Wedding Woes

Worst Christmas Gift

Bored at work soooooo.....what is the worst Christmas gift you (or someone you know) has received?

Last year, my mom gave FI the entire Alien anthology on blu-ray.  He has never seen those movies, has no desire to, and we don't own a blu-ray player.  They went from the gift bag directly into the Goodwill bag.  

Re: Worst Christmas Gift

  • Ro041 said:
    @short+sassy - sometimes destroying something is so damn satisfying.  

    I recently came across an elaborate pic of ex-FI's coat of arms that was given to him for being a groomsman in a wedding.  It was under the stairs in my basement and had been left there for over 3 years.  It felt so nice to shred it, piece by piece.  

    It was especially gratifying because I had just recently found out that he and his new wife had dumped his adopted dog in a rural area and refused to go pick it up.  I got the call because I was the backup on the chip.  I went and got her and FI and still have her.  She's great and he sucks.

    Thank goodness you were on the chip also!!!  I can't even watch those videos I sometimes come across where a person abandons their pet somewhere.  And some sweet dog looks devastated and starts running after the car or person.  Ugh!  Tears me up every time.

    I suspect something like that happened to my dog.  We got her from the pound when she was about 18 months old.  All they knew about her was she had been brought in with a group of stray dogs who'd been loose on the streets.  But her behavior showed she was used to people and living in a home.  She had some quirks that made us suspect she was ignored or possibly even abused in whatever home she started in.  Hence why I think she was abandoned somewhere as opposed to just getting lost.

    We've had her for a few years now and it was so gratifying to see her blossom into a happy, confident dog.  Happy endings for both puppers and their people! :)

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  • @thefanciestbeckler  - I have a good friend whose grandma always gave us used bras and old newspaper clippings she thought we would like.  It was so odd.  

    Also, my grandma gave my aunt a set of used sheets for her wedding.  

    Maybe it's just a grandma thing?

  • My ex husband gave me one of those reel push mowers for the lawn. He said since I liked to work out he thought I would like it it would give me a good workout when I mowed the lawn. I should not have been too surprised. His mother gave me coupons she cut out of the newspaper for Christmas.
  • CMGragainCMGragain member
    10000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited December 2016
    I came from a family where gifts were valued more than people.  Lots of money was spent on Christmas gifts, and we were expected to gush about how much we loved the gift.  It made me feel uncomfortable.
    DH and I rarely exchange gifts anymore.  We spend our money on our travels.  My favorite part of Christmas has nothing to do with gifts, trees, decorations, or Santa Claus.  I like singing traditional carols at church on Christmas Eve.  Jesus is the reason for the season.

    I do like buying gifts for the grandchildren!
  • edited December 2016
    @CMGragain, buying gifts for kids is the best! I always have a blast shopping for FSD and the niblings.

    @thefanciestbeckler, you look adorable even if the pullover is cheesy!
  • My now MIL gave me an odd pair of Shoppers Drug Mart earrings for Christmas 2 years ago. They were animals in 'gold' like metal with orange pearls hanging off the end. I never wear gold coloured jewelry and rarely anything that dangles. It was so odd. Especially odd since she had asked for a few gift ideas. I gave her 3 very reasonable ideas - things to scrapbook with (ribbon/stickers etc), a pocket book I had my eye on or something edible from Hawaii since they were there right before Christmas. I have a feeling that she forgot about me and had to run out the night before.

    She has improved since and might even take us up on our offer of doing a group donation next year instead of presents. Progress!!

  • Thank you @OurWildKingdom!! That was so many years ago! I've always loved a good tacky sweater party though :) I'm sorry about your worst Christmas gifts. Hospital visits are always scary. Glad he was ok though!

  • A Chia pet, when I was like 13.
    Do you still have Kmarts? Kmart here in Ohio has Don King Chia Pets.
  • My SIL sent us a platter for Christmas that broke in the box. The box was a very tight fit and there wasn't a lot of packing. For something glass like that, she really should have used a box bigger than the platter and way more packing. 
  • Ro041 said:
    @short+sassy - sometimes destroying something is so damn satisfying.  

    I recently came across an elaborate pic of ex-FI's coat of arms that was given to him for being a groomsman in a wedding.  It was under the stairs in my basement and had been left there for over 3 years.  It felt so nice to shred it, piece by piece.  

    It was especially gratifying because I had just recently found out that he and his new wife had dumped his adopted dog in a rural area and refused to go pick it up.  I got the call because I was the backup on the chip.  I went and got her and FI and still have her.  She's great and he sucks.

    Thank goodness you were on the chip also!!!  I can't even watch those videos I sometimes come across where a person abandons their pet somewhere.  And some sweet dog looks devastated and starts running after the car or person.  Ugh!  Tears me up every time.

    I suspect something like that happened to my dog.  We got her from the pound when she was about 18 months old.  All they knew about her was she had been brought in with a group of stray dogs who'd been loose on the streets.  But her behavior showed she was used to people and living in a home.  She had some quirks that made us suspect she was ignored or possibly even abused in whatever home she started in.  Hence why I think she was abandoned somewhere as opposed to just getting lost.

    We've had her for a few years now and it was so gratifying to see her blossom into a happy, confident dog.  Happy endings for both puppers and their people! :)

    Ugh, I feel you.  This may make me a horrible person, but I get so much more emotional about animals than people.  Child's been abused by his parents?  That's awful.  Dog was thrown out on the street or tossed in a garbage bin?  Those people must burn in hell!  It makes me want to hunt them down personally and punch them in the face.  I don't have a rescue--we got our puppy from a breeder we interviewed--but if anyone were to lay a hand on her, I'd end up in jail for assault.  

    My brother's present to my H this year said "Look in your room."  He'd put a Five Nights at Freddy's plush (super creepy game) on our bed, and hidden another one in the closet.  The presentation was a bit creepy, but the plushes aren't so bad as long as I don't look directly at them or think about the game in any way.
  • A Chia pet, when I was like 13.
    Do you still have Kmarts? Kmart here in Ohio has Don King Chia Pets.
    Yes, we do.  But I haven't been in one in ages!  Most have closed, but there is one still open about 15 minutes away.  I'm a Target gal, so that's where I go!
  • A Chia pet, when I was like 13.
    Do you still have Kmarts? Kmart here in Ohio has Don King Chia Pets.
    Yes, we do.  But I haven't been in one in ages!  Most have closed, but there is one still open about 15 minutes away.  I'm a Target gal, so that's where I go!
    Target is 10 minutes from us, so we're Target girls too!
  • I'm notorious for shaking my presents to try to guess what they are. One year, there was a box that was pretty heavy and I could not figure out what it was. My exH was so excited! He kept saying, "That's going to be your favorite present ever!" So Christmas morning comes, I open this "favorite present ever' and it's a giant box of Twizzlers. Needless to say it was not my favorite ever. I think the same year, I had given him a list that included some paisley shaped cake pans and even said where to buy them. He got me a brownie pan from Walmart because that's remotely the same thing.
  • SaintPaulGalSaintPaulGal member
    500 Love Its 500 Comments First Anniversary First Answer
    edited December 2016
    I have a much-older half sister that I pretty much never see, not out of any hard feelings but just because we have nothing in common besides a bit of DNA and she lives super far away with her 9 (nine!) children.

    She is famous for sending the most bizarre presents.  When I was a young teen I got a floor length purple nightgown with a little bow on the neck.  And purses. Good lord the purses.  Everything was always small-child-meets-old-lady styling.  She was a beauty pageant person and went on to work in retail merchandising before becoming a SAHM, so I know she knew better.  My sister has had even worse.  She is quite a bit younger than I am, which apparently means she is perpetually 5.  She is 19 now, and I think this is the first year she has gotten something other than a preschool sort of toy.  (This time it was an ugly scarf.)

    Oh, and this year she sent an ornament of two snow-folk cuddling that says "engaged 2016."  We got engaged in 2015.  But oh well. We are indeed engaged, and this is 2016.  Best present ever from her.
  • ppgbebppgbeb member
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2016
    The worst thing I have gotten was during my teenage years, my father sent me a princess coloring book and a children's book on how to save money and budget.... With ages 4-10 on it.. I was 15 years old.... Lol
  • Not a regular poster over here but this thread has cracked me up so much I wanted to join in, hope that's cool! I've gotten some strange presents from my extended family- one year when I was about 16 one of my aunts sent a gift that was addressed to both me and my (1.5 years younger) brother, and it was a single blue fluffy robe with stars on it. Still not sure if we were expected to share it or what... but to this day we have a joke where I wear it when I'm at my parents' house with him and he makes a big deal of how he wants his turn with it, lol.

    My grandmother started sending me baby things- blankets, stuffed animals etc.- when I was about 17, just "for someday." The worst part was writing thank you notes for stuff like that, because what do you even say?

    Dear Grandma,

    I hope you have been well.  Thank you so much for the baby blankets and onesies.  Have you, perhaps, been watching too many episodes of "16 and Pregnant"?  I promise to not use these for a very, very long time if you promise to stop sending me baby items.



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