Any big weekend plans? I'm going to see The Goldfinch, help my mother with some sort of Medicare app she wants, and finish packing up the last few "get rid of this" things.
I saw Ad Astra last night. It is wonderful. The photography and the music are gorgeous and lush. Brad Pitt is going to be nominated for an Oscar. I haven't seen any other Oscar contenders, but they will have a helluva performance to match and beat (nearly the entire movie Brad is emoting from a space suit

). Tommy Lee Jones is practically a cameo, but Pitt's performance and his combined, make his character the overarching nemesis of the entire movie. The NYTimes critic is an idiot. He said that it was, "How to be a man in the wake of feminism." I'm here to tell you, this movie has not a goddamn thing to do with being a man or feminism. It's about growing up and leaving the trauma your parents gave you behind, forgiving them, still loving them in spite of that, and how to be a person when you let that burden go. I was bawling for the last 30 minutes or so because I've been on my own journey with that the last few years and I really empathized with McBride's journey. The symbolism can become a bit heavy handed, but it's so beautifully shot and with the music, you forgive it. The writing is also wonderful.