This is really late, where y'all at? I feel like maybe we're all noses to the grind after this holiday schedule. Being right in the middle of the week seems to have really messed up my schedule, I feel like.
Nothing too much going on. K and family made it to Hawaii, but it was kind of touch and go. K already feels like they're having to take care of everyone (go to bathroom with Grammy, teach Grammy and Mom how to use the touch screen, Mom was made that the wifi wasn't faster...K had bought the wifi for themselves, Grammy/Mom kept trying to talk to K who was reading). I called them and we chatted through it. I do miss them though. I got kind of spoilt having them home every night for awhile and now I'm at home alone and like, WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?!

I did have a meeting with friend though to talk about a show I might get to help produce that we are really excited about.
Other than that, SSDD.