Wedding Woes

It's time to set boundaries with dearest mom

Dear Prudence,
My mother has always wanted to take her three children on a cruise. My brother hates boats, and my sister and I are usually too busy between work and school. I’m the only one who lives with my mom, and we also work together. She just told me she booked a weeklong cruise for the two of us! I’m in college, and this trip is scheduled in the middle of my classes. My mom didn’t even run it by me before buying tickets, which is unusual for her.

If I miss more than three classes I drop a full letter grade, and going on vacation with my mother is not good enough for my professors to overlook a full week’s absence. I also recently adopted a dog who still needs a lot of daily care. I can’t spare this time, and I wouldn’t want to even if I could. I know my mother is trying to be nice, and I do appreciate it, but I don’t want to go on a cruise at all, I don’t want to leave my new dog for a week, and I can’t miss that much school. She’s already paid for it, but I’m a broke college kid—I couldn’t possibly reimburse her. This has me stressed out to the point of tears.

Re: It's time to set boundaries with dearest mom

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    I'm going to guess this kid is 20 and mom still pays for school--which makes boundries harder.
    I'm guessing her mom is a right PITA all the time.
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    Had something similar happen to my H by FIL. For Hs 21st birthday, FIL said he wanted to take H to Vegas. H said that sounded great, but wasn't actually expecting it to happen, as FIL makes such claims that don't come to fruition.
    FIL booked the flight and hotel without running the dates by H, although he did know that he was on Christmas break during the dates, so at least it didn't interfere with classes. However, we had already bought tickets for a concert during the time he was in Vegas, and I was not happy that FIL just did this without checking dates with H first.
    H did go on the trip, and had a great time, and I ended up going to the concert with a friend, so it worked out okay in the end. However, if H had not been able to get off work or this had interefered with classes, he would have had no problem telling FIL "sorry, you needed to check the dates with me first, I can't go." That's what I would also do in this situation.
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