Heya how is everyone? Just seeing if anyone is going through what I am. This is my second wedding (first didn't last long at all for many reasons) but its his first. I really don't want to go through all the bells and whistles like my first wedding (bridal showers and being given away, all the special dances etc.) I just want a sweet little ceremony and a big celebration of our love. I honestly had a plan to have it be a Halloween party that ended up being a surprise wedding but He didn't want that. We are going to have maybe 50 people there and 8 of them are children (6 of them being 4yrs old and under). I wanted it to be more about the family and friends-- those that have always been there for us instead just about us.
Another reason I don't want to go through the whole thing again is because I don't think my family would be very supportive of it. They are great with me getting married again but not about having all the big stuff.
what are your thoughts? I don't want to be selfish and I know that a wedding (and of course a marriage) is about him also. Most guys I know don't want the whole big thing but he keeps saying "I know this is your second time but its my first." So that makes me think he wants a big shindig. Is there a compromise or do I just do the big thing because he's never experienced it before?
If it makes any difference I'm 37 and he is 33.