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How do you deal with an intimidating mother of the bride?

I am getting married in April!!! Its so close I'm slightly going crazy trying to make timelines, checklists, and making sure everything is how I want it. My mother though is driving me nuts. 
Little back story. My mom was never really a mom. My parents were divorced when I was 5 and my mom was a workaholic. My grandmother and my dad mostly raised me. Of course, my mom was home but she was never REALLY home. I am the oldest of three girls and of course my younger sister is the baby. So i really never got attention from my mom, which is fine.
Now I am the first to get married and I get the feeling that my mom is trying to make my wedding into her wedding. Normally she wouldn't go out of her way to call me, ask how I'm doing, plan visits, or anything. I usually have to be the one to contact her, say hi, etc. Since I've been engaged, my mom has come and gone with her wanting to help with plans. Some weeks she's really into it, others she could care less. Anytime I ask for an opinion on something I get either "that's cute" or "that's dumb." But for some reason when she has ideas for my wedding, even it its extremely close to what I was asking/showing her, it is the best idea in the world. 
How do you deal with your crazy mother when your the bride?
Also, my dad has remarried and my step-mom is amazing. She is not my mom but I have definitely seen her a mother figure. She has not tried to push her way into the mother of the bride role but has been there for questions, concerns, or for me to just chat with. My mom has made it appoint that she feels my step-mom should not be identified as a mother figure. My mom is also remarried and my step-dad is nice but I don't view him like I do my dad. Although her feelings for my step-mom are to not involved her, she feels that my step-dad should most certainly be identified as a father figure. She assumed I would do a father daughter dance with both my dad and my step-dad, without even confronting me. She has just been telling people and trying to plan it. She elected for him to be an usher in our wedding, without our consent.
It's impossible to just talk to her. My mom is extremely intimidating. What would you do?

Re: How do you deal with an intimidating mother of the bride?

  • We are paying for the wedding completely on our own. My mom had no financial input in anything. Your advice on setting boundaries is great! Its more or less actually doing it that is the hard part.
  • agreed with pp. boundaries are going to be your friend, my mom is the same way in a sense that she is very emotionally manipulating but other than that i *now* have a great relationship with her. i know saying no to your mom is going to be hard at first but once you start standing up for yourself and holding your own it gets so much easier. she doesn't to like it but she WILL end up having to deal with it. i also agree that she cannot dictate if your step mom or step dad have roles in your wedding. that is completely up to you and just hold your ground and be prepared for her to throw a tantrum when you tell her you aren't doing a father daughter dance with your step dad (unless you want to). but like pp said, bean dip the shit out of every wedding convo that pops up and don't go to her with any of the planning details unless she is paying. but i really hope that she is not for your sake, controlling mothers are very hard to deal with. im sorry you have to deal with it but i hope the rest of your wedding planning goes smooth! and congrats on your upcoming wedding!
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited February 2016
    Grow up? Say no. Mean it. This is the work of becoming an adult. It's not easy, there is no short cut, you just have to do it. 
  • Stop discussing any wedding details with your mother. It's really that simple. If she brings up the wedding, change the subject. She's not paying, so she gets no say in any decisions. 

    Going forward, just stand up to your mom. If she says something that bothers you, tell her. Like Starmoon said, this is part of growing up, being an adult, learning how to deal with situations like this. Your mom is not going to change. It's best to figure out how to deal with her that leaves you the least amount of heartache and/or stress. 
  • edited February 2016
  • I am 26 and have a child. I know how to act like an adult. I have always been the one to just let my mom talk because of fear for hurting her feelings or ruining our relationship more. I would rather have hurt feelings than hurt someone else's. Just this one time though, I would like my own feelings to be above others. So it is in no way a need for me to grow up. I know how to be a big girl.
    Just because you're 26 and have a child doesn't mean you know how to handle situations properly. It also doesn't automatically make you an adult. I know people my age in their mid 30s that don't seem to understand adulting. 

    You're asking for advice on how to deal with your mother. You said she is intimidating and that you can't talk to her. I gave you advice. You're welcome. 
  • I'm guessing this is the chick that just posted a 'my bridesmaid is awful you guys!' and deleted straight away. What a loss.
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