Wedding Classifieds

Does anyone need a venue in North New Jersey

Hey All, 
My fiance and I found a gorgeous venue (The Brookside Banquet)for both our ceremony and reception. We booked the venue and date early to lock in their early-bird special (The venue wasn't complete with it's renovations). Unfortunately, we are dealing with financial issues and we cannot afford the wedding we were planning on. 
Our deposit was $2,000 and it is nonrefundable. We are willing to sell a couple our deposit for a negotiable price. Because we booked so soon we got an amazing deal that came with the deposit dishes per person range from $85-$100 and the deposit also includes 5 hours premium liquor open bar.

If you are interested in taking over our deposit please let me know. Also, the date is changeable depending on the venue's availability. 
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