Man, Hillary KILLED it during the second half of last night's debate. Which is arguably more important. Finish STRONG HIL!
How was your Monday? What is on the agenda for Tuesday?
Yesterday afternoon I got an itch to check the IRS withholding calculator to make sure we've paid in enough taxes so far this year since we didn't pay enough in 2015 and got hit with a massive tax bill. We didn't do anything wrong, it's just that our employers didn't withhold enough because jointly we're in a much higher tax bracker than we are when you look at us by ourselves. It kind of sucked. ANYWAY, now I found out we'll owe $3600 this year if we don't change something now. Soooo I have to withhold an extra $600 from each of my paychecks for the remainder of the year.
It really really blows. I feel like I'm working for free and this really cuts into our savings goals.
Last night H and I watched the debate. I think Hillary did a really good job and she came across as a likable person I think...which tends to be tough for her sometimes. I really hope this swings the polls significantly in her favor because I don't even know what I'd do with a Donald Trump presidency.