My parents just had their 35th wedding anniversary this month! I am planning on wearing my mother's veil for my wedding ceremony this spring. Her veil has a longer fingertip length portion and a blusher portion, both attached on the same clip. I can't decide whether to wear the blusher over my face or not? My mom wore the blusher over her face at her wedding. When I started wedding planning a year ago, I liked the idea of the blusher and the fact that my groom would be the first person to see the full me when the blusher was lifted up. Now I am not so sure. I think I might look prettier walking down the aisle if I don't have the blusher on. I am just really torn. Would it look weird if i just wore the blusher in the back and didn't put it over my face even though the veil has two portions?
I also don't know much about the history or tradition of the blusher? The reason that I mentioned above along with the fact that my mom wore it are the reasons I originally was considering it. I recently heard it was used to symbolize fiancé and I have been together for 5 years and have lived together the past 2 so I don't want to give people the wrong impression.... thoughts?