I have seen in previous posts that proper etiquette is to invite anyone that had to travel to the rehearsal dinner. However, everyone has to travel for our wedding as it is a destination wedding. It is in the state we live in, but requires most people to drive for 2-4 hours. We have been planning to just do a cookout at a house our parents are renting - very laid back and casual. Our wedding party and their significant others are invited, and then our immediate families of course (our parents & our siblings). We are paying for the wedding ourselves and are not really in the position to throw a huge party to cover food and booze the night before the wedding in addition to the reception. We have been to a couple of these casual cookout rehearsal dinners and love the idea of just doing a small cookout with the wedding party and our immediate family. Our plan after the cookout is to let everyone know we'll be at a bar at the resort and people can come join us if they wish.
Are we totally breaking protocol by not inviting everyone who traveled (which is literally everybody)?