Wedding Woes

Early Monday

Happy Veteran's Day to all of the vets in your lives (including my dad USN :) ).  Schools are closed by me in honor of the day hence the ability to start a chat.  Weekend was low key with the exception of my FIL arriving two hours early for brunch on Saturday.  My son feels like himself again.  Oh and my  football beat H's team in their annual showdown...yay
Wishing everyone as good a Monday as possible!

Re: Early Monday

  • Happy Veteran's Day to those who served or who had family who did
  • Work isn't closed but daycare is. Luckily MIL and SFIL work in government, so they're watching BabyKitten today :)

    Since BIL is now in the Navy Reserves, I believe he is doing part of the downtown ceremonies.

    Weekend was good. Low key. Luckily we didn't do much because BabyKitten decided to not nap but we left her in her crib for the nap duration because I needed to study.

    I had planned on studying more on Sunday but cleaning had to take priority and then I met up with my mum and she came for dinner.
    It's fine. I'll study tonight. I have to finish this module so I can do the self assessment.
  • Back in Buffalo, and we’re expecting 8-10 inches of snow today! Thankfully I’m off and snuggling with the dog. 

    @ILoveBeachMusic we ate at the Italian place in the JW Marriot and it was so good! Had a super great weekend and it went by way too quick! 

  • Had such a great weekend. 

    Stopped by a friend's house Friday night for a glass of wine. Was home nice and early and in time to catch 20/20 (hi, yes I'm old). 

    The rest of the weekend I spent cleaning (we got a new, awesome vacuum) and organizing my closets and dresser drawers. I also donated a bunch of clothes I no longer wear. 

    Started watching On Becoming God in Central Florida. Is anyone else watching this? It's so good! 

    Hoping the week goes fast. I'm off Friday for a girls weekend upstate! 
  • @climbingwife I watched that.  It is so good and so wicked.  I hope Kirsten is nominated for an acting award for it.  I was so sad when the finale happened, but it has been renewed.  I was glad to see that, it's such an offbeat show I was afraid it wasn't going to be very popular.

    Don't go see Motherless Brooklyn.  It is so bad.  I put it into my top 5 bad movies ever.  It's not trying to be bad either, it's trying to be an artsy film noir and doing it badly.  The plot is just confusing and badly written and the directing and photography is bad.  The actors did a good job with what they had (except Edward Norton, who has literally copied his "The Score" character, down to the voice).  Oh and Alec Baldwin and Edward Norton never look at each other while interacting.  I thought it was just me, but my movie partner said the same thing.

    Weekend was good.  I think I've discovered that movie popcorn and my digestive system aren't playing together well anymore.  I had a rather miserable Friday night and most of Saturday day.  K had their roller derby award banquet and we went to that, then out for just a bit.  Sunday I spent catching up on my TV shows.
  • @VarunaTT I thought the same thing re: Kirsten and a nomination. She's so good! I think I'm on episode 7 now. 
    Also, that sucks about the popcorn because that might be my favorite thing about the movies. 
  • @CharmedPam it's actually on Showtime 

    Also, that picture is freaking me out! 
  • @charlotte989875 how did the race go?

    @CharmedPam I had no idea that place was supposed to be haunted. I've heard of Story I feel like they were in the news recently but I don't remember why (maybe a concert or something or a theatre - my other Indy ladies probably know)

  • ok we have showtime ondemand.  I’ll add it to my “watch but will never get around to it” list lol! 
    We went to see Harriet but it was sold out.  So then we bought tickets to see Doctor Sleep but after shopping and dinner I had an upset tummy so we canceled that movie.  I will not see motherless Brooklyn then @varunatt.  Friday we saw Maleficent and I was in awe of Angelina Jolie.  Say what you will about her but holy HOTNESS momma. Even if every pore was air brushed away.  Lol.

    The picture.  Yes! I showed them to my paranormal friends and they were like “in one her eyes are looking right and in another straight down on you!”.  Yes.  Mona lisa eyes!
    @kvruns - oh they advertise the ghosts all over this room! I only took one pic of one article but its all over the room.  And they let you know when you book it.  But nothing happened while we were there. 

  • Nothing very eventful over the weekend.  Just "meh" all around.

    I'm with you, @CharmedPam.  I know from looking at the calendar that today is a government holiday.  But I have to work and you also wouldn't know it from the morning traffic.  Which included the usual ridiculous number of school buses.  For what possible reason do there need to be 4-6 school buses within the same two blocks of each other at any one time?  Why?  WHY?!?!  On a different note, I'm glad you had such a fun weekend!

    I mentioned on Fri. that it appeared an animal had gotten stuck in and died, inside the wall of one of our rentals.  My H and a couple of our workers thankfully got everything taken care of on Sat.  Though that took time away from our duplexes rebab.  Turns out it was a racoon!!!!  GTFO!  Raccoons are so big!  Unfortunately, we have no idea how it got into the wall to begin with.  I am incredibly thankful it didn't get into the house.  Yikes, raccoons are so destructive.  They can cause thousands of dollars in damage, in no time flat.  They'll rip apart cabinets.  They'll even rip apart flooring.
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  • Oh, I did start Dickinson on Apple TV.  That show is great so far (2 episodes in).  It's not historically accurate at all, but it is a helluva ride.  
  • Our kids are in school.   They have a Veteran's Day assembly and my house has been filled with Patriotic songs for the last month.

  • Weekend was pretty good! Friday night we just chilled at home. Saturday we had date night and made it out to three places, which is now unheard of for us because we’re old. We finally got to go to the gay bar I’ve been wanting to go to for literal years and they were having a drag show. It was so much fun. They have one every Saturday so we’ll definitely go back to that. 

    Yesterday FSIL and I went on a hike of death. The review for it said it was a moderate loop. It was not a moderate loop. I say that as an experienced hiker. And it wasn’t really a loop as much as interconnecting random trails. I’m so glad I had downloaded the map or else we easily could have gotten lost. Parts of the trail were literally almost straight up, crawl up on your hands and knees incline. And then most of the declines were the same way. At one point we had to scoot down the mountain on our butts. Then I fell and landed in a thorn bush. It was also 90 degrees and completely in the sun. And we saw mountain lion scat and coyote paw prints, along with evidence of wild donkeys, quail, and roadrunners. Super active wildlife trail. I would not hike it alone. I’d also done a super hard workout the day before and was crazy sore. So the hike tried to kill me. I got home and wrote a real review about it lol. 

    After we spent a few hours in recovery FSIL, FBIL and I went out to dinner and drinks. We ended up at one of my favorite bars in downtown but there was only one bartender on for the whole place. I felt so bad for him. But we had a good time and were home still relatively early. Today is recovery, not sure about the gym yet. 

  • Hi everyone! 

    I decided to limit social media for a while to get myself back to center.

    We got great news today - we have been pre-qualified for a mortgage and we are pretty sure we found the one we want to put an offer on! 

    I'm getting my ass kicked this week in fantasy football (as always) 

    Hope everyone is doing well  :)
    Good to "see" you again!  Congrats on the pre-qualification and good luck with the potential offer.
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  • @CharmedPam we went to Story years ago - they had a top rated restaurant that was wonderful. I've heard, however; since that chef left it isn't nearly as good. We stayed in one of the cottages not the Inn itself. 

    @charlotte989875 glad you enjoyed the restaurant and that the weather was good for the marathon.

    I had a great weekend. The baby shower was fun, Saturday get together was great catching up with friends and dinner last night was wonderful. Today sucks because of the weather - cold and wet snowy. I got my nails (toes and fingers) done today because H and I are going to a reception and dinner tomorrow night for his undergraduate school. It is in Chicago so we get to see the boys while we are there. Other than that, just trying to get some stuff organized at home.

  • mrsconn23 said:
    @mrsconn23 OMG YAYYYY
    I mean, she's still in management.  But I think we have less concerns about her quality of life.  But yes, I feel so much better after spending time with her.  She seemed like my mom for the first time in about a month on Saturday. <3 
    Progress is progress :)
  • wonderful Mrsconn!
  • MNNEBrideMNNEBride member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited November 2019
    @mrsconn23 - I'm glad things feel better with your mom

    I was thinking about 6fsn today - has anyone heard from her recently?
  • MNNEBride said:
    @mrsconn23 - I'm glad things feel better with your mom

    I was thinking about 6fsn today - has anyone heard from her recently?
    I think she's been home with a sick little person for the last week.  She's been on FB fairly recently and posting pics/comments.
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Hi there.  Happy Veteran's Day!  DH is a vet, along with two of my BIL's and FIL. 

    Weekend was all right.  The best thing that happened is that MOM WENT HOME YESTERDAY!!  Wahoo!  We saw her Saturday  She's doing well, for the circumstances.  Her oncologist's office has started talking about treatment options and things sound not quite so dire.  So yay flags all around. 

    I worked Saturday, we saw mom after.  Yesterday, one of my BFF's came over with her family.  We had a great time.  We're planning a friendsgiving in a couple weeks.  

    I'm tired today with a literal hangover and a bit of an emotional one.   Someone shook the snowglobe outside. ;) 
    Thanks for sharing that the prognosis is relatively better for your mom!

    I'm also cracking up at your "someone shook the snowglobe outside" line.  Sounds like there were a lot of WW snowglobes shaken today, lol.

    Down south in my neck of the woods, we're briefly falling just below freezing tonight.  But then dropping into the 20s for hours on Wed. morning.  No snow, though :(.  It's SO exciting when it snows here, but it's been over a decade since that happened.

    I want to play in the snow with our dog Izzy.  See what she thinks.  But it hasn't snowed in her lifetime yet.  I hate when it drops extra cold, but doesn't snow.  It's like all the suck of winter, but without the fun.

    If the roads are frozen on Wed. morning, I'm staying home for safety's sake.  Because I'm a big baby with a lot of vacation time, lol.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • kvruns said:
    @charlotte989875 how did the race go?

    @CharmedPam I had no idea that place was supposed to be haunted. I've heard of Story I feel like they were in the news recently but I don't remember why (maybe a concert or something or a theatre - my other Indy ladies probably know)

    It was really good! Not my fastest but really close! I ended up with an extra half mile on my watch (dodging people who were walking, taking wider turns) so I think that slowed my time a lot. My pace was right on for me to have a PR though! 
  • Good news @mrsconn23! I mean good for the circumstances as you said.
    @short+sassy I don’t blame you.  If you got the vaca time - stay home!!

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