Hey guys! I have an interesting situation and I am hoping someone knows how to deal with this. My fiancé has an older brother and older sister, we had already determined who we wanted in our parties, all of his guys accepted and all but one of my girls accepted. I was going to have my future sister-in-law to be a bridesmaid to fill the last spot, her daughter is already the flower girl so it kind of just fit. Well before we could even ask the sister we get a call from his parents, apparently his brother is upset that he isn't involved in the wedding. I should note we are at the very beginning of the planning and haven't gotten that far yet. So parent called because brother is upset. What bothers me is that both my fiancé and his brother live in the same house and he could have come to us and asked if we needed help or just offer his services but instead went and made a big deal about this to the parents. So we have drama there and to make it better if too much of his family is involved my mother gets upset even though I don't have anyone for any position in the wedding other than as guests. We need a diplomatic solution without feeling pressure from parents to make them all happy. Hopefully someone with more experience can offer a solution.