I am having a HARD time making a decision, mostly because it may go against traditional etiquette. I am aware that it can be taboo. As I write this I am asking for your response in this situation according to how you feel, not etiquette. Here it goes...
FI's friend did not have plus 1 during the time the STD were sent out because he was not in a relationship and is very close friends with everyone that he will be sitting with. We sent out invitations and he has entered a new relationship. I barely know her and on one of the very few times we hung out she yelled at me to "shut my whore mouth". Now he is asking to bring her to the wedding.
Part of me is pissed off. She never apologized and when I mentioned it to FI's friend he played it off as she was "just joking" and has a strong personality.
Honestly, what would you do?