New Jersey

Hair Necklace? Headpiece

I tried on a beautiful (but expensive!) headpiece that I just loved. I have been looking for something similar online, but can't even think of what to call it. The best way I can think to describe it is a necklace for your hair. It sits on your head (could lay across your forehead, as well), and is all metal/crystals. There are no ribbons and no clips, and it is fairly flexible, not like a crown. Has anyone seen something similar or could suggest some keywords to help my search? Thanks so much!!

Re: Hair Necklace? Headpiece

  • I would search for "bridal headbands." And if there's any info on the tag (description, name, or item #) that might help you find it somewhere else. If you don't have that info, go back to where you found it and take a second peek at it. Hope that helps!!
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