Not Engaged Yet

Friday Eve

SwazzleSwazzle member
10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
edited July 2016 in Not Engaged Yet
Good morning! 

YOU GUYS!!!!!! @jenna8984 is a mommy!!! She said they're both doing great and she's hoping to pop in at some point with a full update! 


On to much less exciting news.... I tried out my new bike last night! I was so shaky at first (I haven't ridden a bike in ages) but got the hang of it again quickly! H and I went for a long bike ride and then since we were already out and nearby, we stopped and had sushi for dinner. When we got home, I had some wine and watched BB. 

My mom called after BB to inform me that Lucy got skunked (she's spending the week at my parents' house and comes home tomorrow). My poor puppy is SO upset about it: 

I told my mom that maybe she should keep her for an extra week or two :lol:

Tonight will definitely be steak on the grill for dinner, it's been marinating and will be delicious! And then I have BB again before bed :smile:


What are you wearing today? 
What's the weather going to be like? 
What's your favorite day of the week? 
What's the last book you read/current book you're reading? 
If you ordered a pizza right now, what toppings would you request? 
Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk?
What would you do if someone gave you $10k right now?
Would you want to take a trip into space? 
Would you want to take a trip to the bottom of the ocean? 
Do you prefer the beach or a pool?

Re: Friday Eve

  • @Swazzle OMG best update ever this morning! CONGRATULATIONS @jenna8984, you must be so relieved to have him here. Can't wait to see the little guy! 

    Glad you got a good bike ride in Swazzle... and poor baby Lucy! She looks so sad. I hope she gets unskunked soon!

    Today is my Friday!! We leave for NJ tonight for BIL's wedding on Sunday. I cannot wait. Rehearsal dinner is tomorrow night, Saturday night MIL, other SIL and I are getting our nails done and his parents are having a cookout, Sunday MIL, other SIL and I are getting our hair and makeup done and then CELEBRATE! I have a bangin' dress that I can't wait to wear and I'm doing a reading which I am so honored to be doing. It's going to be a great (but hot) time!

    I hope this day flies by quickly. I went to spin this morning so I can eat all of the brownies I made for my coworkers birthday today (there will be cupcakes too so I'm totally double dipping).

    What are you wearing today? Jeans, new Sperry sneaks, floral tanktop and a lightweight, beige long vest thingy that I got at the banana outlet and obsessed with. 
    What's the weather going to be like? Hot, I think! But in here? Probably around 36 degrees.
    What's your favorite day of the week? Saturday. Still feels like you have the whole weekend ahead of you.
    What's the last book you read/current book you're reading? I just finished up In the Woods by Tara French (Dublin Murder Squad #1).. I think I got the rec on here, I literally look up all of the books you guys mention and add them to Goodreads because you guys always read good ones!
    If you ordered a pizza right now, what toppings would you request? Bacon. Which I ordered last night :)
    Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk? Nope! And luckily neither have my pets.
    What would you do if someone gave you $10k right now? It's a toss up - I might put it towards my student loans but I'm also loathing work right now and could use a fun vacation... Maybe put it towards an Australia/New Zealand trip?
    Would you want to take a trip into space? meh... Not as technology is right now but maybe someday.
    Would you want to take a trip to the bottom of the ocean? Depends on what I'm in! Not one of those shark cages.
    Do you prefer the beach or a pool? The beach, 100%. But I wouldn't say NO to a pool.

  • @PamBeesly524 - Yay wedding! Pics of your dress? One of these times you come to NJ we'll have to meet up! 

  • speakeasy14speakeasy14 member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited July 2016
    Congratulations @jenna8984!!!!!!  He's adorable! 

    @swazzle poor Lucy. She really does look miserable.  Hopefully they give her plenty of tomato baths and she smells pretty for you when she comes home. 

    @LizzyTish88 good luck today!

    @PamBeesly524  have fun this weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it!

    Date night was fun.  The mini golf was very basic; not many obstacles.  We finished 18 holes in less than an hour.  Then we had ice cream.  Each of us asked for a small cone (I got cookie dough and he got peanut butter cup) and ended up with giant, overflowing scoops.  I had to ask for a cup for each of us before we lost all of our ice cream.  After we left the golf course we ran a few errands.

    Tonight I'm going over to my bf's parents' house.  I'm having dinner with his mom and his FSIL's mom to discuss the shower.  Since I'm a control freak, and already have the whole shower planned out, this should be interesting.

    What are you wearing today? Black and white patterned crop pants, black heels, coral blouse

    What's the weather going to be like? I actually haven't checked, but it's sunny, and already a little humid and hot

    What's your favorite day of the week? Saturday

    What's the last book you read/current book you're reading? uhhh I read two books on the plane rides to and from Texas. I can't remember the names, they weren't that great.  I need to start reading my step-grandfather's memoir.  My step dad asked me to read it and see if it's worth getting published. 

    If you ordered a pizza right now, what toppings would you request? Extra cheese, sausage, bacon, olives

    Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk? Thankfully no

    What would you do if someone gave you $10k right now? Be responsible and put it towards my student loans... but I'd rather use it on an amazing vacation

    Would you want to take a trip into space? Yes - I'd love to explore everywhere

    Would you want to take a trip to the bottom of the ocean?  Yes

    Do you prefer the beach or a pool? Ocean air makes everything better
  • Good morning and CONGRATS @jenna8984!!!

    I left work early yesterday to meet with the window guys, and now we have new windows that aren't broken! It only took them about 45 minutes to replace 3 window panes. Now we're just waiting on the roof to be done and our house will be back to normal.
    Today I need to catch up on a few things at work and tonight H and I will probably have leftover pizza.

    @swazzle - Loved your bike video - you look like a natural! Poor Lucy. What did you use to get the smell out? The only thing I've ever heard of using is tomato juice.
    @PamBeesly524 - Brownies, cupcakes, and a wedding? Perfect!
    @speakeasy14 - Good luck with the shower planning. I'm a little jealous bc all of my friends are married, but I always wanted to throw a badass shower for one of them! Maybe a baby shower is in my future.

    What are you wearing today? Turquoise blouse, black pants, and my grey SF sweater. The same one I'm wearing EVERY TIME this question is asked!

    What's the weather going to be like? Hot AF. Like, 100 degrees.

    What's your favorite day of the week? Saturday, obviously.

    What's the last book you read/current book you're reading? I'm reading one in the Shopaholic series and HP #1.

    If you ordered a pizza right now, what toppings would you request? Just cheese or pepperoni.

    Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk? No, but our family dog was!

    What would you do if someone gave you $10k right now? Take a European vacation.

    Would you want to take a trip into space? NO thank you.

    Would you want to take a trip to the bottom of the ocean? Yeah, I'd do that!

    Do you prefer the beach or a pool? The beach, but I love both.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • speakeasy14speakeasy14 member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited July 2016
    @beachyone15 haha this is the 4th or 5th shower I've hosted/helped plan, but the first one I'm nervous for because my bf's mom is crazy-pants. -- Also, yay for new windows finally!!!!
  • Yay!! Congrats to @jenna8984 ! I was strangely enough thinking about her last night and wondering how she was :)

    Not much last night, picked out a gift for Matt's cousin that we're splitting with his parents on. We're getting a really good car seat. We were thinking about a playpen but figured since car seat was pricier and we're splitting it, makes more sense.

    What are you wearing today?
    Leopard print cotton dress.

    What's the weather going to be like? 
    Good this morning but hot as balls later. Heatwave coming. :(

    What's your favorite day of the week? 
    Depends on the week. Every second Thursday I get paid, but on Fridays this summer are shorter - staff meeting plus close early.

    What's the last book you read/current book you're reading? 
    Currently reading "Flawless (A California Love Series)" by Jan Moran
    It was free, and needed a new book. Not terrible, but not quite into it yet. Not my typical type of book

    If you ordered a pizza right now, what toppings would you request? 
    We had pizza the other night. Red onions, green olives and mushrooms.
    If I can't pick toppings, I get Hawaiian

    Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk?

    What would you do if someone gave you $10k right now?
    Scream and change my closing date lmao

    Would you want to take a trip into space? 
    Probably not. It's beautiful but not for me

    Would you want to take a trip to the bottom of the ocean? 
    And see a "nope fish" ? Nope.

    Do you prefer the beach or a pool?
    Arg Idk! I love pool because no sand, but chlorine sucks ..... probably beach. Sand sucks but wading into the water is nice
  • @jenna8984 - CONGRATS!!!!  So excited for you.

    @swazzle - Poor Lucy pup.  :(

    @speakeasy14 - Good luck with the shower. And I must ask...who won mini golf?  ;)

    @PamBeesly524 Dress pics?

    Not much going on here today.  We got Ani's passport application in yesterday and H is applying for a card for her to be a Person of Indian Origins so we don't need a visa for her.  We decided to make the trip in February to India.  She'll be an international flying baby before you know it.  Hopefully we can get a flight that will lay over on the East Coast maybe...I'd love to see all you East  Coast NEYrs again (or for the first time, as the case may be).  :)  

    Today I've got Ani all day while H works so we are going to go for a few walks if the weather holds and entertain ourselves.  And that sounds like a pretty good day to me!
  • @minskat30 Ani will have more travel experience before she can talk than most adults!!! -- Of course he won mini golf, I suck at putting.  
  • @speakeasy14 - That's alright...I suck at mini golf (or any golf) too.  ;)  Honestly, its one of our biggest hopes to help Ani be an international baby.  We want to travel with her and watch the world through her eyes, as cheesy as that sounds.  And even though I am DREADING the flight to India with her, I can't wait for her to meet all her relatives (especially my MIL)
  • Didn't answer the questions...whoops.

    What are you wearing today? 

    -Umm, sweat pants and a shirt that may or may not be able to walk itself to the laundry.  I should change.  Ani is going to start complaining.

    What's the weather going to be like? 

    -Hopefully nice today but I haven't checked.

    What's your favorite day of the week? 

    -Saturday when I'm working.  On maternity leave, it might be Sunday since H doesn't work on Monday and I've had a day of help already the day before. 

    What's the last book you read/current book you're reading? 

    -Its a child development book.  I'm boring.

    If you ordered a pizza right now, what toppings would you request? 

    -Extra cheese and pepperoni...and jalapenos just for kicks.

    Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk?

    -No, thank God.

    What would you do if someone gave you $10k right now?

    -Put it towards a trip or our house.

    Would you want to take a trip into space? 

    -Yes, if I could return safely.

    Would you want to take a trip to the bottom of the ocean? 

    -Same as above.  ;)

    Do you prefer the beach or a pool?

    -Pool if its an infinity pool overlooking the ocean.  Otherwise beach. 
  • @PamBeesly524 that dress is gorgeous!
  • Many congratulations to @jenna8984!

    @swazzle, poor Lucy! I hope she is unskunked soon.

    @pambeesly524, have fun at your BIL's wedding!

    @speakeasy14, fun date - I'm jealous!
    We've had severe weather two days in a row that was bad enough to make us go to the basement. My town got lucky and avoided the worst of the damage (put it this way - we didn't get the 4" hail or 80 mph winds), but Tuesday night there was bad flash flooding all over and last night big wind took out trees, power, stoplights, etc. to our east. I am so summered out. I am done with summer. It has been like this all season long.

    Tonight H is making chicken piccata for supper. I'm doing some edits for PIs at work, then I'm going to start pulling my class together for fall. This evening I'm going to knit because I haven't gotten to this week.

    And I've taken up Psych and can't figure out why I didn't watch when it was on the air. It is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen.
  • If anyone else thinks it's too quiet....... I found this AMAZING performance from Phantom of the Opera on Youtube this morning.

  • AlPacina said:

    If anyone else thinks it's too quiet....... I found this AMAZING performance from Phantom of the Opera on Youtube this morning.

    This is my favorite musical of all time!  I had the entire soundtrack memorized when I was a kid.  Now Ani is listening to it with me and making monkey noises along with it....thanks @alpacina!
  • @KeptInStitches woah those storms sound crazy! Glad you guys are safe.

    @AlPacina I listened to it on audiobook so sometimes I tell people to take my reviews with a grain of salt - I think I take books in differently because I factor in how the voices sound etc. But I thought it was fairly good, I think I'll continue with the series mainly because I want to know what happened to his friends! Idk if they ever tell you though....
    @AlPacina Ahahahaha Winston and the puzzle kills me. 

    @eilis1228 - Omg, yay! I love that you know what I'm talking about.

  • This meeting has gone on for 2 hours.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Oh those long, mandatory staff meetings. They are just lovely.

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