I wanted to do a tiered reception because it helps with the budget. I found the most common responses on the blogs on this site extremely discouraging, so I decided to put it out there to my friend group. I made a post to all my friends on Facebook, asking for their opinions. I posed the question neutrally, asking people to share their concerns and opinions. I keep getting positive responses from people of all ages, that it sounds like a great way to be inclusive.
I realize that my crowd of friends is largely likely to be like me. Easy going, pragmatic, less traditional. I didn't know for sure what they would say and I was prepared for both answers.
To those of you who believe that in all cases tiered reception is a bad idea, thank you for the warning. This post is for any bride that has been considering this and is feeling discouraged.
To quote my daughter's book on bullying, the difference between things that are bullying and those that aren't is that bullying is meant to be hurtful. I firmly believe, and it looks like most of my friends do as well, that having a budget and finding a way to be inclusive while sticking to your budget is not hurtful. Quite the opposite.
Best Wishes to all!