Wedding Woes


Any big weekend plans?  I'm going to see The Goldfinch, help my mother with some sort of Medicare app she wants, and finish packing up the last few "get rid of this" things.

I saw Ad Astra last night.  It is wonderful.  The photography and the music are gorgeous and lush.  Brad Pitt is going to be nominated for an Oscar.  I haven't seen any other Oscar contenders, but they will have a helluva performance to match and beat (nearly the entire movie Brad is emoting from a space suit :smiley: ).  Tommy Lee Jones is practically a cameo, but Pitt's performance and his combined, make his character the overarching nemesis of the entire movie.  The NYTimes critic is an idiot.  He said that it was, "How to be a man in the wake of feminism."  I'm here to tell you, this movie has not a goddamn thing to do with being a man or feminism.  It's about growing up and leaving the trauma your parents gave you behind, forgiving them, still loving them in spite of that, and how to be a person when you let that burden go.  I was bawling for the last 30 minutes or so because I've been on my own journey with that the last few years and I really empathized with McBride's journey.  The symbolism can become a bit heavy handed, but it's so beautifully shot and with the music, you forgive it.  The writing is also wonderful.

Re: Friday

  • My kid speaks!
    This morning I was getting her dressed and there's Minnie Mouse on her top. So I was saying "Minnie. Your top has Minnie"
    And she comes back with more a "Mimi" but that 2nd 'm' sounded kinda like trying to say the 'n'!
    So ... progress!!

    Last night I made sure she had extra food {trying out a few people's mention of being hungry} and it didn't go horribly. Could it still be the sleep regression? Maybe. But I think we need to encourage her to eat more also. I think she went through a phase recently of not eating much due to teeth, so we just got use to it.

    I did bring her up to bed awake {I was dead tired} and she ended up falling asleep on her own accord. So .... all around progress! She only woke up once but she settled pretty easily.

    I'm glad it's the weekend. I'm exhausted. M is going kayaking on Sunday, but we're gonna try to get a few things done. Dining room light needs to be hung, yard needs to be cleaned up and we need to start cleaning the basement so we can get the freezer plugged in.

    We're going to be trying out this place called Supper Works that is similar idea to the Hello Fresh, etc meals BUT it's already prepped and you just freeze and toss in the oven.
    And you can prep all the meals yourself in store or set it up online and pick it up from the store.
  • @VarunaTT I legit just saw the ad for Ad Astra - what's it about?

    @STARMOON44 I'm sure you'll look lovely :) Good luck!

    @banana468 Fx for good weather :) Looks like last heat of summer here

    @kerbohl ooh! I've always wanted to go to a medieval faire :) What's the difference between outfits?
  • I was supposed to take a vacation day, today.  But there was too much unexpected stuff thrown at me yesterday and I couldn't afford the time.  But that's okay, I'm just going to take Mon. off instead ;).  That actually works out even better.  I still get a 3-day weekend and it uses up even a little more of my excess vacation time.

    I don't know what I'll do with my extra time.  I want to be more productive with it for personal goals to get done.  But that never seems to happen to much of an extent, lol.

    I went to local real estate meet-up last night.  They had a speaker I really wanted to hear.  He is a legend in the industry, specifically for "buy and hold" investing, ie landlording.  It was exciting to go and he is a really dynamic speaker.  I definitely picked up some great tips.   

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • S+S a coworker at my last job always took off Mondays instead of Friday and I started doing it too and liked it. You still get the same 3 day weekend but it somehow feels better 
  • @kvruns It really does feel different! You still get the joy of Friday without the crap of Monday ;) 
  • VarunaTTVarunaTT member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited September 2019
    @VarunaTT I legit just saw the ad for Ad Astra - what's it about?
    Brad Pitt plays Major Roy McBride, an astronaut in the US Space Force.  His father, Dr. H. Clifford McBride is also an astronaut and a hero/legend.  Dad goes off on a space mission to find ET when Roy is a young boy, basically abandoning Roy and his mother.  FF, the Earth is being attacked by pulses of antimatter.  Space Force thinks the pulses are coming from Clifford's ship which is parked somewhere out by Neptune, b/c the ship ran off antimatter.  So, Roy is pulled in to help find Dad.  That's about all I can do without giving away really interesting plot points.

    *I* think it's about Roy's journey from the trauma he inherited (for many reasons) from his father, to letting go of that burden and what you do afterwards.  I really enjoyed it.  Pitt and Jones both did a really amazing job with their roles.  I can see why someone (men) would think that it's about masculinity (b/c father/son story), but the story really is much bigger than that.  I completely identified with Roy's journey and I think most people in my age demographic would (I'd say the 35-50ish range, I'm 42).  I'd be interested to know what younger/older people would feel about it.  I am planning to see it at least once more in the theatre (yay movie pass) and K wants to go, so I'll be interested in their opinion.

    I did read one review and I was shocked, b/c I had the same thoughts as the critic, but dismissed them as too obvious.  I'm not entirely sure that part of the journey isn't hallucinated by Roy.  If you see it, you'll know where I'm talking about.
  • Oh and b/c this was something important to me (still is, but not for money reasons now), this is a movie worth seeing in the theatre.  The cinematography is beautiful and since it's all outer space (they apparently worked with NASA on creating the pictures), the  enormousness of it (which is somewhat relevant to the movie) really comes through.  And the soundtrack is also gorgeous and really evokes moods into the movie, so on the theatre sound system is really lovely.  It'll be fine on the smaller screens, but I think it uses the big screen really well.
  • @VarunaTT M is hugely into space movies, so he has mentioned potentially wanting to go see it - likely with sFIL, since it doesn't sound like a movie I'd watch - but the ad reminded me a lot of "Interstellar" {idk if you saw it but I found it boring a.f until the last maybe 1/2hr? Maybe less.}
    The father/son relationship is always tied to a masculine feel - but to be fair, it does sound more of a typical 'guy type movie' to me .... that thought might be purely for the sheer fact I know more males than females who would see that movie.
  • I'm hoping for a chill weekend here. I'm keeping my sister's puppy, so two puppies. It's kind of madness. We are absolutely going to the park after work tonight. Tomorrow we have a soccer game, then Sunday I'm hoping to spend more time at the park with these wacky animals. 

    Yesterday was the first day that it hasn't been over 90 in I don't know how long, so I started to think it might be nice this weekend, but nope, up to the high 80s again tomorrow. I don't want cold, but I'm tired of summer!
  • Also I'm a little excited, but we have our first client that is trans* and prefers their new pronoun.
    Downside is that they don't have their new name as a legal name but they know the companies know a prior identity. We have the new name on file to refer to them as, but we'll swap all the names once they make it legal.

    Why am I weirdly excited for this? I don't entirely work in a job I should be excited about people coming in lmfao
  • VarunaTTVarunaTT member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited September 2019
    @VarunaTT M is hugely into space movies, so he has mentioned potentially wanting to go see it - likely with sFIL, since it doesn't sound like a movie I'd watch - but the ad reminded me a lot of "Interstellar" {idk if you saw it but I found it boring a.f until the last maybe 1/2hr? Maybe less.}
    The father/son relationship is always tied to a masculine feel - but to be fair, it does sound more of a typical 'guy type movie' to me .... that thought might be purely for the sheer fact I know more males than females who would see that movie.
    The cinematographer who did Interstellar did this one and it's quite similar  Also, they tried to use practical sets as much as possible and there's some other special stuff about how they filmed it that gives it the incredible look it has. 

    I loved Interstellar except for the fact that few people recognized the inherent fucking sexism that drove the plot of the movie and didn't talk about it and should have.  Anne Hathaway's character, I'M THE FUCKING EXPERT IN THIS FUCKING FIELD SO I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT and yes I happen to be in love with this person and then goes into that gross speech, which shouldn't even be a factor b/c I'M THE FUCKING EXPERT IN THIS FUCKING FIELD.  And they don't listen to her b/c woman in love can't possible be the fucking expert in the fucking field, and all of the bad decisions and consequences are as a result of mansplaining.  So yeah, I have feelings.  :smiley:  

    I get pretty feminist about my sci-fi, so I don't see it as "masculine" feeling so much as assumed gender bias about sci-fi.  :D
  • @VarunaTT I ignored a good chunk, so I have actually no memory of what Anne Hathaway's character did. All I remember was that the whole thing was actually for Matthew McConehey's daughter to be the person the aliens needed .... 

    Like I said, it's only a personal opinion because of personal experience of it being a more male liked genre.
    My mum is very much into weather movies, so I would probably feel the same as you about sci-fi ;)
  • I just saw this in my wedding shaming FB group:

  • I just saw this in my wedding shaming FB group:

    This is bad on so many levels.

    -This isn't about their personality
    -The punch card with sloppy handwriting, cheap ribbon and jug with poorly aligned font just flat out look bad.
    -The swearing is whatever but is it necessary.
    -I'd throw in a stack of pictures of the 42nd POTUS and say "Here's your stack.   Buy your own vacation." 
  • NB - That is.......something.

    The siding company is done!  We just need the electrician back to put up the lights and the gutter company to install the new gutter (Monday).  The house looks so good!  I love it!

    We finished mudding the bathroom wall around the pipes and I got a coat of paint up this morning.  I'm hoping to get a 2nd coat up tonight and a third coat done on Saturday morning.  Then we can install the vanity and have a fully working bathroom again!  Big things happening in the OOM house! LOL!

    Saturday night my sister is taking DD down the shore to my parents house and they will come back on Sunday.  So we will have a kid free night - though we probably wont be able to do anything fun.  We will be tailgate prepping for Sunday!  We are going to the Eagles game with friends.  It seems like half the team is out of injury, so I hope we can put on a good game!
  • I just have to say, I think I'm in that group. There are so many zilla-apologists. 

    Also, I would write a note that says "pay for your own f#@&ing vacation." People just have no shame. 
  • So glad it’s Friday! 

    No plans tonight but meeting up with a friend tomorrow, and going to the Bills home opener on Sunday! The weather is supposed to be beautiful and my sister and I are going with my Mom. Should be a great day! 

  • @MissKittyDanger The dress I'm thinking of wearing is a dark red and gold gown - it's got really long sleeves and SSOO much fabric, so it's a little hot.  For the armour, I usually do a look like Eowyn from Lord of the Rings - chain maille, shield, sword ...

  • kerbohl said:
    @MissKittyDanger The dress I'm thinking of wearing is a dark red and gold gown - it's got really long sleeves and SSOO much fabric, so it's a little hot.  For the armour, I usually do a look like Eowyn from Lord of the Rings - chain maille, shield, sword ...
    How do you pronounce this name? Someone on my neighborhood FB page as a kid with this name and I always wondered how it is pronounced 
  • kerbohl said:
    @MissKittyDanger The dress I'm thinking of wearing is a dark red and gold gown - it's got really long sleeves and SSOO much fabric, so it's a little hot.  For the armour, I usually do a look like Eowyn from Lord of the Rings - chain maille, shield, sword ...
    That sounds AMAZING

    Please share a photo of whatever you decide because I NEED to see it :)
  • I think we've talked about stuff like this before. I just sent an email to a client's CPA because I needed him to explain something. He replied and said "Emily, blah blah blah".  My name is not Emily, my name does not start with an E, and while it shares the last 2 letters as Emily that is definitely a new one for me to get called. 
  • I just got yelled at by a guy from the east coast, so yeah...that was great.  Ugh.  He wasn't even mad at me, really, I was just the messenger he got to shoot.  I'd have a bourbon now if I didn't have to go to the store after work. 

    The scout cookout was fun.  DH and FIL are picking up the boat as we speak.  We're heading out on the water tomorrow.  I can't wait.  

    Sunday is going to be for relaxing.  I hope there's some sleeping in to be had. 
  • I'm confused by the jar ... is that going to be at the wedding?  So a clear bottle possibly full of money just sitting somewhere?  I mean, I know the card box or whatever it is called is usually where people give cash gifts, but usually it's a bit less obvious and ... tacky.   
    I would put pennies in.

  • kvruns said:
    I think we've talked about stuff like this before. I just sent an email to a client's CPA because I needed him to explain something. He replied and said "Emily, blah blah blah".  My name is not Emily, my name does not start with an E, and while it shares the last 2 letters as Emily that is definitely a new one for me to get called. 
    This makes me think of our neighbour. He's a 'functioning' {barely} alcoholic and M has told him his name, but apparently M's new name is Adam.
    I also refer to M as Adam now when I'm not really listening to him.
  • I am super swear-y, but I'd never think that something like that would have any place at a formal/fancy wedding...or any wedding, really.  Also, swearing a lot is not a personality.  It's just being an adult.  I also know when to not swear. 

    I am not a fan of money grab stuff at weddings.  You already have a gift table with a card box.  Just stop. 

    A dollar dance got sprung on me at my wedding, because it's a tradition on DH's side and his whole family was asking when we were having it. DH was drunk and like, "Let's have it right now!"   I was not happy about it, but was not going to make a scene.  
  • I just saw this in my wedding shaming FB group:

    I don't hate it?
    But I would probably have this at my house for loose change vs at a wedding.

    We had a honeyfund but we didn't have a jar for that, just a brief mention on the invite. {Even then, it wasn't expected because we did a honeymoon we could cover}
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