Wedding Woes

I'm OK

Just letting all of you know I'm all right. I freaked out a bit yesterday, and I'm still scared about the next four-plus years. But I'm committed to fighting like hell for me and mine, and if necessary, leaving the country.

Re: I'm OK

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    I'm glad you showed up today!!  Take care.  <3<3 We're here for you. 
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    OWK, I was just thinking about you! I noticed your last message was about you admitting yourself to the hospital so I was really hoping you'd touch base today.  So glad you're doing OK.  

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    Glad to hear you're okay! <3
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    Glad you're okay.  Don't leave.  Surround yourself with allies.  We all have your back, side and front, virtually.
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    Been worried about you. So glad to hear you're ok. I agree with Kimmi- we are all on your side :)

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    Was thinking about you yesterday after work, glad to hear the message. I am also glad that it sounds like you have a good support system surrounding you for when times are tough. 
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    I'm glad you're okay. I'm sorry you're hurting. 
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    I'm so glad you are doing okay.  I'm right there with you--yesterday was awful, and I am still very sad and scared.  But I'm not giving up.  We have midterm elections in two years.  We will make it, and we will make it COUNT.

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    So glad you are back and doing okay today.  Try to stay positive!
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    I was worried also when I didn't see you post again.  Thanks for reaching out to us today.  It was an upsetting and shocking day for many.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    I'm glad you are okay!!!
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    Glad you're okay..and here <3
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    I'm very glad to hear this. 
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    God Bless America!  Remember, when Mr. Trump becomes president, he will not have the power to make new laws.  He will not have the power to change decisions of the Supreme Court.  Any decisions that have already been given by the Supreme Court, still stand, even when a new justice takes their seat.  Mr. Trump cannot rewrite the Constitution of the United States of America, either.

    This is not Czarist Russia.  Our president's powers have many limits under the Constitution.

    Mr. Trump knows full well, despite his rhetoric, that he was elected by a very narrow margin, and that he lost the popular vote.  He will be under scrutiny for the next four years.  Washington is a tough game, and they don't welcome newbies.
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    CMGragainCMGragain member
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    edited November 2016
    Sorry, but this is how our country works.  I am old enough to remember many other elections that did not go the way some of my friends wishes.  Nixon?  Johnson?  Bush, II?  Our country survived, and we should be proud of it.
    Am I pleased that Mr. Trump won the election?  No, I am horrified, but I have faith in our country and our system of government.  The people who should be really worried are the people who received benefit from Obama care.
    I am sorry if you do not agree with me, but this is an open forum.

    As for OWK, she knows very well that I am her internet friend, and that I have always supported her. and I care about her.   Shame on  anyone who thinks otherwise.
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    It may not feel like it right now, OWK, but there are A LOT of people in this country who are on your side. We want you here, we want you safe, and we want you happy. Stay well and remember that you have friends here.
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    CMGragainCMGragain member
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    edited November 2016
    I am so glad you commented, @charlotte98975.  You are very qualified to help people understand that Trump's election is not the end of the world, and that racism, sexism, xenophobia (which is not unique to the USA), and bigotry need not be encouraged.
    It worries me that 18 year old students are protesting the results of the election.  I am sorry, but he won.  When I was in college, students were protesting the War in Vietnam, not a presidential election.  I would rather see these same people demonstrating FOR gay rights, FOR equal rights for LGBTQ, than against a candidate who has been legally elected (or who will be, once the electoral college has met).   We need to move on in a positive effort so that it is clear that there is no going back.
    I hope I have made myself clear.  You obviously have more knowledge about the Constitution than I do.  So bring it on!  The Constitution is what makes us the country that we are.
    I have issues, myself that I worry about.  I remember when abortion was illegal, and I do not want those days to return!  I remember segregation.  I didn't like it then, and I don't want it back in any form of discrimination.  My grandfather was a legal immigrant, and I want others to have the opportunity that he had.  I also live in a part of the country that relies heavily on immigrant labor.  We need it!
    You teach Constitutional Law?  Wonderful!  I am in awe!  I have so much respect for our Constitution and its protections.  Keep on teaching it...and I still say "God Bless America", even if some people don't like it.
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    I am also very concerned about OWK.  I just don't think all the negativity is necessarily the right approach.
    PS.  Just talked to my son, who works for a defense department contractor in the DC area.  He is nervous about the future of his job.  There are lots of people worried out there.  I advised him to not panic, and wait and see.
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    Jen4948Jen4948 member
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    edited November 2016
    @CMGragain, whether or not you think the negativity is helpful right now, and your son's situation, and whatever your opinion of America right now, is beside the point of this thread. @OurWildKingdom may be on the verge of losing her civil rights, if not worse, as the result of this election. She wanted us to know that she's okay.

    @OurWildKingdom, I've been thinking about you ever since the final results came in. I'm glad you're okay and hope you continue to be okay. We have your back.

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    I seriously doubt that anyone will lose Constitutional Rights because Trump was elected president.  I believe this is what the Supreme Court protects.
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    Jen4948Jen4948 member
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    edited November 2016
    CMGragain said:
    I seriously doubt that anyone will lose Constitutional Rights because Trump was elected president.  I believe this is what the Supreme Court protects.
    Remind me who it is that nominates justices to the Supreme Court?
    And who controls the house of Congress that confirms them?
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