Wedding Woes


VarunaTTVarunaTT member
Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
edited November 2019 in Wedding Woes
Well, I know y'all are here, so I'll start. :smile:

K is out of town tonight, in a friend's pageant talent number.  I think I'm going to go see Motherless Brooklyn and possibly Dr. Sleep tonight.  Double feature, dinner: popcorn!!  Super healthy.  Saturday my aunt is coming into town and I'm have lunch with her and my mom, so that I can go with K to their roller derby awards banquet.  At some point, I simply must conquer dish mountain..and laundry mountain.  But really, I just want to watch the new "See" and the new "Morning Show" on Apple TV.  Decision, decisions.

What is everyone up to this weekend?

Re: Friday

  • so many hugs, @mrsconn23

    So happy it's Friday. Had my 1 hour glucose test this morning. Tonight H and I are going to see Iliza Shlesinger - it was my birthday present to myself that I've been looking forward to for months now.

    Tomorrow we're going on a day date and keeping the romance alive with a trip to Trader Joe's and to look at baby clothes and gear with lunch thrown in there somewhere,

    Sunday morning we're going to a huge Christmas craft market. It's my unofficial kick off to Christmas and my excuse begin all things holiday related. 

    Every weekend for the next 6 weeks has something fun going on and hopefully that will help my anxiety and hatred of being pregnant at bay because time will fly by with fun things to do. 
  • ((waving furiously)) Hi @charlotte989875!!!

    I love Iliza.  Her voices are hilarious.  Have fun! 
  • @charlotte989875 So excited for you and the race tomorrow! Being pregnant has made running difficult for me (only because I have to pee about 30 seconds into a run and it's so frustrating) so I'm excited for the day I can get back into training for a race.
  • CharmedPamCharmedPam member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited November 2019
    Big hugs @mrsconn23
    have a fun time in Indy, @charlotte989875 and have fun at the race.  Running if fun for you runners right?  It’s hard for me to comprehend. 

    SO many movies out I want to see. Those are on my list too, @VarunaTT.  We‘Re behind and still have to see Maleficent and Zombieland.  Hopefully Maleficent tonight.

    i have a HUGE zit on my chin. I’m self conscious about it.    
    Edit to add: i NEED to get back on my paleo diet.  I just can’t.  Where is my motivation and will power people? Where?

  • @cupcait927 Have an awesome time tonight I LOVE Iliza!!!!

    First free weekend in about a month.  It will be so nice to have time to relax AND clean the house/maybe do some outside maintenance like gutter cleaning and some mortar work if it's above 40 degrees.   

    Maybe date night tonight if there's a good movie we want to see :)
  • @VarunaTT Let me know if "Dr Sleep" is good because my mum and I love The Shining and have high hopes.

    @mrsconn23 decompressing sounds like you definitely need it <hugs>

    @charlotte989875 good lunch and enjoy! :)

    @cupcait927 omg JEALOUS! Love her :) I know she's gotten married since her last Netflix special {"elder millennial"} so I'm curious about her jokes now :)

    So I have a dentist appt next Tuesday because my bite is definitely feeling weird.

    M has 2 in person interviews today. We got a couple tops that aren't dress shirts but more like a long sleeved polo? Idk. I like them. One he's wearing today is soft and - as Freudian as it is, and I know it 100% is - reminds me a lot of my dad in the best ways.
    M also shaved his face so his face looks fat {he's not a skinny dude lol} and he looks 12. I'm not a facial hair person, but it suits him better. BabyKitten kept looking at him like "Wtf dad ...."
    But she didn't cry ... so that's a win lmao!

    This weekend isn't much. I think we're seeing friends tomorrow but not 100% sure on that. I have to vacuum and move some stuff to open up the living room for BabyKitten to play in.
    Sunday my mum is coming for dinner likely :) We may take advantage of the fact she's there and try to get a filing cabinet upstairs without BabyKitten fussing because we've left her alone.
  • First weekend with nothing!! 

    I need to book Chiquita's birthday party and do some house cleaning.   IT's going to be COLD and we may do some leaf clean up too.  

    Other than that I need to work with the kids on bedroom cleaning and I may consider toy consolidation. 
  • mrsconn23 said:
    ((waving furiously)) Hi @charlotte989875!!!

    I love Iliza.  Her voices are hilarious.  Have fun! 

  • @charlotte989875 So excited for you and the race tomorrow! Being pregnant has made running difficult for me (only because I have to pee about 30 seconds into a run and it's so frustrating) so I'm excited for the day I can get back into training for a race.
    Thank you!! 

    I’m so amazed at people who run while pregnant. Like I struggle enough to do it with just my body let alone a tiny human growing inside! 
  • Big hugs @mrsconn23
    have a fun time in Indy, @charlotte989875 and have fun at the race.  Running if fun for you runners right?  It’s hard for me to comprehend. 

    SO many movies out I want to see. Those are on my list too, @VarunaTT.  We‘Re behind and still have to see Maleficent and Zombieland.  Hopefully Maleficent tonight.

    i have a HUGE zit on my chin. I’m self conscious about it.    
    Edit to add: i NEED to get back on my paleo diet.  I just can’t.  Where is my motivation and will power people? Where?
    So fun. Well at least after the race is over. Getting a medal as an adult is also pretty fun. 
  • All of the hugs @mrsconn23. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. 

    Good luck @charlotte989875!

    Let us know how Doctor Sleep is @VarunaTT. We’re thinking about seeing it this weekend. 

    I got canceled today. I called my mom to see if she wanted to go to lunch but she already had plans. The nerve. Lol. It’s only 9 am but I’m starving so I made myself a huge salad instead. I’m taking the day off from working out before one of my glutes snaps in half. Other than that SSDD. I’m trying to decide how long my nails can last. They’ve made it almost a month which is super impressive but it’s about time. I might go this weekend to get them done but not much else is happening.  

  • welcome @charlotte989875 I wish I had suggestions for you but I never go downtown anymore so I'm super out of the loop.
  • Baby B got sent home from daycare for throwing up. Wednesday he threw up on the way to school so he stayed home but he was fine after getting it out of his system. Yesterday he was fine all day and then today he had a tiny spit up on the way but more like a burp and stuff came out (ok gross I know....). But 30 min later daycare called and said he threw up again so guess I shouldn't have taken him. He's acting totally normal again so I'm so confused as to what is going on with him. If it is a bug it's very mild but doesn't explain why it is just hitting some mornings and not others? 
  • Pretty uneventful weekend here. DH and I met with a couple of realtors this week. We're going to go out for dinner and talk through impressions and hopefully make a decision on which one to hire. Then tomorrow starts the work to get ready to list. Not a ton to do, but need to paint a couple of rooms and start boxing up clutter/personal decor. 

    Tomorrow I'm having drinks with one of my oldest friends. I love her, I really do. I just don't like her as much as I used to. She's very self-involved, so conversations are very one sided. Her life is a train-wreck, so it's always entertaining, but I just don't get much fulfillment out of hanging out with her. I kind of think I ought to just let the friendship fizzle, but I feel guilty because she hasn't done anything wrong, per se. I don't know. 

    Later tomorrow we might go to a puppy friendly fire with other friends. It will be fun to let our puppy play with theirs. Sunday will probably end up being more chores around the house. 
  • Waving too @charlotte989875! Tastings is a fun wine bar/small plates place downtown. It's right on Washington St. The Italian restaurant at the JW Marriott is good too - can't remember the name Osteria Pronto maybe? I little east of downtown is our favorite Turkish restaurant- Bosphorus. It on East St. Bluebeard's is on Virginia Ave. but they maybe difficult to get into. Hotel Tango is a distillery that I believe has a restaurant now. There is also the Weber Grill, McCormick and Schmik, and Tony's Steakhouse (next to the Embassy Suites). Good luck tomorrow.

    The Y where I am on the Advisory Board hosted a Veteran's Breakfast this morning. I was there from 8-11 then worked out for an hour. We had an amazing turnout. One of the HS show choir sang and were AMAZING! I came home and cleaned floors. wrapped a shower gift and now am chilling for a bit until time to cook dinner. This weekend is busy. Baby shower tomorrow morning, dinner party with old friends tomorrow night and dinner out with some other friends on Sunday. Sounds like all I'm doing is eating this weekend!
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