Wedding Woes

Hump Day

...sort of?  Holiday weeks always throw me.
We’re expecting snow later on today.  We haven’t had much so I think it’d be nice (I know those of you who haven’t seen grass since November are probably like “what??!!”).

How’s everyone else?

Re: Hump Day

  • I'm definitely out of my funk today, so that's great. We have an offsite meeting tomorrow which means I can sleep in a little and then work from home the rest of the day. 

    We're getting maybe 1-3 inches of snow today. 

    Also, my bridesmaid dress saga continues. I kept the size 6 and ordered a size 8. I've lost weight since January, and now the 6 fits better. But there's still a little too much cleavage. So I'll just have to wait until May-ish to see which one I'm going with. 
  • I have a final for a class today even though the class technically runs until April. I’m so excited it’s my last simulation. Hopefully. Other then that nothing much is going on here. It might rain the next few days. I’m ready for the day to be over already. 

  • Another another stupid snow day after a 4 day weekend. I was supposed to have fasting bloodwork at 9. After a 5 am wake up call I sat for 3 hours with a growling stomach only to realize I’d never get to the appointment. 
  • We didn't have a holiday on Monday, so this week feels normal.  But DH just came home get something he needed for work and we were both talking about how we're dragging massive amounts of ass lately.  

    My old neighbor's son is in the PICU at our best children's hospital in the city.  He's on a vent and it's just really sad and scary for them.  They don't know exactly what's wrong with him and the surgery he had was exploratory.  I messaged with her last night and it's awful.  I held it together until I was able to show DH our back and forth and then I broke down.  

    We're going out for FIL's bday for dinner tonight.  Other than that, SSDD for the most part.  Totally got the winter blahs lately.   
  • Slept terribly last night so I’m dragging today. I have a new sleep med but it is not working and I’m cranky about it. I’ll give it more time but pretty sure it’s supposed to help me sleep not keep me up. 

    Good luck on the final @levioosa is this your last semester? 

    Were also getting snow/sleet/freezing rain tonight @eileenrob and I’m so so over this weather. It just feels like winter is never going to end! 
  • 6fsn said:
    Another another stupid snow day after a 4 day weekend. I was supposed to have fasting bloodwork at 9. After a 5 am wake up call I sat for 3 hours with a growling stomach only to realize I’d never get to the appointment. 
    Seems like you all have had a ton of snow days! Will they have to make up days at the end of the year?
  • CharmedPamCharmedPam member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited February 2019
    Eileenrob, yup.  I am side eyeing that comment. 
    Climbingwife - so you have both sizes?  Can you return one closest to the wedding?
    we had snow this a.m.  rain is a coming!

    does anyone know how to silence texts on a samsung but keep the ringtone on for phone calls?
    h’s family gets up at like 4 a.m. which is 3 a.m. our time and they all text each other at that time.  I remember one time where the ‘beeps’ woke me up and I was SO mad!!! H can sleep through them. For some reason I’m on the family group text and it happened again today.  H isn’t with me, and I keep my phone on silent (thank god!) but H has to sleep with them on because he gets called for work.  He doesn’t have a schedule.  
    Any way? Telling them to hold off on texts still 7 their time wont cut it.

  • @mrsconn23 how very, very awful. That poor family. 

    @charlotte989875 we go by hours not days. We go so many extra hours that we’d have to miss like 11 days to get into make up territory. 
  • We went from a district that was really liberal with snow days and 2 hour delays to one that will not give a 2 hour delay without first sacrificing something to the gods.  I'm mostly OK with their policy of not calling it, but sometimes it would be nice if they did.  

    One of the districts in the area has already called for adding time to the end of the school days for the rest of the school year to get around having to add days at the end of the year.  
  • Eileenrob, yup.  I am side eyeing that comment. 
    Climbingwife - so you have both sizes?  Can you return one closest to the wedding?
    we had snow this a.m.  rain is a coming!

    does anyone know how to silence texts on a samsung but keep the ringtone on for phone calls?
    h’s family gets up at like 4 a.m. which is 3 a.m. our time and they all text each other at that time.  I remember one time where the ‘beeps’ woke me up and I was SO mad!!! H can sleep through them. For some reason I’m on the family group text and it happened again today.  H isn’t with me, and I keep my phone on silent (thank god!) but H has to sleep with them on because he gets called for work.  He doesn’t have a schedule.  
    Any way? Telling them to hold off on texts still 7 their time wont cut it.
    Yup, I bought two dresses...hahah. So whichever one fits in May, the other one I'll return. 
  • I need to go to the bank at lunch and run a couple more quick errands.  It's been rainy all morning and there are supposed to be thunderstorms at 1:00.  I am really hoping they don't come earlier than that.  Because if it's pouring when I'm out running around, I'll get soaked even with an umbrella and that will make my afternoon miserable.

    Other than that, should be a good day.  Nothing major happening.  But a mellow and stress-free day at work.  I have work to keep me busy, but no urgencies.  Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself, lol. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • mrsconn23 said:
    We didn't have a holiday on Monday, so this week feels normal.  But DH just came home get something he needed for work and we were both talking about how we're dragging massive amounts of ass lately.  

    My old neighbor's son is in the PICU at our best children's hospital in the city.  He's on a vent and it's just really sad and scary for them.  They don't know exactly what's wrong with him and the surgery he had was exploratory.  I messaged with her last night and it's awful.  I held it together until I was able to show DH our back and forth and then I broke down.  

    We're going out for FIL's bday for dinner tonight.  Other than that, SSDD for the most part.  Totally got the winter blahs lately.   

    I'm the same way, with the bolded.

    Thanks for keeping us updated on your former neighbor's son.  I'm sorry to hear they don't have answers yet.  I'll keep wishing the best for them.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We have a vote in town today for a new police station.   Our tiny shoreline town is SO divided over it.   And I'm rolling my eyes at the naysayers because some of their arguments just smack of butthurt.   One dude is really upset that the town allowed a development of homes to be built near his property and now he's upset that he's not the last to build in the area.   Others are screaming that we're running out of money and they don't want taxes to go up.   No one wants an increase in taxes but we also know that in the current station when it rains the building floods.   

    I didn't realize there were SO MANY experts here. 

    But one guy approached me as I was casting my ballot and said that my kids in church every week are so cute.   YOU SIR made my morning. 
  • edited February 2019
    Oh man how awful, mrs.conn! Sending good vibes to your old neighbors. 

    CharmedPam, I'd probably try a throat punch. 

    My poor dog. We have these industrial fans and a giant dehumidifier that she's terrified of. She also has an ear infection. H brought her to the vet last night for her ear and also got some anti-anxiety pills for her. We gave her one and I went to bed, H stayed up. This morning he leaves early for work and I give Edna one of the pills. Like 5 minutes later, H texts me telling me not to give her one. I guess the one last night made her kinda loopy and she HATES that. So I just drugged my dog and left her alone with the fans of doom. Dog mom of the year, here. 

    We got a dusting of snow and it looks like freezing rain now. I was hoping we were getting like another foot so I could stay home and coddle my poor housebeast. :( 

    Edited for typo.
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • It’s not even 11:00, and I need this day to be over. I need a cupcake with a lot of frosting.
  • So sad/stressful about the neighbor’s son @mrsconn23!  Good luck @levioosa, ugh about the sleeping med @charlotte989875, aww the poor dog @ShesSoCold and @OurWildKingdom any bakeries nearby? :)
  • Eileenrob, yup.  I am side eyeing that comment. 
    Climbingwife - so you have both sizes?  Can you return one closest to the wedding?
    we had snow this a.m.  rain is a coming!

    does anyone know how to silence texts on a samsung but keep the ringtone on for phone calls?
    h’s family gets up at like 4 a.m. which is 3 a.m. our time and they all text each other at that time.  I remember one time where the ‘beeps’ woke me up and I was SO mad!!! H can sleep through them. For some reason I’m on the family group text and it happened again today.  H isn’t with me, and I keep my phone on silent (thank god!) but H has to sleep with them on because he gets called for work.  He doesn’t have a schedule.  
    Any way? Telling them to hold off on texts still 7 their time wont cut it.
    On my Samsung, I go into Settings>Sounds and Vibration>Do Not Disturb>Allow Exceptions>Custom. He can set to allow Phone calls from all or only certain numbers or to allow through on repeat calls and turn off all message notifications or allow specific ones through, etc.  He will need to schedule the times for Do Not Disturb to be on, and the settings will only work during those times.
  • Eileenrob, yup.  I am side eyeing that comment. 
    Climbingwife - so you have both sizes?  Can you return one closest to the wedding?
    we had snow this a.m.  rain is a coming!

    does anyone know how to silence texts on a samsung but keep the ringtone on for phone calls?
    h’s family gets up at like 4 a.m. which is 3 a.m. our time and they all text each other at that time.  I remember one time where the ‘beeps’ woke me up and I was SO mad!!! H can sleep through them. For some reason I’m on the family group text and it happened again today.  H isn’t with me, and I keep my phone on silent (thank god!) but H has to sleep with them on because he gets called for work.  He doesn’t have a schedule.  
    Any way? Telling them to hold off on texts still 7 their time wont cut it.
    On my Samsung, I go into Settings>Sounds and Vibration>Do Not Disturb>Allow Exceptions>Custom. He can set to allow Phone calls from all or only certain numbers or to allow through on repeat calls and turn off all message notifications or allow specific ones through, etc.  He will need to schedule the times for Do Not Disturb to be on, and the settings will only work during those times.
    A scheduled DND would be perfect!! Thanks!!

    what’s funny about H’s bro is that he gets mad if we text after 9 our time (10 theirs) because he’s trying to sleep. I get it.  And H should make a mental note not to.... but yet it’s Ok to start texting at 3:00 or 3:30 our time?

  • banana468 said:
    We have a vote in town today for a new police station.   Our tiny shoreline town is SO divided over it.   And I'm rolling my eyes at the naysayers because some of their arguments just smack of butthurt.   One dude is really upset that the town allowed a development of homes to be built near his property and now he's upset that he's not the last to build in the area.   Others are screaming that we're running out of money and they don't want taxes to go up.   No one wants an increase in taxes but we also know that in the current station when it rains the building floods.   

    I didn't realize there were SO MANY experts here. 

    But one guy approached me as I was casting my ballot and said that my kids in church every week are so cute.   YOU SIR made my morning. 

    Oh!  Do you mean like all the Trump-natics screaming for a border wall, when many of them have never even been within 1,000 miles of the border, much less actually seen an entry point?  Which, already have walls/barriers/security/agents for the major ones.

    Sorry for the tangent!  I'm just extremely angry right now that Trump is acting like a dictator.

    Those!   And our current selectman has an (R) after his name but in general this is non-partisan issue.   The current building sucks and we've had multiple opportunities to fix it.   Now we can and at a reduced cost.

    Some are lamenting that taxes will go up.   And I wish they didn't have to but sometimes they will slightly because it's necessary.   We aren't a town to just increase for the sake of it.   

    All of this happening at the same time that our new governor (with  D) is proposing to tax groceries, implement tolls and regionalize school districts.  
  • Eileenrob, yup.  I am side eyeing that comment. 
    Climbingwife - so you have both sizes?  Can you return one closest to the wedding?
    we had snow this a.m.  rain is a coming!

    does anyone know how to silence texts on a samsung but keep the ringtone on for phone calls?
    h’s family gets up at like 4 a.m. which is 3 a.m. our time and they all text each other at that time.  I remember one time where the ‘beeps’ woke me up and I was SO mad!!! H can sleep through them. For some reason I’m on the family group text and it happened again today.  H isn’t with me, and I keep my phone on silent (thank god!) but H has to sleep with them on because he gets called for work.  He doesn’t have a schedule.  
    Any way? Telling them to hold off on texts still 7 their time wont cut it.
    On my Samsung, I go into Settings>Sounds and Vibration>Do Not Disturb>Allow Exceptions>Custom. He can set to allow Phone calls from all or only certain numbers or to allow through on repeat calls and turn off all message notifications or allow specific ones through, etc.  He will need to schedule the times for Do Not Disturb to be on, and the settings will only work during those times.
    A scheduled DND would be perfect!! Thanks!!

    what’s funny about H’s bro is that he gets mad if we text after 9 our time (10 theirs) because he’s trying to sleep. I get it.  And H should make a mental note not to.... but yet it’s Ok to start texting at 3:00 or 3:30 our time?

    I have some of the same problems with my friends/family in CA, lol.  One of my friends out there tends to send me text messages really late.  But I don't keep my cell anywhere near where I sleep, so whatever randomness that might happen won't wake me up.

    My poor mom is so funny.  She always forgets if I'm East Coast or Central (I'm Central), especially because her sister is in the the East zone.  She laughs that "I'm just so close to the cut-off she forgets".  Umm...the cut-off is at the AL/GA state line, which is two whole states away.  I tease her that I'm really not and we laugh.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • CharmedPamCharmedPam member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited February 2019
    Yeah see east coast and west coast is a huge time difference.  I’m in an email group with me, MW, two NYer’s, and one Californian.  We usually email but we have a fb chat group too.  I shot them a fb message at lke 8 my time, 9 eastern, and my friend from CA told me she gets FB chimes but not email.  And it was 6 for her.
    i have made sure since then not to FB them till 9:30ish my time knowing they’d all be up.

  • I’m so sorry for your neighbors @mrsconn23

    @CharmedPam that is so inconsiderate. My aunt (who lives a few hours away, but still) will call at 5:30/6 am and it’s so annoying. Wait until a normal time to communicate unless you know for sure the other party is already up. It’s not hard. I have friends across the country and I don’t text or call them after 9 or before 8 unless we’re already texting back and forth. 

    @charlotte989875 last semester, unless I decide to do a post master’s certification which I keep wavering back and forth on. More school just sounds so exhausting. 

  • @CharmedPam not positive but he might be able to silence the group if the other method doesn’t work. 
    We are 8-10 hours ahead of our families. I always have my phone on silent/ vibrate so I never care when someone texts, I will see it when I wake up and respond. I try to be a little cognizant of when people are awake but most the time I just text them when I think of something.

    This week has been good. DH and I have been getting along and working like a team. Last month was a little testy.  
  • Aaarrgghhh!!!!  So frustrating!  Okay, I'm a little better now, lol.

    So, I already despise going to my bank during my lunch hour.  It's not far from my work, as the crow flies.  But, as the car drives, it's a real cluster to get there.  Fortunately, I'm able to avoid it the majority of the time.  However, this month, I paid the majority of my minimum HELOC payment earlier in the month but still need to pay down another few hundred and it's due today.

    I'm about half a mile away when the whole side of the road is closed, due to a fire that happened early this morning.  If I'd been thinking faster, I would have turned left and probably still could have made it to my bank.  But I turned right and that was a mistake.  I figured I would continue on from a parallel street.  Nope.  Those were closed also.  I headed back to the office, picking up Burger King on the way.

    But my whole point of even leaving for lunch was to go to the bank.  And that didn't happen (sigh), plus it took me even longer to get through all that traffic mess.  I'll wait until Fri. now.  I don't think there is a late charge for only being a couple days late, so it's probably not a big deal.  I just don't like being late or holding on to checks for longer than I have to.  Oh well.  At least the thunderstorms I was worried about held off.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • This week has been so so. H and I have been discussing down sizing. We have been in our house (which we built) 20 years. We raised our three kids here. It is now too big for us really. The biggest/hardest part is the yard. We would rather not have to worry about the up keep and just be able to pick up and go when we want. Soooo we've been looking at neighborhoods and houses. However, the prospect of moving is daunting. I've been trying to get rid of stuff over the last several months, and I've never really been a hoarder but still! We also don't really want to leave the area of town where we are but there isn't any other place in this area we want to go. All the neighborhoods we like are much further out and away from all that we call familiar. I wanted to move to Chicago to be near DD and family but can't talk H into that at all! So we just need to think on it and figure out what we want to do. Luckily we aren't in a big rush to do anything.

    I hope your neighbor's on is going to be ok @mrsconn23. Luckily we have a really great children's hospital here.

  • CharmedPamCharmedPam member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited February 2019
    Congrats 6fsn.  HUGE milestone! Now, if you were me - you’d celebrate with an ice cream sundae but.....

    i LOL’d @ target audience SSC

    edit for:  is today going to end?  Like, ever?

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