Just curious as to who out there makes a big to-do out of milestone birthdays (in this case it's H's 30th, and I consider each decade a "milestone," I guess). We haven't done anything special for birthdays in years: I get him presents, he gets me presents, maybe we'll go out to eat. But I was curious to see if anyone else treats decades as extra-special, or if it's a weird thing that only a few people do? We're big kids at heart, so I'm thinking of throwing him a somewhat traditional birthday party (food, drinks, cake, maybe Cards Against Humanity). His grad school friends have been meeting up at restaurants and arcades for their birthdays, so I feel kind of weird wanting to host something at our house, but at the same time I love hosting.
Have any of you done something big for an adult's birthday? I love parties and celebrations, so I may just be super weird in wanting to make a big deal out of this--I'm one of those crazy people that has birthday presents for her dog (she'll be 1 soon!). My feeling is, growing old can suck and our lives are full of stress, so why not make it fun?