Good morning, WW! What's happening this week?
Presents are all wrapped, except for a bunch of B&BW stuff for my mom that I just have to swaddle in tissue and toss in a gift bag. Maybe tonight. Mr. Heff is off all week (and next), and he's at the dentist right now getting a crown (boo). But after that he is picking up Wooz's new bike (!!) from the bike shop and putting together DS's drum set (!!). (Yes, we are crazy. We almost went this route for his birthday, decided not to, and reconsidered for Christmas. It's sitting in a box in our living room.) He is also going to tackle the trampoline when it arrives later this week. I could get used to having a SAHH.
My brother is back from the UK, and texted that our mom is "adamant" that he stay with her the whole time. He's only here for three days (including arrival/departure days), so we'll have to see if maybe we can get together in addition to Christmas Day.
Got the Sponsor Family stuff dropped off Saturday. The back of my car was completely full, and we had to put the bike and a few other presents in DH's truck. It was a haul, but it went off without a hitch. Also, on the drive there, Wooz was asking me why some of the flags were at half staff. I Googled it and the best I could come up with was John Glenn's funeral. So then she was asking what a funeral was, and if they were just for famous people. "Will you and Daddy have a funeral?" Yeesh. Worse: "Will I have a funeral?" Nothing like confronting your own mortality on a drive in the country.