playing justin bieber songs over and over

    THINGS... you shouldn't do with your mouth open. Slip and slide down a muddy hill

    THINGS... you shouldn't hold while riding a bike. A baby

    THINGS... you shouldn't collect. Human hair

    THINGS... you shouldn't say to a flight attendant. "Did you just fart?"


  • wink0erin said:

    THINGS... you would hate as a punishment. Playing justin bieber songs over and over

    @wink0erin - Hahaha! I love this. I remember an episode of some reality competition show where there were two people locked in rooms (this was just this one specific episode) and they each had to try and last a certain amount of time without leaving. One person was in a dark room with snakes in it, or something ridiculously scary. The other person was in a brightly lit room with an uncomfortable cot, and speakers continuously blared "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" and bubbles came out of holes in the wall.

    That episode was ridiculously hilarious, but I felt pretty bad for the tiptoe through the tulips guy.

  • THINGS... you wish you could erase. Permanent ink.

    THINGS... you shouldn't let an amateur do. Fly a commercial airplane.

    THINGS... you wish you could buy out of vending machines. Wine.

    THINGS... you would hate as a punishment. Losing my credit card.

    THINGS... you shouldn't do with your mouth open. Breathe.

    THINGS... you shouldn't hold while riding a bike. Very hot drinks.

    THINGS... you shouldn't collect. Sexual diseases.

    THINGS... you shouldn't say to a flight attendant. Hello, that man said he had a bomb in his bag.

  • labro said:

    THINGS... you shouldn't say to a flight attendant. Hello, that man said he had a bomb in his bag.

    Unless this is true. In which case I think you should tell someone, right?!?

    TwoDimes said:

    THINGS... you shouldn't let an amateur do. Circumcision. 

    True life, right there. I'd be asking for a list of references to call up individually, haha.

  • AlPacina said:
    labro said:

    THINGS... you shouldn't say to a flight attendant. Hello, that man said he had a bomb in his bag.

    Unless this is true. In which case I think you should tell someone, right?!?

    TwoDimes said:

    THINGS... you shouldn't let an amateur do. Circumcision. 

    True life, right there. I'd be asking for a list of references to call up individually, haha.
    Hmmm well maybe in private? Like I'm imagining your flight attendant asking you for a drink and then you pointing to some dude and calling him a terrorist.

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