Wedding Woes


Anyone watch the interview last night with Teresa and Joe? It was brutal, in more ways than one. 


  • I did not, but I read about it.  Did they actually say they're splitting?  

    They've had an insane last 5...6(?) years?  I mean, all of their own making.  I feel bad for their girls. 
  • No, they did not say they were splitting. However, they both said they thought the other one hadn't been faithful to them. Teresa seemed to say she'd have to see how she feels when she seems him in Italy. Joe also "joked" that she might be too old for him now. 

    Joe told Teresa to get a boyfriend with a lot of money because she has expensive taste. 

    They both danced around a lot of the questions. 

    Oh, Joe also said that when he was Teresa in prison, she wasn't attractive to him. 
  • I would bet money that the divorce is being held up because his deportation case hasn't been resolved and it's hinging on how that will turn out.  I bet there's all sorts of lawyer stuff going on in the background.  However if that's true, it's strange they'd go on Bravo to have this awkward sit-down with AC.  BUT that type of stuff has never stopped Bravo before and they likely both got paid to show up for this.  Which they likely need the money to pay all those lawyers.  
  • I think you're 100% right on all fronts there.

    The "tell all" wasn't definitely not as explosive as they billed it as. But that was to be expected. They are also filming them when they go over to Italy in a few weeks to see him. 
  • mrsconn23 said:
    I would bet money that the divorce is being held up because his deportation case hasn't been resolved and it's hinging on how that will turn out.  I bet there's all sorts of lawyer stuff going on in the background.  However if that's true, it's strange they'd go on Bravo to have this awkward sit-down with AC.  BUT that type of stuff has never stopped Bravo before and they likely both got paid to show up for this.  Which they likely need the money to pay all those lawyers.  
    All of this is my thought as well. 
    Between what they said in response to questions and what they didn't say, I suspect they are done, but the legal stuff is holding everything up. 

    Also, I almost stopped watching when they were talking about Trump and immigration at the beginning. I find their level of stupid frighteningly aggravating. 
  • Omg Sparkle, I felt the same way. 

    Also not surprising that Teresa has NO clue if she's allowed to vote. 
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