What's up people?
I have wood painting tonight at my sister's. I'm taking DefConn and he's going to have a sleepover with my nephew. My mom's taking the boys to a waterpark tomorrow.
DH and the kiddo are getting ready for their great American road trip. They leave Friday. I'm excited for them. We'll miss them a lot, but I have a lot of stuff planned for DefConn and me to do while they're gone.
In 'home ownership sucks' news, the boys shower is leaking. We found the source of the leak and no one is using their bathtub until we can get it fixed. We're probably going to have to bring in a plumber. Grr.
AIso, had to appeal my property valuation last year and they haven't gotten to it yet (they said it could take a year). In the meantime, they've done a second evaluation and are trying to go HIGHER (over $100k than what we purchased the house for less than 3 years ago). I called the county and I have to appeal,
again. It's annoying. I can piggyback it on last year's appeal, so they should kill 2 birds with one stone. This has everything to do with the referendum not passing 2 years ago for school funding. They're trying to backdoor the taxes by raising the property values and collecting higher taxes.