Wedding Woes



Re: Tuesday

  • SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE @OliveOilsMom!  She's so gorgeous!  Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, Sarah is a wonderful name.  :D  There are many great Sara(h)s in the world and a couple are here on this board.  

    (Hint: Me! But with no 'h'.) YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! 
  • Congratulations @OliveOilsMom!!!! She's beautiful!!! 

    Today I have to take a final and write a paper. We also found more termite damage so we're calling the termite company out again. Luckily this time SO is coming home from work when they come, because they always try bullshit with me. 

    I feel like I have a cold I just can't beat. It's not really all that annoying. I feel pretty much fine but I'm congested and I have a sore throat in the morning that disappears by lunch. It's been over a week though so at this point I'm just like hurry the eff up and finish. 

  • Congratulations, @OliveOilsMom!  What a beautiful baby.  Love her name (and her outfit).  Also, I am a sucker for a good birth story, and I like yours. :)
  • @OliveOilsMom  congrats!! :)

    @kimmiinthemitten  she's trying to expedite the specialist appt, but nothing until I see a specialist.

    When shit goes bad to worse?
    M just got laid off.
  • Oh no @MissKittyDanger. I am so sorry. =(

  • @OliveOilsMom  congrats!! :)

    @kimmiinthemitten  she's trying to expedite the specialist appt, but nothing until I see a specialist.

    When shit goes bad to worse?
    M just got laid off.
    I'm sorry - I know this sucks today, but hopefully this is a blessing in disguise in the long term and it propels him quickly into a better job that actually honors their payroll.
  • Congratulations @OliveOilsMom! Precious! I love her little outfit.
  • @OliveOilsMom  congrats!! :)

    @kimmiinthemitten  she's trying to expedite the specialist appt, but nothing until I see a specialist.

    When shit goes bad to worse?
    M just got laid off.
    I'm sorry - I know this sucks today, but hopefully this is a blessing in disguise in the long term and it propels him quickly into a better job that actually honors their payroll.
    I'm hoping. It just sucks so hard. I know M is really upset too, because I don't think he'd ever think it'd get to this point.
  • @OliveOilsMom  congrats!! :)

    @kimmiinthemitten  she's trying to expedite the specialist appt, but nothing until I see a specialist.

    When shit goes bad to worse?
    M just got laid off.
    I'm sorry - I know this sucks today, but hopefully this is a blessing in disguise in the long term and it propels him quickly into a better job that actually honors their payroll.
    I'm hoping. It just sucks so hard. I know M is really upset too, because I don't think he'd ever think it'd get to this point.

    I agree with Kimmi. I think this can be a very GOOD thing for you guys, especially considering the stress you've been under lately with them not paying on time, him needing to make more before TTC, etc. I know it sucks today, though. That uncertainty of the future is the worst.

  • @OliveOilsMom congratulations!  She's gorgeous and the name is awesome (and spelled correctly)

    @MissKittyDanger I'm sorry. 
  • Congrats, @OliveOilsMom!!!!!! She is gorgeous!!!!! I love that Irish outfit :)
  • @OliveOilsMom  congrats!! :)

    @kimmiinthemitten  she's trying to expedite the specialist appt, but nothing until I see a specialist.

    When shit goes bad to worse?
    M just got laid off.

    I'm so sorry, MKD.  Best of luck to him finding a new job soon.

    Good dentist appointment:  good x-rays, good gums, no cavities.  Still didn't want to go back to work.

    In random news, DS needs a training wheel bike.  When he was pedaling around the neighborhood Sunday, it was clear that he's outgrowing his trike.  Plus he finally pedals consistently, and doesn't ask me to push him anymore.  I think it's time.  Maybe I'll send DH on a mission to the bike shop in town.
  • @OliveOilsMom - congrats!  She is adorable and the outfit is everything right now.  

    @MissKittyDanger - that sucks.  Hopefully a window will open now that this door is shut.  

    I bent my e-ring a week or so ago and the jeweler sent it back to the designer for repair.  I just got a call that it isn't salvageable and the rings needs an entirely new setting.  Thank God the ring is insured because I think the insurance will cover the cost.  

    I have to go to physical therapy after work for my rotator cuff and it's always a drag getting there.  In better news, I am still loving my studio and working out has stayed fun.  :) 

  • Thanks everyone <3 It's definitely not something we'd planned, but M is going to see a employment counselor Thursday and hopefully he'll get his information so he can claim employment insurance while he hunts.
    At least he has time to do things ... and things happen in 3's right? First pay, then brakes and now this?

    Does that count?
  • Sorry @MissKittyDanger, let's hope this is the beginning of good things for you and M.
  • Ugh, @MissKittyDanger I'm so sorry. Keeping my fingers crossed that something awesome is just around the corner for you!!
  • OliveOilsMomOliveOilsMom member
    Tenth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited February 2017
    MKD - I hope M can find better and more consistent work place very soon!

    Ro - That stinks about your ring.  Glad insurance will cover it.

    Heffa - I know many people love a good birth story!

    And thank you everyone!

  • Heffalump said:
    Y'all, you know how I love my projects.  Would it be totally crazy to start a beehive in our backyard?  I'd wanted to do it for a while, but then I had a kid, and another, so between them, the cats, and the fish, I had plenty of critters to feed and clean up after and medicate as needed.  But I read Beekeeping for Dummies on a whim years ago, and ever since, I've wanted to start a beehive.

    DH and I want to completely redo the backyard, so maybe I'll carve out a spot for a beehive.  They like east-facing dappled shade, so I have a spot in mind.  I'll need a good water source, though.
    We have been discussing doing this in OUR yard, so...I'm watching this w/ anticipiation :)
    I explained bee hostility via breeds to the kiddo who is insistingthat we can buy a box of black-velvet bees and she'd be thrilled.
  • @OliveOilsMom  congrats!! :)

    @kimmiinthemitten  she's trying to expedite the specialist appt, but nothing until I see a specialist.

    When shit goes bad to worse?
    M just got laid off.
    Damn. That sucks! I'm so sorry. Sending lots of good vibes for M to find something better fast!
  • Update; AC fixed - possibly 1 or 2 problems. It's either the float sensor or the thermostat that's wonky - maybe both. HVAC company said they'd bring both out and swap them if we had any more issues. Not sure what triggered recent problem, but they got it working. 

    @MissKittyDanger - sorry to hear about M, although given the general fuckery with his job, this may be a good thing longer term. 
  • @heffalump my mom keeps bees. It seems to be a lot harder than she first thought. Almost every weekend she has to do something with her bees, it appears to me. She LOVES them though. 
    @thefanciestbeckler I will be hoping for bad weather for you. :)
    @MissKittyDanger I am sorry to hear about M. Best of luck to him. Sometimes these things are blessings in disguise. *hoping*
    @OliveOilsMom OMGomgomgomg She is Beautiful! Glad to hear everyone is healthy and happy! Congratulations!

    My week has been good. I made a sheperds pie that DH devoured and loved. I feel especially good when he loves something because sometimes I don't think he thinks I am a very good cook. Example: I made banana bread/brownies with browned butter icing and they were amazing. He didn't eat more than one piece. So I sent a couple pieces with him to give to our friend he works with, who requested more the next day! So when DH actually likes something I am pleased. 

    There was an explosion in my building yesterday. It shook the whole building and we had to wait outside for about an hour. Someone had left a gas cylinder from a grill on their balcony and it exploded. Fucking crazy.

    Today, Ikea is supposed to deliver our couch. DH and I are super stoked about it. We ended up getting the same couch we had before in a different color though, lol. Oh well.

    Tomorrow I am trying to get our crew to an edm event at the beach. 50% (me, j, and b) will be into it. DH will not but will tag along and the other two are wild cards, depends on their moods.

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