Y'all, I love my husband. I do. After 10 years, I've grown to understand and appreciate many of his quirks and foibles, as he has done with mine. I think we've become better people over the course of our marriage thus far. That said:
I cannot fucking stand how long it takes him to decide on travel plans. It drives me batshit crazy. He wants to go back to the Smokies in the fall, which is awesome! So I research cabins and find one that looks gorgeous, in a great location. I show him, he loves it. Fall is peak season, and things are booking up, but when I say let's book then suddenly he's all "Let me think about it."
It's on my mind because of my recent post on airfare--we've been through this before, and I'm dreading the same thing happening now. Fine if you want to ruminate about the nature of life or string theory and the existence of multiple universes, I don't care. But travel plans are time sensitive, and then when we have to settle for a smaller cabin without a view, or a more expensive flight at a less convenient time, not only am I annoyed, but I also have to listen to him complain and that sends me right over the damn edge.
People have said before "Just book it anyway and tell him after the fact" and I actually have done it a few times, but it tends to make him crazy. I think he delays because of low-grade travel anxiety (What if our plans change? What if the price drops $100? etc.), so presenting him with a fait accomplis solves my lollygagging problem, but introduces a big DH-stress problem.
I'm going to try to appeal to his cheapness and his competitiveness, and point out that there are a finite number of tickets available on miles, and if someone snaps ours up, we'll be stuck paying cash. That might inspire him. Here's hoping.
Add your SO vents below, no judgment. (I can't speak for everyone, just me. And I may still judge, 'cause I'm like that.)