Wedding Woes

It’s Monday!! (I took the day off!)

Happy Monday friends, how was the weekend. 

My race sucked, but I had fun. It was a much harder course than I expected. It was hilly, windy so at a few points I was running uphill straight into the wind. Not fun. But the course was gorgeous; super beautiful leaves and the weather couldn’t have been better. 

I took the day off to rest so I’m snuggled up with the pup have some tea. I’m going to try and make pierogis this afternoon. 

How was everyone’s weekend? 

Re: It’s Monday!! (I took the day off!)

  • Enjoy the day off!  Bet you're glad you are playing me in Fantasy Football this weekend!

    My ILs are leaving today. They got here Wednesday but are going up to amish country in northern Indiana today through Wednesday when they will then fly out. It kind of worked out for me since now I don't have to use PTO this week although I know my H wished they were staying longer since he feels like he never sees his dad and the visits are always cut short. 
  • yea for almost being in double digits @cupcait927 !! At least crazy work days are making the days fly by, right?
  • wow those costumes @charmedpam !!!!  you guys go all out
  • Oh what a weekend.

    Saturday started off well and I took the kids to a farm where we took a carriage ride to and from a corn maze.   Chiquita had to be talked down to listen a few times but for the most part it was good.   We had cider donuts and came home with 4 pumpkins and some gourds.   Chiquita helped me make an apple pie while Chiquito watched TV and DH installed a new bathroom fan.

    THEN it was bedtime and it all started.   I repeatedly told Chiquito to get his jammies on and he just didn't listen.   When Chiquita headed upstairs to get hers on he went into her room (I was doing the dishes because I thought I might clean up a bit and get some time to relax in front of the World Series with a beer).   She told him to get out, he didn't, and somehow she slammed the door on his pinkie finger.   If that sounds like it hurts like a motherfucker you're right.   He screamed like I've never heard it before and I saw that his finger tip was nearly off.   

    I screamed for DH, and we agreed it was time to head to the emergency room.   Got there at 8:30 and 6 hours and 6 stitches later we were home.  He has an appointment today with a hand surgeon and we will see what his update is.   

    There were major talks about control, slamming doors, and I am hopeful that this is sinking in to big sis and little brother.   

  • Oh and Sunday we had MIL and FIL over for dinner.   I made a pork roast with potatoes, carrots, celery and apples with an apple cider/mustard sauce.   It was GOOD.   Then there was pie and throughout the entire thing there was wine.  
  • Love the costumes! 
  • @charlotte989875 Whooo! Day off :)
    Boo to course but at least you finished!

    @mrsconn23 Lol "why are you doing this for me" because she loves you silly!

    @climbingwife Nice little pampering. What colour did you go with?

    @kvruns can your H go with them a bit or spend extra time with them before they fly home or leave?

    Mostly chill weekend and it wasn't really planned that way.
    BabyKitten had a couple of rough nights this week, so she ended up sleeping in a bit later than normal. Which works out, because M and I were pretty tired.
    We didn't have much planned, and we didn't do what we had planned. I guess it worked out anyways. I wish we had done the couple things we planned or something.

    Sunday we had planned on getting a pumpkin, but woke up to it pouring. So we ordered breakfast, BabyKitten had pancakes for the first time. It was a mixed reaction lol We did give them to her without anything, and I was willing to dip in syrup for her but she seemed fine.

    I guess carb loading made her tired, because she took a nap early. M and I just chilled. Shortly before she was going to wake up, M took a shower and I started getting ready.

    I saw Rent with my mum and aunt. We also did dinner, and luckily I didn't finish so I have some butternut squash ravioli left overs ;)
  • @kvruns Thankfully the days are flying by! I did tell H that I will never be pregnant during OE again because not being able to drink during it is about the worst.

    @CharmedPam Your costumes are amazing!

    @banana468 Poor Chiquito. My finger hurts just thinking about it. 
  • Banana - OMG!  I hope Chiquito gets good news on his finger!  Poor kid!

    I don't think I've been here since Wednesday!  Hamilton was amazing!  We had such good seats too!  Thursday I stayed home, took Olive to the animal shelter for the discounted heartworm pills since she was due for the bloodwork too.  That meant Cassie was home by herself.  I gave her 3 calming pills before we left and were gone less than an hour.  She pulled down curtains, chewed on door nobs and tore a few things apart.  That poor little baby, I didn't think she would react so badly without Olive around while on the pills.  We now know that Olive is super stabilizing to her separation anxiety and they can never be apart.  And when Olive goes, which I hope is a few more years from now - we will need to get another dog immediately.

    Friday was busy day at work and then some evening errands.  Saturday we cut down a tree in the front yard.  It was a super small willow when we planted it from my friends and it grew so quickly!  But it also decided to grow and start to push up the asphalt driveway - so it had to go.  I saved a branch for my friends, so the H can re-establish it and plant it at there house.  It was from a tree where they got engaged.  We also hit our towns Food Truck & Craft Brew festival before church.  It was so good!

    Sunday it poured rain, but I headed out to get tomatoes to make my yearly batch of sauce.  Only a week before vacation - nothing like waiting until the last minute!  I ended up SOAKED!  Later, I ended up scoring a great deal on DDs big Christmas gift this year - a Power Wheels Dune Buggy.  Target had 25% off and then my additional 5% as a red card member - woot!  MIL came over and H & I went and picked it up and got it into the basement.  H will put it together slowly over the next 2 months.

    Tonight I pick up DD while H goes to karate.  I also hope to process my tomato sauce through the Kitchen Aid strainer attachment tonight.  I usually cook my sauce for about a week before I can it, but I'm trying to keep up and get it done ASAP.  Hoping to can on Friday night, since we leave for vacation super early next Tuesday!
  • Banana, I hope his finger will be ok! 

    My brother and I definitely inflicted injuries on each other. But there was one time where I accidentally hurt him (he fell on his face), and that pretty much scared us both straight. 
  • @charlotte989875, congrats on the day off!  Always nice to have a treat like that.  I'm glad you had fun for your half-marathon, even if the race was tough.

    @CharmedPam, glad you had fun in Salem!  Such great costumes!

    @banana468, I am wincing just reading the description of what happened to Chiquito!  I hope it turns out okay and he doesn't need surgery.

    The weekend was okay, overall.  But Sat. was terrible.  My H super carelessly....I can't even BELIEVE how careless!!!...left his cell phone on the back of our pickup truck to pet someone's dog.  And then forgot it there.  We don't have a tailgate.  He realized his mistake about 5-10 minutes later.  But it was already going directly to voicemail.

    We looked for it and went home to use the tracker app, but it didn't show on the network anywhere.  Another indication it had been destroyed.  He deactivated the phone and now we have to waste $200 on a new phone for him.  I was SO PISSED OFF!!!!  To give myself credit, I did a good job holding it in.  Because he knew he f**ked up.  He felt really bad.  So there was really no use my making him feel worse.  Though I know it was obvious I was mad.

    I can't remember where I last left you all with my problem tenant.  But, as of Thurs., she still hadn't paid any rent for Oct and the soonest she would have anything to pay was Sun. and, even then, it would only be about half.  I won't go into the whole discussion we had but I told her that, unfortunately, that was not something I could do and I would still need to file for an eviction on Fri.  That was the last message on Thurs.

    My H filed for an eviction around 1:00 on Friday.  Then I get, first a phone call, then a series of text messages from her around 3:00.  I was driving and texted her back when I got to the bank, that I'd call her when I got home.  Her text messages have been Miss Attitude for the last couple weeks, but suddenly she is back to her nicer and more reasonable self.

    Long story short, she'd paid $725 toward the rent ($850) and could pay the rest and all of Nov., no later than mid-month.  I told her that I'd be happy to keep working with her but, unfortunately, we'd already filed for an eviction and she'd also be responsible for paying that fee ($186).  I said we would drop the eviction, if she agreed to pay all of that no later than Nov. 15th.  She said she understood and said that she would.  We'll see.  I hope so.  But we will most definitely be serving her a 5-Day Pay or Quit notice next month, where the last day of it will fall on Nov. 15h.  

    On another subject with her, she also complained that they haven't had hot water for a few days.  And that their heater isn't working...meaning the HVAC heater for the house.  Hmmm.  It struck me as coincidental that both of those items run on gas.  But I told her that myself and my H would drive out on Sat. to take a look.  So we did and, yeah girl.  There's a lock on your gas meter.  Gotta pay that bill.  To be fair, in that area the gas bill is on the same bill with electricity.  It did seem weird to me that her electricity was on, but not her gas.  But, whatever.  She needs to take that up with the utility company.  While it was a bit annoying to drive out there for nothing.  Overall, I was just really glad there wasn't anything to repair.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Weekend was good. Work Thursday-Saturday was hell. Friday was the worst. Our computers went down almost all day so we didn’t have access to anything and we couldn’t chart, we had a violent patient and had to call security, and we were short staffed. The unit was a hot mess. Thankfully Saturday was much calmer, although I still needed two cups of coffee and a cold brew to get me through it. FSIL and her FI came over and we had a scary movie night. We watched Midsommer which was pretty good. If you’ve seen Hereditary and liked it you will like this one. It’s written by the same guy. 

    Yesterday we slept in, then I took FSIL to the old Victorian mansion nearby for the Victorian mourning tour. The docent was new and we were with a weird group of people for the tour and TWO HOURS LATER we were finally like we have to go. The tour wasn’t even complete yet. The last time we went it took 45 minutes. And people were asking the dumbest questions. I nearly lost my mind at one point. The docent showed a postmortem picture of a mother who had died in childbirth and this guy actually asked, “why did so many women use to die in childbirth?” Like jfc this is why we need to support education and research on women’s health. 

    After the tour we went to the gym and then I made a nice steak dinner. I need to clean the house today and follow up on some stuff. It’s very windy here and while I used to enjoy the wind, now it means constant fear of what it will do with fires. 

    @banana468 I hope Chiquito is okay! My brother slammed my pinky toe in the door and broke it once during a fight. My mom’s response was that I probably deserved it. 

    @cupcait927 yay for double digits!

    @CharmedPam great costumes! 

    @charlotte989875 congrats on the race! I hope your day is restorative! 

    @short+sassy do you think you’ll still end up evicting this tenant?

  • Wow @levioosa at deserving it! My brother did the same thing to my pinky too.  I mean I wouldn’t leave the doorway so he just slammed the door on me and my pinky was in it so I guess I did too.... hope Chiquito’a finger is OK!  Ouch!

    @cupcait927 what is OE? Lol

    thanks everyone! 

  • Wow @levioosa at deserving it! My brother did the same thing to my pinky too.  I mean I wouldn’t leave the doorway so he just slammed the door on me and my pinky was in it so I guess I did too.... hope Chiquito’a finger is OK!  Ouch!

    @cupcait927 what is OE? Lol

    thanks everyone! 
    Open Enrollment :) I work for an employee benefits insurance broker and for most companies, all of their insurance coverages renew January 1st. So my job is to prepare all of the renewal info, and once a company has made a decision on plans for the new year, I have to coordinate the roll-out to employees (meetings, materials, update website, etc). 
  • @levioosa, I'm sorry Fri. was so horrible!  It's bad enough when computers are down where I work, but I can only imagine how much worse it is in the medical industry.  I'm glad the rest of the weekend went well, except for the too long tour.

    It's hard to say.  On the one side, she was able to scrape by while she was unemployed.  Paying the rent in pieces, but paying it.  She got a f/t job at the end of Aug., so I thought things were looking up.  But then, Oct. was when her court fines and house arrest fees were due and she suddenly stopped paying anything.  Her new story...and I need to take anything she tells me with a grain of she still has some of that to pay but, since she's paid the majority of it, it will be no problem to finally catch up by mid-Nov.  Plus now she has a f/t job and supposedly has a p/t job also.  So I think she has her act better together now.  But then, I was surprised at what happened this month.

    I'm also sending her the receipt today for the eviction filing.  She didn't ask me to, but I mainly just want her to have the proof that this was money we spent and the amount.  But I hope it also serves as a wake-up call.  If she pays attention to it...she'll also see how fast the court date was.  We filed on Oct. 25th and the hearing would have been about 10 days later on Nov. 6th.  It's usually not quite that fast, but it can be.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Ouch @banana468

    S+S I'm glad you got some money but could call on still pursuing the eviction

    MKD he probably could have gone with them but its about 2.5 hours away and not somewhere he would want to go (amish town with little shops type place) even if he had been invited. 
  • OMG @banana468 those finger/hand injuries are so awful and painful.  Poor Chiquito and everyone.  I'm sure neither kid will forget this any time soon.  <3  Yay for a good Sunday dinner and wine, all the wine.  
  • Oh gosh @banana468 I'm sorry about Chiquito's finger! Hope he's okay!
    @CharmedPam wow awesome costumes!
    Weekend was nice...some baby nephew snuggles :) our local botanic garden's Not So Spooky Walk yesterday was canceled due to torrential rain.  Kids were bummed but they've had a lot of seasonal fun, I was glad for the cozy day in.
  • banana468 said:
    Update: Chiquito saw the surgeon and no additional stitches/surgery is required.   He has a new fiberglass cast that he can't get wet but we can take it off to bathe him.    We have to reapply his bacitracin and band aids every other day and go back in a week. 

    He goes back to school tomorrow with a restriction of no recess or gym.   
    Wow.  That's quite the humdinger.  But yay no surgery.  Doors off the hinges for a few weeks?  ;)  
  • Thanks everyone! I had a great day and now I’m wishing I had another one off 😂. 

    Bummer about chiquito’s hand! Hoping it heals soon!
  • kvruns said:
    Enjoy the day off!  Bet you're glad you are playing me in Fantasy Football this weekend!

    My ILs are leaving today. They got here Wednesday but are going up to amish country in northern Indiana today through Wednesday when they will then fly out. It kind of worked out for me since now I don't have to use PTO this week although I know my H wished they were staying longer since he feels like he never sees his dad and the visits are always cut short. 
    Yeah you had a tough week. Having both Brandin Cooks and Dede Westbrook get hurt didn’t help. I have Cooks in my other league so I feel your pain this week. 
  • Nice display MrsConn!
  • @banana468 so glad that Chiquito's finger will be ok! Hand/finger injuries are nothing to sneeze at!
    @CharmedPam you guys look great. You can really tell you've lost weight over the years. 
    @mrsconn23 love the trunks! Pretty cool. We never participated in a trunk or treat but our church does one every year.
    Weekend was quiet. I got stuff done around the house. H got home Saturday night from his trip. I was at friends' party. They normally have a costume party but this year didn't (everyone was kind of glad). The non-for profit for which my friend is the executive director is having a Murder Mystery Party in a couple of weeks so she decided not to have two costume things within such a short time.

    Heading downtown for dinner with the gals tonight. Had PT for first time today - oh so sore! Hopefully it will help the hip though!
  • @mrsconn23 Neat!!

    @banana468 Poor Chiquito but glad it's an 'easy' fix {in comparison to what I'm sure you were half expecting}
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