So the Game of Things is traditionally played with everyone giving an answer secretly that matches to the category on the card, and then participants try to guess who gave which answer. I don't want to go through the hassle of keeping answers secret, so instead just answer as if you were playing the game! This is for fun, not honesty.
Another note: The categories start with "THINGS" as a plural, but your answer can be singular. You make it plural by reading off everyone's answers as a list.
THINGS... you wish you didn't know.
THINGS... you shouldn't do when you are naked.
THINGS... you SHOULD do when you are naked.
THINGS... that don't exist but you wish they did.
THINGS... you wish people would stop talking about.
THINGS... you wish worked by remote control.
THINGS... grown-ups with they could still do.
THINGS... that make you uncomfortable.
THINGS... you wouldn't do for a million dollars.
THINGS... people do when no one is looking.