Honeymoon Discussions

Honeymoon Help

17forme17forme member
10 Comments First Anniversary
edited August 2016 in Honeymoon Discussions

Honeymoon suggestions? Not a super long flight from NYC, Nice Beaches Plus Other activities so not too boring?

Re: Honeymoon Help

  • Where are you traveling from? What time of year? Do you have a budget?
  • Costa Rica might work. 
  • 17forme17forme member
    10 Comments First Anniversary
    edited August 2016
    Sorry.... details, details, haha. We are traveling from NYC Area, our wedding is on a Friday night in April and we want to leave Sunday or so, for about 7-9 days.
  • Costa Rica looks cool  but my fiancé probably wouldn't want to go there. He barely wants to go to mexico at all even though I have told him the resorts are so nice lol
  • He likes the Aruba Idea Just don't know if there is a lot to do... nightclubs? etc?
  • I'd suggest Hawaii, though that might be too far/expensive from NYC.  We also get to see and do a ton of things and have beach/pool time too.  My favourite so far for that was the Big Island.  

  • Puerto Rico 
    Costa Rica 
  • If you want nightclubs and beaches Ibiza's got you covered, but not at that budget. 
  • Thanks all!

  • Never been to Puerto Rico, but I've heard it's awesome. Plus, you don't need a passport to get there, and a lot of locals speak English.

    San Juan is a happening city, and parts of it are perfectly safe for tourists at night, from what I have heard from friends. Plus the beaches are beautiful.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • CMGragainCMGragain member
    10000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited August 2016
    Aruba is very American friendly.  Beautiful beaches. lots of nightlife and everyone speaks English as their second language.  It is a desert island, so no jungles to explore.  Lots of resorts to choose from.
    No local culture.  This is why I dislike Aruba personally, because I am into folk lore and museums, but this is me.  Someone who wants a lot of water activities and beautiful beaches might be very happy in Aruba.
  • SP29SP29 member
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    I've heard a lot of good things about Aruba if you want beaches and resort life. (Never been myself).

    Dominican Republic. My friends have been there four times, to different resorts.

    I like Mexico. You can either stick to the large cities (like Cancun) which is pretty "North Americanized" or go to the smaller cities/towns to get a local feel. I've been to Playa Del Carmen, which was nice.
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