Wedding Woes


How's it going?

YAY for a sunny day today.  

So the place where we met FIL for dinner last night is right by where my mom works (same shopping complex).  As we were pulling into the parking lot, I saw my mom outside her car, so I told DH to drive up.  I was wondering why my mom was pulling shit out of her trunk and when we pulled up, it turned out she had a flat.  DH jumped out of the car and took care of it for her while she called my dad to tell him to stay home.  <3  I'm glad we were there to get her on her way quickly.  

Dinner was great.  So glad that we only have one day until the weekend.  DH and I are starting to make plans for spring...trips, events, home improvement.  I can't believe March is a week away. 

Prudie day.  

Re: Thursday!

  • Oh what a handy coincidence!

    TK is annoying me. The KGs have been MIA for ever. There's a Mod board and a Reported posts board that used to be listed alphabetically like the other boards. Apparently today they were moved them to the bottom. So it's totally throwing me off because I just KNOW where to click to get to WW. So, we can move boards around, but not do any actual work to fix the site or respond to tags. They're lucky it's so quiet around here. 

    Other than this minor inconvenience, so far, so good today!! 
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • I’m glad you were there to help your mom out!

    I decided to carpool with FI to his morning meeting so I could gym and do homework and then visit my parents with him afterwards. We woke up at 4:30 and I am not about that life. Also his truck was anti-heater this morning so I spent the entire two hour commute freezing. But at least I’m getting things done early in the day. I work all weekend after today but then I just have clinic and a midterm and it’s Vegas! 

  • CharmedPamCharmedPam member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited February 2019
    Awesome that you were there for her, @mrsconn23
    @ShesSoCold the littlest changes irk me
    im not about the 4:30 life either, @levioosa.  I’m surprised I moved from my 7:00 am wake up call to 5:40 and stuck with it.

    SSDD here. My H is now on a “on call” board and has no regular rotation.  He went back to our other home Monday night since he could have gotten called and they haven’t called him yet.  Thursday morning.  I hate when he’s on this oncall board for so many reasons. Pay for one, lack of QT, but also I have no desire to cook for 1 and I’m holding my homechef meals for when he actually gets here. 

    Eta: to give you an idea of how slow this week is going, I’m hourly, and we enter the time cards on Thursday.  I did mine today and noticed Monday had HOL already entered.  Oh.  That was THIS Monday?  I’ve only been here 3 days?

  • @charlotte989875 my friend went to that when they were in Chicago.  I don’t think you’ll be dissapointed 😉 

  • @charlotte989875 my friend went to that when they were in Chicago.  I don’t think you’ll be dissapointed 😉 
    That’s awesome, thank you! I love HP anyway so even just seeing it in our theatre would be awesome (our theatre is beautiful!) but the BPO is fantastic too. Can’t wait!!
  • Our outside freezer conked out.  But, by the time we realized it, all the food was no longer salvageable :(.  Ugh, we probably had hundreds of dollars worth of food out there.  My H and I are pretty bummed at the waste.

    For an appliance, it wasn't very old.  About 4-5 years.  He thinks it died an early death because we keep it outside.  It's in a cut-out on the side of the house, so it's covered by a roof, but has no protection from whatever the outside temp is.  We're talking about buying a new one and putting it inside the house.  But that's a big chunk of real estate to make room for!  I dunno.

    We're also in the market for a used dryer for one of our rentals.  The whole story is such a stupid saga and I'm really tired of appliances.  But the moral of that story is appliance repair people and used appliance store people are a lying, cheating POS.  I've dealt with 4 different ones and this statement applies to 3 out of the 4.  As such, we prefer to only buy from a private party, but there isn't much out there.  Especially considering dryers can be gas OR electric.  We have to have electric, so that already cuts out over half the used market.

    I'm kicking myself because we should have jumped on it sooner and now we have our new tenant moving sometime early next week, so we don't have much more time.  We can get a new one if we have to.  But a basic model is $440 and used ones are typically $150-$200.

    But, after all that Debbie Downer post.  I have a couple pieces of good news.  My H and I have a mystery shop tonight at one of our favorite restaurants.  I also got a check in the mail yesterday for $108.  My H had looked up his name and my name on the Louisiana Treasury website for unclaimed money.  Alas, his name didn't pop, but mine did.  I finally remembered to fill out the online form over the weekend to get my money.  No idea what it was for, lol.  So it definitely feels like free money.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @charlotte989875 my friend went to that when they were in Chicago.  I don’t think you’ll be dissapointed 😉 
    That’s awesome, thank you! I love HP anyway so even just seeing it in our theatre would be awesome (our theatre is beautiful!) but the BPO is fantastic too. Can’t wait!!

    I hadn't heard of this.  It sounds awesome!  I'll have to keep my eye out for it.

    I played the trumpet in high school and we were invited to this great field trip at Disneyland.  Most of the day was just hanging out at Disneyland, so that's always a win.  But we spent the first couple hours on a tour of the back area of the park and in a large music studio.  In the music studio, that manager talked to us about the importance of background music.  Especially in cartoons:

    • We watched a normal scene from The Little Mermaid.
    • Then we watched the same scene, but without the background music.
    • We practiced the music for that background scene for 20-30 minutes.  Then they taped us playing it, followed by watching that scene again with OUR music playing.  It was so fun and so interesting! 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Spent the morning with the kids at the beach (it’s about 50 and sunny).  It was a nice morning.  I’m in the early riser club too...4:15 most mornings.

    Enjoy HP @charlotte989875 and ughh a freezer crapping out is the worst @short+sassy, sorry about that!
  • MrsConn - You had good timing for your mom!

    Charlotte - The Philly orchestra does the same thing here!  I think they already worked through all of the HP movies.  They have also done Jaws and a few others.  There is one coming up for Raiders of the Lost Ark, so they must be starting on the Indiana Jones movies now!  I haven't been to one yet, just waiting for the right movie that H and I will both enjoy!

    Today is my Friday, but it won't be all fun and games tomorrow!  I have to finish cleaning up the house and do final food shopping for DD's birthday party on Sunday.  I can't believe my little baby is turning 2!  She is getting so big!

    Now, onto Prudie!

  • @charlotte989875 I’ve seen the HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban with a live orchestra (it’s the best score out of all of the movies IMO) and it was so much fun. Have a great time tonight! 

  • levioosa said:
    @charlotte989875 I’ve seen the HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban with a live orchestra (it’s the best score out of all of the movies IMO) and it was so much fun. Have a great time tonight! 
    That’s what I’m seeing! 
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