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Cure for the blahs?

I've been feeling blah lately.  I'm on antidepressants, but I don't think it's anything to do with that.  I think I'm still a bit bummed about my layoff and I don't start teaching for a few months.   I'm starting a tutoring gig this week, so I hope that will help. 

What's your cure for the blahs?

Re: Cure for the blahs?

  • edited May 2016
    It depends. Sometimes I just need a good bottle of wine and a cry it out movie for a 24 hour pity party. Other times it's putting together my favorite feel good music and dancing it out. 

    Sorry hit submit too soon. Hope you get out of your funk soon. FI is a teacher and he gets like that around late July/ early August. He tries to find a project so he feels useful again and that helps him. 
  • I'm sorry you're feeling blah.

    I give myself a manicure and/or pedicure, rearrange the furniture, play with my dogs, and drink wine. Not necessarily in that order.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited May 2016
    I try and get more exercise. Lots of long walks, working in the garden, anything that really is going to tire me out. 
  • I try and get more exercise. Lots of long walks, working in the garden, anything that really is going to tire me out. 
    Yeah, I've been going for long walks, which definitely helps.  The frustrating thing is that summer is getting here, so I need to go early in the morning. 

    But I like the gardening Idea. 
  • It depends. Sometimes I just need a good bottle of wine and a cry it out movie for a 24 hour pity party. Other times it's putting together my favorite feel good music and dancing it out. 

    Sorry hit submit too soon. Hope you get out of your funk soon. FI is a teacher and he gets like that around late July/ early August. He tries to find a project so he feels useful again and that helps him. 
    I def need to cry it out (my therapist says that crying is my release), but I can't seem to. 
  • I'm sorry you're in a funk. I read or watch something funny or hang out with the animals.
  • I reach out to my girlfriends and schedule a lot of friend time.

  • Watch the season finale of "Call the Midwife." Keep tissue handy.
  • When I am depressed, I usually try to think of something I could do to make somebody else happy.  Then I do it.
  • I find that getting out of the house just does a number on my spirit.  Add some sunshine and I'm singing with Katrina and the Waves.

    As it gets warmer if you can get out in the early morning or in the afternoon I'd give that a shot.   And ditto gardening or even cooking.   I have also found that working with my hands helps me feel productive. 
  • Try to treat yourself. Go get a massage or your nails done, take a shopping trip, or splurge on a really good bottle of wine or tequila. Don't forget you deserve to treat yourself a little bit even though you've been laid off!

  • Some of my go tos are:
    Trying a new recipe (I like to cook)
    Flower arranging
    Rereading hyperbole and a half (or a favorite childhood book like Ella Enchanted)
    Listening/dancing to music
  • I tend to hole up when depressed so to counteract I will schedule myself things to do. Art openings, lectures, trips to a muesum, trivia night. Anything that is remotely interesting to keep me busy until the funk passes.
  • fyrchkfyrchk member
    250 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary First Answer

    I craft. And usually it involves making stuff for other people. Because that then forces me to interact with people to give them the stuff I made. :)

    Hope you feel better soon. The blahs suck!

  • Thanks, everyone.  I had a good cry last night.   I'm trying to think of a good cafe where I can go read, journal, and color.   

    I think I'm feeling blah since I have to study for a math exam for my teaching certificate.  I'm relearning 6 years of Jr high - high school math for a 5 hour exam.  I'm good at math, but damn this is hard.  I'm used to being good at math, so getting Cs on my practice exams is hard on me. 
  • fyrchkfyrchk member
    250 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary First Answer
    Ugh. School always made me feel terrible. This could be why I'm procrastinating on getting my Master's. You will rock the test! Glad you were able to get a good cry out and if all else fails...maybe a margarita? They ALWAYS cheer me up. ;-)
  •  Bottle of malbec & Bachelorette are helping a lot now!!
  • ElcaBElcaB member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    Sorry you're feeling a little womp-womp. 

    When I get into a funk, I try to concentrate on doing one thing a day to make myself happy. Sometimes it's as simple as going for a long walk or kayaking, other times it's a bottle of wine, other times it's buying myself something. I find whatever it is, that one thing can really cheer me up. 
  • I hope you are feeling better soon! I don't really have much advice because I am a hot mess, myself. The only thing that makes me feel better these days is watching Big Bang Theory (on my third go-round of seasons 1-8 since January) and, lately, baking. Bad news bears on the calorie front, but it's tasty and soothing.

    Hope you pull through this transitional period. Hang in there!  <3
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • It sucks that you're feeling blah lately.  Usually I go through a funk every March-April. I try to stay in shape and be reasonably productive but I know that I'm just not myself during that time and have somehow just come to terms with it and accepted it because I know it passes.

    When you're not tutoring can you take a 1-2 day road trip by yourself?  Change of scenery can be helpful.  If you're not already, perhaps make plans to see a friend or group of friends at least once/week.  Swimming -- being submerged -- can be nice.  Volunteering generally makes people feel good.  Going to an author reading or lecture.  
  • I was in such a funk before we moved. Things were packed, the house was cramped and my knee isn't healing well so I couldn't work out (my usual go to). Planning out the house projects helped a lot, so did re-reading Harry Potter. It's going to sound dumb, but I love the series so much and I know it always makes me feel better so I do the things I know will pick me up/got me through until the move. 

    Any long-term home/yard projects on the horizon? Even if you don't need/can't start doing them know I found planning, researching, and getting ideas helped me focus on the good things I was going to be doing soon. What about starting to plan ideas for your classroom? I know it's a ways off but might be a start? Also, all the wine and bad TV. 
  • @vikinganna87 , we're headed to my parents place on the lake this weekend, so I'll have time to sit on a tube in the water and read.   Good ideas!

    @charlotte989875, I'm actually going to the school today to pick up the book I'll be using next year, so that will give me some time to lesson plan. 

    The thing that blows is that I have to take a certification exam to teach.  I'm relearning 6 years of math.  I now have a greater respect for those who take the bar exam.  I spend a few hours each day studying.  But I see my psychiatrist today and see what he thinks.
  • edited May 2016
    Good luck with the exam, @holyguacamole79!
  • I feel that, OP. I've been stuck in the "blahs" lately too. I'm having trouble finding a new job and the boredom of being stuck at home all day is starting to get to me. I like to get out in nature and hike, do a DIY pampering day, or cook a really good meal! 
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