I have a bit of an unusual situation with a thank you note or two that I want to clear up. I'm a bit behind on them (not wildly late, just later than I'd like to be [i.e. still within 2-3 months following the wedding]).
First scenario: If I invited a couple or family to the wedding, but only one of the couple came (wife was suddenly in the hospital a week prior to the wedding with a broken back) or the parents came (kids in the middle of a college semester) and the card given with the gift was signed with all of the names of the people invited, do I address the thank you note to those who attended or those who signed? I'm thinking signed, but I don't want it to be read as mean or spiteful.
Second scenario: My parents have had a rough year. My dad lost his job, then a week later had a heart attack (survived and was doing well enough to walk me down the aisle) and then a week later my mother was in the hospital for emergency surgery. My dad got another job with the company which unexpectedly went out of business shortly before the bridal shower. My mother then developed a medical problem weeks prior to the wedding related to a poor recovery from her earlier surgery. They couldn't afford their bills, even with unemployment/ACA/deferments/what-have-you. A couple, who are very dear family friends, offered, in lieu of a wedding present to DH and I, to pay for my parents' bills for a month to ease their burdens. This was very kind of the couple and DH and I are extremely grateful for their assistance (we helped as much as we could, but that wasn't much).
Should I thank them for helping my parents out in my wedding thank you notes? I was thinking of "We're very grateful to you for assisting Mom and Dad in such a generous fashion and taking stress away from the wedding planning." Does it seem gift-grabby or rude? Should I thank them in a note apart from the wedding thank you note?
Thank you for your advice!