Wedding Woes


We only have the office party today and then we're let go early.  I think I might go see a movie.

Other than that, SSDD.  Nothing exciting this weekend except cleaning and movies.  K is off to a holiday roller derby mashup somewhere, IDK.  :smiley:  I don't keep track of that stuff.  I don't know how Christmas came about so fast, TBH.  I'm ready for 2019 to be over, but 2020 scares me.

Any other exciting plans?

Re: Friday

  • @charlotte989875 How exciting! H still gets excited every time he hears the heartbeat at my appointments.

    Hoping we get out early today as well. Only about half of us are here and it's pretty quiet. H has today off and I'm super jealous. We are in full-on getting ready for the baby mode and have so much to do this weekend. I had my office shower yesterday so now it's time to order everything that's left on our registry, pack hospital bags, and get car seats installed this weekend. Oh and watch the Bills hopefully beat the Patriots!
  • I am honestly terrified of 2020. I’m still scarred from our last election year. 

    I was able to switch my shift today so I’m here an hour and a half earlier so I can make my appointment later. I’m so glad I got the earliest shift. An hour to drive to my appointment originally was really cutting it close. 

    I’m starting to get really nervous about working with the coworker who is currently on leave. She clearly does not like me and I’m worried she’ll try to sabotage me. She came into work yesterday because she heard I was changing some protocol (as is my right. I am her supervisor). We’re supposed to report some stuff to the state and it’s supposed to be in within 3-30 days. She hasn’t done it since the beginning October (she’s only been gone about a week now). There’s zero excuse for that. So I changed the protocol and I’m working on getting us compliant. She came in saying “a little birdie told me levioosa is changing x and that’s not going to work.” When my manager and her covering partner were like “well, she’s your supervisor so yeah, that is how it’s going to be,” she said “well, she’s going to do whatever she’s going to do but I’m going to do what I want to do.” So that should be fun. 

    Otherwise this weekend should be okay. I’m getting my hair done tonight, tomorrow we’re doing  double  date night with FSIL and her FI, and then Sunday the guys are seeing Star Wars and FSIL and I are going to hike and hang out. 

  • @VarunaTT what movie?

    I'm tired a.f today. BabyKitten went to bed fine {at 8} but woke up again at 10:30
    She tried to go back to sleep a few times, but didn't really go down until 2am .... I am just dragging. I'm hoping I'll be able to crash early tonight, and maybe get a nap while BabyKitten sleeps this weekend. Otherwise I'm just gonna drag. We don't have much downtime until really the end of next week.

    I'm currently in an argument with M because Boxing Day he wants to go to his parents for hockey juniors, but obv it's over BabyKitten's nap time. I said to him to just go, and pick us up after she's had a nap. He wants to fucking change her nap time to earlier! Like fuck that will happen! Urg I'm literally so pissed. Idgaf about hockey so I'd be fine with not fucking going.

    Her naps are gonna be so fucked this week :( At least xmas day we've got time between breakfast with M's parents, Grampa, BIL and FSIL then dinner at my mum's.

    I am literally dreading this g.d week. Just .... no. Get me to the 27th so I can get my hair done and my mum is watching BabyKitten. Since she's off, we'll prob leave home a bit early and do lunch, and maybe get BabyKitten to nap at her place.
  • I don’t think it works like that @levioosa’s coworker.  She sounds like a PITA! 

    Very exciting stuff! @charlotte989875

    what movie @VarunaTT?  

    Is it Christmas yet?  Really looking forward to a weekend in the middle of the week.  

  • @charlotte989875 yay!!! How far along are you? What a great little gift :)
  • @charlotte989875 yay!!! How far along are you? What a great little gift :)
    Thanks everyone!! It was super cool. H was really excited. 

    7 weeks, 2 days! 
  • Fun day at work today. Catered breakfast, and then we're doing our secret Santa gifts. 

    I am leaving early today, but it's for my friend's mom's wake. Funeral is 9:30am tomorrow. 
    Tomorrow evening I'm getting my new tattoo, so I'm very excited about that. 

    Sunday I've got a million things to do before Xmas (we're hosting Xmas eve). Shopping, cooking, wrapping. I'm already exhausted. 
  • I'm not quite sure what time the party will let out.  It's supposed to start at noon and rumor has it we only have the room until 2.  Last year was the unending office party and it was after 3 before we were finished.  People (including me) were furious (b/c the whole thing is yay, lunch and half day off, not yay, lunch and hours of stupid games). 

    I really want to see Ford v. Ferrari b/c I'm afraid it's leaving soon (even with the nominations) or Knives Out, but I think I'll be seeing Frozen II.  Which I'm only seeing b/c it's on one of the "see all 3 movies and get digital copies of them all".   Everything else will be kind of "off" times for me to see before K gets home and we can spend the evening together before they're out of town.
  • Ugh - it sounds like you're going to do a LOT of documenting @levioosa.   Is this some newbie who doesn't understand that outright insubordination gets documented as a cause for termination?   

    @MissKittyDanger no you cannot just "change the naptime" when the kiddo is young or you often get a feisty angry kiddo.   Good luck.   This is our first year without a kid on a nap schedule since 2011 (Chiquita was a 3 wk old for Christmas in 2010).  

    I need to get to the Post Office to send a present to BIL and SIL and then get the kids ready for an overnight so DH and I can see The Rise of SKywalker.

    I also just received some sad family news and my brother told us that our mom's cousin passed.   He's also the priest who married DH and me.   Since that time there was a falling out with him (I suspect that there's mental illness because he wrote some terrible things to my Grandmother who I swear is one of the kindest people I've ever known) but it is still sad.   One of his sisters, a nun is one of our Christmas guests and I suspect there will be some sadness for the holidays.   His other sister called my mom and I think she's trying to mend fences.   
  • @banana468 urg! Right!? Like I told him I'd just head over afterwards and we could bus if need be. I'm really pissed about this. Like at home we have a rough enough time to get her down for a nap, but I always try to keep her on schedule even if that means she just gets quiet time in her room {when we had issues getting her down, I read that quiet time in the crib could help at least 'recharge the batteries' so it wasn't total fuck up}
  • @VarunaTT, knives out was decent.  You have the movie pass, so its worth it with that but I may have been upset paying a real $12 for it.  I don’t want to deter you from going.

    i actually want to see Frozen II again.  

  • @short+sassy  honestly, it's like any type of training. Consistency and routine are important. M knows this. We have gone over this when we're out and having to make sure we're home by 1pm. Idk where the hell his head is at with this .... I'm sure I'll convince him otherwise and figure out a new plan. Or smack his head against a wall. Idk .... either or. lol
  • @charlotte989875, so exciting!  And with @cupcait927, in the home stretch!

    @levioosa, ugh, sorry to hear about the potential coworker problem brewing at your new job.  She sounds like a peach.

    @MissKittyDanger, while granted I have never been a mother.  I've never had the impression that baby naps can just be "rescheduled", lol.  Or at least it doesn't usually work well.

    Phew!  That was a load off my mind!  I just got great news from my H.  I'd been a little freaking out about the condition my evicted tenant left the bathtub in.  The entire inside had a medium-dark gray film that was not cleaning up even with hard scrubbing.  I've never seen anything like it.  There is no way I could rent the place back out, looking like that.  But installing a new bathtub is $3K-$4K and even resurfacing one is over $1K.

    So, to the Internet I turned.  I found an article with a recipe from a property manager who turns over 100s of apartments a year.  Swore it has never failed to clean a tub/shower/sink/whatever.  There were also dozens of posts about how well it had worked for other people.  I apologize I don't have the ratios, but it's basically white vinegar and blue Dawn dishwashing detergent.  My H coated the whole tub yesterday with that concoction and let it sit overnight.

    He went back over this morning and I just talked to him.  He was beyond amazed and couldn't believe it!  He did a light wiping around the tub, rinsed it out, and most of the nastiness was already gone.  He did put another coat on to improve it even more and catch a few spots he missed.  But crisis averted!!!!

    Now that we know the power, lol.  It's going into our arsenal for cleaning bathrooms and kitchens.  We're also excited for the units we're reno'ing.  And even our own bathtub, lol.  None of those bathtubs are in too bad a shape.  But they are all years old and just have some of that permanent discoloration that bathtubs will get from hard water and the like.  Or at least I thought it was permanent discoloration.  Apparently not.  There is an answer :).

    The only caveat the article gave was not to use the solution on granite surfaces or anything else that has a "sealant".  It will take the sealant off.    
    I’ve actually heard of this.  I’m cleaning my house on Saturday so I will try that!

  • @CharmedPam, some of the people in the comments were mentioning not just any dishwashing detergent.  Not just any Dawn.  Specifically the BLUE Dawn, lol.

    That sure, other brands or other Dawns will do well, but blue Dawn works the best.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @banana468. Nope. She’s been here like 8 years. But she’s pretty much had zero oversight and hasn’t really had to answer to anyone until now. I don’t think she cares if she’s being insubordinate. I think she feels justified and figures her seniority means it won’t matter. 

  • levioosa said:
    @banana468. Nope. She’s been here like 8 years. But she’s pretty much had zero oversight and hasn’t really had to answer to anyone until now. I don’t think she cares if she’s being insubordinate. I think she feels justified and figures her seniority means it won’t matter. 
    Got it.  So you don't want to be an asshole but also need to start off with her that she follows your rules.
  • @CharmedPam, some of the people in the comments were mentioning not just any dishwashing detergent.  Not just any Dawn.  Specifically the BLUE Dawn, lol.

    That sure, other brands or other Dawns will do well, but blue Dawn works the best.
    Ah crap, that ain’t happening till my next Walmart grocery pick up then.  Already picking one up today.

  • Hey...we made it!! :) 

    Tonight we're picking up stuff to clean carpets and jumping right in.  I thought about making home made pizza, but I think we should just pick up dinner instead.  

    Tomorrow, more cleaning and holiday prep work.  And probably a store run, which I've heard they've been crazy all week.  It's going to be even worse this weekend. 

    Sunday, tailgating and Colts game.  It's going to be a long day.  So much easier to think about if I don't have to get up for work Monday.  BIL/SIL/nephews arrive Sunday at some point.  
  • Everyone is checked out in my office today. People are ranking Christmas cookies now (chocolate chip as a Christmas cookie is losing). 

    I gave my team their gifts before lunch so I really should just head home now. 
  • banana468 said:
    levioosa said:
    @banana468. Nope. She’s been here like 8 years. But she’s pretty much had zero oversight and hasn’t really had to answer to anyone until now. I don’t think she cares if she’s being insubordinate. I think she feels justified and figures her seniority means it won’t matter. 
    Got it.  So you don't want to be an asshole but also need to start off with her that she follows your rules.
    Exactly. But she’s starting off on a pretty bad foot. She did some power trip stuff our first day together, then she went on leave, then she went out of her way while on leave to come in and be aggressive with me and the new manager. 

  • Everyone is checked out in my office today. People are ranking Christmas cookies now (chocolate chip as a Christmas cookie is losing). 

    I gave my team their gifts before lunch so I really should just head home now. 
    I agree.  That's a "the rest of the year" cookie standard.

    1. I'm with you Alex Baldwin -- Rum Balls
    2. Sugar cookie with frosting.  Like the ones that are always Christmas shapes
    3. Gingerbread people -- specifically the thin, crispy ones

    I have a gingerbread story!  I was 4-years-old and in pre-school and still clearly remember it.  That's the impression it made!  Our teacher read us that classic Gingerbread Man fable, where the gingerbread man runs away.

    After that, we went into the church kitchen and made gingerbread man cookies.

    While they baked, we went out for recess.  Then we took our naps.  Wow, I forgot how great it is to be 4, lol.  Then we went back to get our gingerbread cookies for our afternoon snack.

    But they were gone!!!!  They ran away!!!  Just like in the story!  It was very exciting, lol.  We looked all over the church and school.  Trying to find where our gingerbread men ran away to.  We returned to our classroom, a little dejected because we couldn't find them.  But THAT'S where they were!

    Those gingerbread men!  So sneaky.  Apparently, they'd doubled back to where we had started.  And we all lived happily ever after.  Well, maybe except for the gingerbread men, lol. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @short+sassy  @CharmedPam The mix is 1/4 blue dawn, 1/4 white vinegar, rest warm water. Great for bathrooms ;) We have to do that for our bathtub
  • @short+sassy I love that story! I made a ton of gingerbread men this week. When the boys are older, I'll have to do a similar thing with them. They 1)weren't here when I made them and 2) too young to understand.
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