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Pride goeth before the fall.......dumb ass edition/AKA RHONY

Re: Pride goeth before the fall.......dumb ass edition/AKA RHONY

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    I only know her by face, I don't watch the show.  Sad, though :(

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    My two guilty pleasures are Teen Mom OG and a few of the Housewives shows, most notably OC and NYC. 

    This woman had fairly irrefutable evidence that her FI was cheating on her just weeks prior to their wedding.  She refused to listen to people who desperately wanted her to rethink this marriage.  It crashed and burned in less than 8 months. 

    I just have to wonder how she thought "saving face" prior to the wedding makes this any easier.
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    Obviously what her friend said to Carol at that event was true - she's rather just go through with the wedding and get divorced than call it off. 

    Why she tried to make this relationship work is beyond me. He cheated on her constantly, and she had proof of it! Every time they were together, he never even seemed that into her. His comments about wearing a wedding ring - UGH. I thought they'd at least make it last a year though. 

    I was watching this week's episode last night, and cracking up at her saying Tom was her rose. 
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    The rose comment made me sick; she was beyond focused on the facade of that marriage.  She tried way too hard to make that look rosey....pun intended. 

    The man talked about getting a hall pass for his bachelor party.  One story talks about an extremely heated argument between the pair at a restaurant about a week prior to this announcement.  It was reported that Tom got a pretty good smack across his face from LuAnn. 

    I think she got more than swept up at the thought of the fairy tale wedding, and forgot all about "the prince" in the picture.
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