Wedding Classifieds

Glassware favor idea's

lauraca1lauraca1 member
First Comment
edited September 2017 in Wedding Classifieds
Hi everyone!
I'm looking for cheap glassware to engrave for wedding favors. I was thinking mason jars with a handle and wine glasses. Has anyone mixed and matched favors? I'm trying to decide if I should do both. It will be their glass for the night, so it's hard to imagine drinking wine out of a mason jar but maybe it's fine? Thanks for any idea's/thoughts. It's an outdoor Fall rustic wedding in Asheville, NC

Re: Glassware favor idea's

  • CMGragainCMGragain member
    10000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited September 2017
    I honestly think the mason jar glass thing is waaaay over.  Rustic is fine, but give people decent glasses to use.  You really don't need wedding favors at all - especially engraved ones with your wedding info on them!  Those jars will either be thrown out or stuffed in the back of a cabinet and never used again.
    If you do want favors, think about something edible that people can enjoy and not have to carry home with them.
  • lauraca1 said:
    Hi everyone!
    I'm looking for cheap glassware to engrave for wedding favors. I was thinking mason jars with a handle and wine glasses. Has anyone mixed and matched favors? I'm trying to decide if I should do both. It will be their glass for the night, so it's hard to imagine drinking wine out of a mason jar but maybe it's fine? Thanks for any idea's/thoughts. It's an outdoor Fall rustic wedding in Asheville, NC
    Their glass for the night?  How does it get rinsed if I want to switch my drink choice?

    This is cute in theory but does not translate well in terms of practicality.  Are you responsible to provide glassware?  You are better off getting good quality plastic ware for beverages.  A Fall wedding affords so many favor opportunities that can be enjoyed.  Rethink your idea, or skip favors completely.
  • Thank you for your help....I guess I'm struggling with the idea of having plastic ware but I hear "Smartyhadaparty" is a good one. So would you recommend we do everything in quality plastic; champagne flutes, wine and beer/water glasses? Thank you! 
  • lauraca1 said:
    Thank you for your help....I guess I'm struggling with the idea of having plastic ware but I hear "Smartyhadaparty" is a good one. So would you recommend we do everything in quality plastic; champagne flutes, wine and beer/water glasses? Thank you! 

    I might go one step farther.  Use the same style cup for wine and champagne, and the same cup for beer/soft drinks/water.  My two concerns are the integrity of the cup (sturdy), and what's in it.  I cannot imagine drinking some hosted champagne and thinking, "Well, this would be better in a flute"!  If you have a guest like that, shame on THEM!

  • Are you having your wedding catered? Who's bringing plates & silverware? Could they also provide cups? If they can't, nice plastic would be the way to go; wine glasses & then "regular" glasses for beer/soda/water/etc. 

    Engraved glassware looks so cute in pictures, but in theory it's not the greatest idea. If someone wants to switch from beer to wine, do they put wine in their jar? I have issues with food touching and wouldn't put two different drinks in the same cup right after each other. It's also the kind of favor that gets left behind, unfortunately. They're kind of a pain to take home, and if you do take it, what do you do with one glass that doesn't match the rest? I did have a friend who did this several years ago and I was a poor college student so I took 4 home and used them for my glasses until I bought a real set, but that's probably the exception not the rule ;) 
  • Are you having your wedding catered? Who's bringing plates & silverware? Could they also provide cups? If they can't, nice plastic would be the way to go; wine glasses & then "regular" glasses for beer/soda/water/etc. 

    Engraved glassware looks so cute in pictures, but in theory it's not the greatest idea. If someone wants to switch from beer to wine, do they put wine in their jar? I have issues with food touching and wouldn't put two different drinks in the same cup right after each other. It's also the kind of favor that gets left behind, unfortunately. They're kind of a pain to take home, and if you do take it, what do you do with one glass that doesn't match the rest? I did have a friend who did this several years ago and I was a poor college student so I took 4 home and used them for my glasses until I bought a real set, but that's probably the exception not the rule ;) 
    The fact that you were able to do this emphasizes how un-desirable they are as a favor. . . . lots of people leave them behind.
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