Goodness! we have 3 people who have invited themselves to the rehearsal dinner who are not relatives, are not in the wedding party, and live in-town. 2 of them are relatives of a cousin's boyfriend who just assumed they were invited, and the other is a friend of a cousin who told us they were inviting themselves because they don't like to miss a party and they thought it sounded fun.
There have been 2 people who are distant relatives who have not been in contact with the family at all for over a decade and just moved to town and they invited themselves to the wedding. The first one MIL decided it would avert an awkward situation by just giving them an invite to the wedding, against future hubby's wishes, and now their sister who moved here a few months later (who we barely know, but we do know from past experience that she lies and steals and we don't trust her, and we had to hide our purses/valuables when she came over) and she creeps me out a lot, automatically assumed she was coming to the bridal shower which is this week, and the wedding. She was texting MIL about what time it was. MIL decided she will not answer her but I think she is just going to find out from her sister and show up anyway.
What on earth is wrong with people?